Changes for CVS top of tree: Removed the classic tileset. Multiple tilesets will no longer be supported by Crossfire+ because of the large overhead with a too small outcome. Too little users use the classic tileset and many do not even know it exists. Pippijn van Steenhoven 2006-05-05 Add new force archetype monk_no_use_weapon. It will be inserted into inventories of monk players to prevent them from using weapons. Andreas Kirschbaum 2005-11-01 Make bullet swarm fire small bullets instead of magic bullets. Previously bullet swarm (which is an evocation spell) gave sorcery exp. Andreas Kirschbaum 2005-10-28 Correct rune definitions. Some runes did use obsolete fields or had inconsistent definitions. Andreas Kirschbaum 2004-09-14 Many many changes since last entry due to new server code and maintenance efforts. Highlights - large image support allows for images larger than 32x32 - many images consolidated for easier maintenance (ongoing). Spell and skill code changes heavily modified spells and skill arches (more arch based now). four point animation added to most player race and classes, smoothing images added to support smoothing code and ground arches changed to accommodate. Arches added for weather system, new monsters, new items, new npcs, triggered traps and trigger marker added. New images added for classic set as well. See server changelog for more info. Hope to maintain this file better in the future. TM 2004-01-26 Add archetypes from Todd Mitchell. These add wolfs and bears, with bodyparts for them. Also changes races for readable scroll objects so that scrollcase objects can be used. Add ruined tower. New images for some objects. Commited by MSW 2002-08-20 Fix monster arcs that had incorrect wrists/foot (1 instead of 2) Fix update_monster script that generated the errors in the first place. Add body information to the player/old/*.arc for very old player files. Move crown from misc directory to armour/helmet, add appropriate body_info. Add needed body info for elven boots. MSW 2002-07-15 Update arcs to use body_info for equipping items. Update armor to use gen_sp_armour instead of last_heal. can_use_shield added to necessary arcs. Add dev/scripts directory, which contains some handy scripts I wrote for updating on the items. Add item_power to the armours - needs to be done for rest of equippable items. MSW 2002-07-14 MSW 2000-12-26: Added new archetypes & god changes for new god code. Changes by Jan E., checked in my MSW. PeterM 2000-12-3: Convert protected/immune/vulnerable/armour to new PR system for all arcs. MSW 2000-12-3: Commit for PR code. General changes was to clean up archetypes that were immune/protected/vulnerable to the same attacktype (ie, protected & immune). Disease code changed to use last_grace instead of armour for contagious values. Gods still need to be fixed up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MSW 2000-11-22: talisman/ring_drain.arc - give object speed 0.1 so it will animate (animation already in place, just was not being used.) PeterM: Totally reorganized player/*, splitting it into races and classes. Classes are themselves split into four main subtypes. New images from dnh were also added, as well as new classes/races. See and Changes for Crossfire 0.95.7: ground/Lake/blake_*.png: Remove transperancies from these images so they display properly. MSW 9/20/2000 ground/sea*png: Remove transperancies from png images since they should not be transparent. MSW 8/23/2000 door/Locked/key2.arc, misc/Container/bag.arc, misc/Container/bookshelf.arc, misc/Container/cauldron.arc, misc/Container/chest_2.arc, misc/Container/depositbox.arc, misc/Container/key_ring.arc, misc/Container/mailbox.arc, misc/Container/pouch.arc, misc/Container/r_sack.arc misc/Container/sack.arc: Remove the 'a' from the objects name. The client adds it anyways, so you see 'a a bag' for example, but also when using the commands like 'drop that match on an item name, having to match against the 'a ' is a bit non intuitive. MSW 6/27/2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes for Crossfire 0.95.6: also skills/holysymbol and lockpicks. skills/tailsman.arc: added nrof to archetype so these things will join. -PeterM --- BEGIN apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000 Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 88 (CONE) that can do damage. ground/chaos.arc, arch chaos and arch major_chaos ground/lava.arc, arch lava and arch permanent_lava Added walk_on 1. ground/chaos_ball.arc, arch chaos_ball magic/banishment.arc, arch banishment magic/colorspray.arc, arch color_spray magic/counterspell.arc, arch counterspell magic/face_of_death.arc, arch face_of_death magic/shockwave.arc, arch shockwave dev/unused/0.91.1/Flyingnote/flyingnote.arc, arch flyingnote magic/Cold/icestorm.arc, arch icestorm magic/Fire/firebreath.arc, arch firebreath magic/Effect/confuse.arc, arch confuse magic/Effect/fear.arc, arch fear magic/Effect/holy_word.arc, arch holy_word magic/Effect/paralyze.arc, arch paralyze magic/Effect/slow.arc, arch slow magic/Effect/turnundead.arc, arch turn_undead magic/Mana/manablast.arc, arch manablast Added walk_on 1 and fly_on 1. connect/trig_altar.arc connect/trig_lever.arc connect/trig_pedes.arc Changes to support bug fixes for trigger types: Replace speed with exp. Set is_animated 0. Remove last face from animation sequence. connect/trig_altar.arc Bugfix: Faces where swapped. connect/trig_button.arc, arch button_trigger New archetype. --- END apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000 Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 5 (POTION), because these archetypes are spellcasters and therefore need a level. - Jan Echternach 5/24/2000 skills/scroll_set_traps Name of the skill is 'skill_set_trap', not 'skill_set_traps'. - Jan Echternach 5/22/2000 Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 62 (FIREWALL) which didn't have a level yet, because these archetypes are spellcasters and therefore need a level. - Jan Echternach 5/16/2000 dev/unused/0.91.1/grave.arc, arch grave_close Removed type 37 from archetype, because this type will be removed from the server code. - Jan Echternach 5/16/2000 Some archetypes had fly_on or walk_on set, although they were not handled by move_apply(). - Jan Echternach 5/16/2000 ground/sea.arc, arch sea1 Removed walk_on 1. ground/meteor.arc, arch fire_trail Removed walk_on 1 and fly_on 1. spell/gu_horn.arc, spell/horn.arc, spell/horn1.arc, spell/horn3.arc Added level 1 to fix the problem that most horns were casting spells without a level. - Jan Echternach 4/19/2000 Too many items gave Pow bonus. - Jan Echternach 4/17/2000 armour/helmet/wiz_hat.arc Changed (Int +1, Pow +1) back to (Int +2). armour/mail/robe_midnight.arc Changed (Pow +2) back to (Wis +2). weapon/artifact/magi_staff.arc Reduced (Pow +2) to (Pow +1). Set level 1 for all archetypes that had alive 1 but no level. - Jan Echternach 4/17/2000 Naming.doc: Fixed a typo. - Jan Echternach 4/17/2000 ---BEGIN BATCH UPDATE--- DAMN 9/17/1999 Added "nrof 1" to the following archetypes: armour/boots/elvenboots.arc armour/boots/idaten.arc armour/boots/lev_boots.arc armour/boots/speedboots.arc armour/cloak/magic_resist.arc armour/helmet/helmet_bri.arc armour/helmet/helmetxray.arc armour/mail/Pdragonmail.arc armour/mail/dragonmail.arc armour/mail/gale.arc armour/mail/wdsm.arc armour/shield/DShield.arc armour/shield/DShieldm.arc armour/shield/DShieldms.arc armour/shield/DShields.arc armour/shield/dragon_shi.arc armour/shield/eyeshield.arc armour/shield/holyshield.arc armour/shield/reflector.arc armour/shield/uw_shield.arc armour/shield/wds.arc flesh/human/corpse.arc flesh/human/corpse1.arc flesh/human/corpse_pl.arc indoor/clock.arc misc/Bagpipe/bagpipe.arc misc/chalice.arc misc/crown.arc misc/torch_cyan.arc misc/torch_indigo.arc misc/torch_vermilion.arc readable/bookRead.arc readable/book_clasp.arc readable/card.arc readable/diploma.arc readable/letter.arc readable/note.arc readable/quarto.arc readable/scroll.arc readable/scroll_2.arc readable/tome.arc spell/gu_horn.arc spell/horn.arc spell/horn2.arc spell/horn3.arc talisman/collar.arc weapon/artifact/ChaosSword/CSword.arc weapon/artifact/Darkblade/darkblade.arc weapon/artifact/Demonbane/demonbane.arc weapon/artifact/Fhammer/frost_hammer.arc weapon/artifact/Firestar/fakefirestar.arc weapon/artifact/Firestar/firestar.arc weapon/artifact/Gram/gram.arc weapon/artifact/Kdagger/k_dagger.arc weapon/artifact/Lslasher/lava_s.arc weapon/artifact/Masamune/masamune.arc weapon/artifact/Sting/sting.arc weapon/artifact/UW_Sword/uw_sword.arc weapon/artifact/bonecrush.arc weapon/artifact/defender.arc weapon/artifact/dragonslay.arc weapon/artifact/excalibur.arc weapon/artifact/firebrand.arc weapon/artifact/frostbrand.arc weapon/artifact/harakiri.arc weapon/artifact/mjoellnir.arc weapon/artifact/skullcleav.arc weapon/chained/nunchacu_1.arc weapon/chained/nunchacu_2.arc weapon/chained/shootingstar.arc weapon/misc/shovel_1.arc weapon/misc/stake.arc weapon/misc/taifu_1.arc weapon/sword/katana_1.arc armour/helmet/wiz_hat.arc Changed (Int +2) to (Int +1, Pow +1) Added nrof 1 armour/mail/mithril_ar_ele.arc Changed (Cha +2) to (Cha +1, speed +1) reduced penalties to sp regen and movement speed armour/mail/robe_midnight.arc Changed (Wis +2) to (Pow +2) Added nrof 1 spell/power_crystal.arc removed duplicate weight entry Did _not_ add nrof 1 weapon/artifact/HolyAvenger/holyave.arc Added attacktype: blinding and nrof 1 weapon/artifact/Usword/uk_sd.arc changed weight 1qq000 (yes, the letter Q) to 11100 added nrof 1 weapon/artifact/deathbring.arc added attacktype: depletion and nrof 1 weapon/artifact/magi_staff.arc changed name from Staff of Magi to Staff of the Magi changed stat bonuses from (Int +2, Wis +1) to (Int +1, Pow +2) added wc +5 and nrof 1 weapon/artifact/mournblade.arc changed attacktype: magic, drain to attacktype: drain, weaponmagic added nrof 1 weapon/artifact/stormbring.arc changed prot: magic to prot: magic, electricity changed attacktype: magic, drain to attacktype: electricity, drain added nrof 1 ---END BATCH UPDATE--- DAMN 9/17/1999 Give power crystal a weight of one. This allows it to be picked up - msw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes for Crossfire 0.93.3: Number of images cleaned up/improved/created by David Sundqvist. Several new images/archetyps added - new wall types, dedicated altars for the gods (very nicely looking), and some other changes by David. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes for Crossfire 0.92.7 Cleaned up the dev directory some - got rid of a bunch of files that have since been merged. Also, got rid of things that should no longer be applicable (via code changes), and stuff in which there was only and archetype object - there should be enough examples out there on how to create new archetyps. Weight for some monsters updated to be in more in line with what should be expected. Editable cleaned up for a bunch of objects. Half orc and halfling player types added. Some archetyps for throwing added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes for Crossfire 0.92.6 Several objects added for Brian Thomas valley quest maps - some disabled archetypes moved back into palce. Changes for Crossfire 0.92.5 Many archetypes added for the kunji maps. Changes for Crossfire 0.91.7 Many new archetypes added by Brian Thomas ( These are spread out in many different directories. Spectres are no longer animated. In this way, invisibilty on them works properly. Changes for Crossfire 0.90.5: Changed editable value in some items so they appear in the proper place for crossedit. Moved all files in the 'item' directory into misc. Changes for Crossfire 0.90.4: Added DarkOrange to xpm.template file. Before, there were only two oranges, and the dark orange was closer to a brown. Cleaned up some of the X Pixmaps. Eliminated some colors from the various files that are not in the official xpm.template file. Merged the soda archetypes in. Like Chico, they were at least partially colored as I transfered them. Tried to clean up the directories some. All spell effects should now be in magic, where as items that are related to spells (wands, books, horns, rods, etc) are in spells. Either item or misc should be removed, as the stuff in them seems like it could be placed in the other directory. Changes for crossfire 0.90.3: Merged chico archetypes in their proper location, instead of being in a separate directly. Colored them as I went. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archetypes old name new name comment steinblokk bwall_0 duplicates dun1 blocked dun15 blocked mine1 blocked mine15 blocked thief thief_1 conficts with player archetypes warrior warrior_1 elf elf_1 ninja ninja_1 skilt obsolete guarddd[13] empty archetypes (bitmaps are in dev) ------------------------------------------------------ Bitmaps barbarian[1-3] old barbarian animation ? halbert[1-3] old human animation ? cleric[1-3] old cleric animation ? dun1, mine1 black square slime_acid some test version of green slime ? spider* hevi's bitmaps pouch identical with sack.111 and not used