This contains various directories of presently unused archetypes or pixmaps. Some of the archetypes are here because they are not needed now, but might be useful in future versoins. Others are archetypes that were once used, but no longer. These are here so that if an old map containing these archetypes is used, it will be known what these archetypes did. Directories: Britan,Gloran,Kanji: Contains just bitmaps. Could be useful for future rune code. merged: This contains merged version os archetypes that use several pixmaps to make one large pixmap (ie, a shop is a 2x2 pixmap. In the merged directory, it might be stored in 2x2 format). This makes editing of pixmaps of this type easier. old: contains old versions of some archetypes. unused: archetypes and pixmaps that are presently not used. xpm_pref: Contains various colored XPM files. These are files that have been replace by better colored/nicer looking (IMHO) images. But rather than delete thod replaced XPM images, at least keep them around in case someone would rather use them. Files: xpm.template: Contains a template file that has all the 'standard' colors that will be used for the game. All pixmaps should only use these colors. This directory contains all bitmaps and archetypes which are in development phase. Also all unused bitmaps are collected here. These are very mixed series bitmaps and archetypes and hope that this directory (specially obsolete sub-directory) is cleaned before distrubution of new version of crossfire. In obsolete directory contains some bitmaps and archetypes, which has become obsolete. Most these are simple duplicates with existing ones or cause other confilcts. Note that these archetypes and bitmaps are NOT included font, pixmap or archetype files used by game. Since some archetypes have changed, all maps have to be converted (again ;). But this isn't big problem since they have to be converted anyway to get face numbers to strings. Few notes a files in obsolete directory: Archetypes old name new name comments --------------------------------------- steinblokk bwall_0 duplicates dun1 blocked 4 identical black square ! dun15 blocked mine1 blocked mine15 blocked thief thief_1 conficts with player archetypes warrior warrior_1 (now renamed with _1 suffix) elf elf_1 ninja ninja_1 brygge pier skilt obsolete (sign is used archetype) guarddd[13] empty archetypes (bitmaps are in dev) guardd[13] ------------------------------------------------------ Bitmaps barbarian[1-3] old barbarian, human and cleric animation ? halbert[1-3] (can be moved in dev, if they have some use) cleric[1-3] dun1, mine1 black square (blocked.111) slime_acid some test version of green slime ? spider* hevi's bitmaps pouch identical with sack.111 and not used stinger old version of artifacts ? skull_cleaver