#!/usr/bin/perl # File by mwedel@scruz.net to deal with splitting png's. # Takes any number of files on the command line, but all the split images # are dumped in the current directory. # does preserve alpha channel. Tested on skree images. # Modification by PeterM # Notes: I don't really know how this script was supposed to work # I use it like this: # > mkdir out (makes an output directory so I don't clobber my input) # > split-png-linux.pl file.111.png # # The results end up in the directory "out" $PNGSIZE=32; for ($i=0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) { @name = split(m#/#, $ARGV[$i]); $source = $name[$#name]; $#name--; $destdir=join(m#/#, @name); if ($source =~ /([\w-]+)\.(\d)(\d)(\d)\.png/ ) { $base = $1; $facing = $3; $animation = $4; } else { print STDERR "filename $source does not follow proper naming conventions - don't know how to name files - skipping\n"; next; } if (!open(DESC,"pngtopnm $ARGV[$i] | pnmfile |")) { print STDERR "Could not run pngtopnm $source | pnmfile\n"; next; } $desc = ; close(DESC); $desc =~ /(\d+) by (\d+)/; if ($1 == 0 || $2 == 0) { print STDERR "File $ARGV[$i] - file not described properly\n"; next; } if (($1 % 32) || ($2 % 32)) { print STDERR "File $ARGV[$i] not an increment of 32x32 size - size is $1x$2\n"; next; } $destx = $1/32; $desty = $2/32; print "File $ARGV[$i] will be split into $destx X $desty pieces\n"; $piece = 0; # The order of the for loops of x and y seem non intuitive, but believe # me, this does left to right, top to bottom (ie, as you read and # english language book) in terms of part numbering. for ($y=0; $y < $desty; $y++) { for ($x=0; $x < $destx; $x++) { $piece ++; # Deal with naming convention. piece 10 should be A, A ascii # code starts at 65. if ($piece > 9 ) { if($piece > 9 + 26) { $np = chr( $piece + 55 + 6 ) } else { $np = chr($piece + 55); } } else { $np = $piece; } $cutx = $x * 32; $cuty = $y * 32; system("pngtopnm -alpha $ARGV[$i] | pnmcut $cutx $cuty 32 32 > /tmp/alpha.$$"); system("pngtopnm $ARGV[$i] | pnmcut $cutx $cuty 32 32 > /tmp/png.$$"); system("pnmtopng -alpha /tmp/alpha.$$ /tmp/png.$$ > out/$base.$np$facing$animation.png"); } } # do a little cleanup unlink("/tmp/alpha.$$"); unlink("/tmp/png.$$"); } # system("pngtopnm -alpha $ARGV[$i] | pnmcut -left $cutx -top $cuty -width 32 -height 32 > /tmp/alpha.$$"); # system("pngtopnm $ARGV[$i] | pnmcut -left $cutx -top $cuty -width 32 -height 32 > /tmp/png.$$");