#!/usr/bin/perl # by peterm@langmuir.eecs.berkeley.edu # This program takes a .xpm as input and splits into # 24x24 chunks. $base_name=$ARGV[0]; print "splitting ", $base_name, "\n"; open(XPM_FILE,$ARGV[0]) || die "Usage: splitter.pl "; # get the header stuff from the original file. while ( (@tmp=split(/[ \s]+/,$headline=))[0] eq "/*") { }; @name=split(/\./,$ARGV[0]); #$name1 = (@tmp=split(/\*/,$headline))[1]; #$name2 = (@tmp=split(/[=\[\{]/,$name1))[0]; print "name of the bitmap is:", $name[0], "\n"; #get the dimensions/parameters of the original xpm file. while ( (@line=split(/[ \s"]+/,))[0] eq "/*") { }; $height = $line[2]; $ncolors = $line[3]; $width = $line[1]; $chars_per_pixel= $line[4]; print "width = ",$width, " ", "height =", $height, " number colors =", $ncolors, " chars per pixel =", $chars_per_pixel, "\n"; if ( $height % 24 != 0 || $width % 24 != 0 ) { die "Use some other program to make the dimensions of this xpm divisible by 24 first.\n"; } $i_color=0; # index for getting lines with colors while($i_color < $ncolors) { $tmp= ; #get one line from the xpm file if(substr($tmp,0,1) eq '"') { @colors[$i_color] = $tmp; $i_color++; } } #read in the rest of the bitmap $n=0; while( $n < $height ) { $tmp = ; if(substr($tmp,0,1) eq '"') { @picture[$n] = $tmp; $n++; } } #@picture = ; $n_rows = $height / 24; $n_cols = $width / 24; # maximum supported dimension has 61 squares $indexes = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; # Now the actual work of splitting the xpm file into many little files. print $n_rows," ",$n_cols,"\n"; for( $j = 0; $j < $n_rows; $j++) { for( $i = 0; $i < $n_cols; $i++ ) { #choose a filename $outname = join('',$name[0],"_",substr($indexes,$i + $j*$n_cols,1)); $out_fname = join('',$name[0],".",substr($indexes,$i + $j*$n_cols,1),"11.xpm"); print $outname," ",$out_fname,"\n"; $outname2= join('',$outname,"_xpm"); #open the dest file open(OUTFILE,">$out_fname"); # Write the header lines print OUTFILE "/* XPM */\n"; print OUTFILE join(' ',"static","char","*",$outname2, "[] = {\n"); # Write the dimension line print OUTFILE join(' ','"',"24","24",$ncolors,$chars_per_pixel,'"',",\n"); # Write the colors for($i_color=0;$i_color < $ncolors; $i_color++) { print OUTFILE $colors[$i_color]; }; # Write the proper bitmaps! for($k=0;$k<23;$k++) { print OUTFILE join('','"',substr($picture[$j*24+$k],$i*24+1,24*$chars_per_pixel),'"',",\n"); } print OUTFILE join('','"',substr($picture[$j*24+$k],$i*24+1,24*$chars_per_pixel),'"',"};\n"); } }