############################################################# # Gnarg - Father of goblins, Lord Troll, Master of poisons, # Patron of assassins, The Unclean one treasure Gnarg arch gnarg_avatar_info more arch gnarg_holy_servant_info more arch god_restore_grace more arch god_restore_hitpoints more arch god_cure_confusion more arch god_remove_damnation chance 30 more arch god_remove_depletion chance 50 more arch gnarg_general_info chance 10 more arch god_enchant_weapon_high chance 50 more arch god_grace_limit_low more arch helmet_gnarg chance 5 more arch spell_poison_fog more arch god_grace_limit_medium more arch spell_cause_smallpox more arch bracers_gnarg chance 2 more arch god_grace_limit_high more arch spell_cause_rabies end