############################################################# # Gaea - Goddess of peace, Guardian of life, Mother of nature # treasure Gaea arch gaea_avatar_info more arch gaea_holy_servant_info more arch god_restore_grace more arch god_restore_hitpoints more arch god_cure_confusion more arch god_cure_poison more arch god_remove_curse chance 50 more arch god_remove_damnation chance 50 more arch god_remove_depletion chance 50 more arch gaea_general_info chance 10 more arch god_grace_limit_low more arch spell_spiderweb chance 20 more arch spell_wall_of_thorns more arch spell_insect_plague more arch spell_iron_skin more arch god_grace_limit_medium more arch spell_raise_dead more arch spell_remove_damnation more arch spell_nightfall more arch spell_sanctuary more arch spell_daylight more arch spell_resurrection more arch spell_peace more arch glovesofsun chance 10 more arch god_grace_limit_high more arch spell_reincarnation more list gaea_treasure chance 30 more arch shield_gaea chance 5 end treasure gaea_treasure list random_plant chance 50 no arch tear_gaea end end