Object guide_priest name guide to Faith msg o If you plan to utilize divine powers you must first choose a cult. Enter a temple of the cult you want to join. Step onto the altar and pray (type "use_skill praying"). The divine spirit will touch your soul, attuning your mortal being to your god. o Next you must learn prayers. Prayer books can be bought in magic shops. Some prayers will have different effects for every cult. Try to find "holy word" and "bless". o Casting divine spells (= prayers) will drain grace. When it runs low, pray to renew your faith. If your maximum grace is too low you should try to increase your Wisdom stat. o You can change cults anytime, but beware: Your former deity will become very angry and punish you! You might lose wisdom levels. o Return to the temple of your cult regularly. Step onto the altar and pray. This will please your deity... And rest assured, the gods do know how to reward a worthy disciple! o Never lose your faith! Rumors tell about divine spells of incredible power, and of old, wise priests that have almost reached immortality... endmsg nrof 1 face book_red.111 type 8 subtype 2 skill literacy material 1 weight 4000 editable 128 magicmap green end