object guide_summon name guide to the Art of Summoning skill literacy msg o There are two classes of summoning spells: Golem-type spells, which summon a creature that will move straight forward attempting to kill any monster blocking the way; and Petmonster-type spells, which summon masses of little helpers, that fight in your cause. o Use golem-like spells to take down strong enemies. For example: "summon golem", "summon xxx elemental", "staff to snake", "summon avatar". o Use petmonsters to clear out large maps with creatures of decent level (compared to yours). For example: "summon pet monster", "summon cult monster", "call holy servant". o As you raise your skill-level, most summoning spells will increase in power. o It is probably stupid to use *nothing* except summoning spells. But there are situations where a summoner survives while another wizard would have died. Once you have seen the first Balrog fall to your avatar, there will be no doubt about your power. endmsg face book_red.x11 nrof 1 type 8 subtype 2 material 1 weight 4000 editable 128 magicmap green end