object guide_wizard inherit type_book name guide to Wizardry msg o There are four separate magic skills: evocation, pyromancy, sorcery, and summoning. Each skill allows a different set of spells to be learned and used. o To advance in the powerful art of magic you must first learn some spells. Spellbooks can be bought in magic stores. o Spellcasting will drain your mana. If you run low drink a "magic power potion" if you can afford it. Extremely helpful are items that speed up your mana-regeneration. Don't expect to find them easily though! o Try to increase your Power stat. by wearing rings and drinking "potions of power". This will boost your maximum amount of mana. o All spells are classified in certain spell- paths. Most of them divide up into one of the elemental paths: fire, cold and electricity. Search for items granting attunement to these spell-paths. This will reduce the mana-cost for affected spells. Sometimes it can have other positive effects as well. o Most monsters are vulnerable to certain elemental (and other) attacks. Try to figure out what spells work best for each type of monster. This will increase your efficiency. o Your magic attacks might soon become very powerful. But don't forget to seize your full capabilities: use spells for protection, concealing, summoning... be inventive! endmsg face book_red.x11 magicmap green nrof 1 subtype 2 weight 4000 end