object spell_town_portal name town portal name_pl town portal skill sorcery msg This spell creates a magical portal to the nearest town. You can create as many portals as you want, and when you (or anybody else) uses one, you can return from the town to that portal once. The portals will evaporate after a (long) while, and you cannot return to a portal once it has done so. What town is "nearest" depends not completely on the normal distance to the town, but on the distance in the so-called nogos dimension, which can sometimes be quite different. This spell is great to transport and sell loot to the nearest shop and quickly return to the dungeon for more carnage. endmsg other_arch town_portal_magic face spell_sorcery.x11 sp 50 level 20 type 101 subtype 47 path_attuned 4096 value 150 invisible 1 no_drop 1 casting_time 10 end