treasure rich list rich_old more list human_parts chance 20 end treasure rich_old arch bow magic 4 chance 50 yes arch arrow nrof 50 end no arch crossbow magic 4 chance 40 yes arch bolt nrof 40 end end more arch club chance 20 no arch dagger magic 4 chance 20 no arch quarterstaff magic 4 chance 30 no arch shortsword magic 4 chance 40 no arch sword_4 magic 4 chance 60 end end end end more arch shield magic 2 chance 50 no arch small_shield magic 2 chance 40 end more arch full_helmet magic 1 chance 30 no arch helmet magic 1 chance 30 end more arch goldcoin chance 10 nrof 10 more arch wand chance 10 more arch staff chance 2 more arch rod_light chance 2 no arch rod_heavy chance 1 end more list monster_spells chance 10 more list monster_wealth_medium chance 10 more arch scroll_new chance 15 more arch cloak chance 10 end treasure poor list poor_old more list human_parts chance 20 end treasure poor_old arch bow chance 5 yes arch arrow nrof 6 end more arch b_ssword_2 magic 1 chance 5 no arch b_ssword_1 chance 10 no arch b_dagger chance 15 no arch stoneaxe chance 20 no arch club chance 25 end end end end more arch b_small_shield chance 4 more arch silvercoin nrof 8 chance 10 end treasure standard arch skill_use_magic_item more list standard_old more # non-humaniods are unlikely to have torches! arch torch_unlit nrof 3 chance 1 more list human_parts chance 20 end # I switched the names to '_old' -- these lists # are just the way standard/rich were before we # started adding bodyparts to the treasure mix. # -b.t. treasure standard_old arch bow magic 1 chance 10 yes arch arrow nrof 10 end no arch crossbow magic 2 chance 5 yes arch bolt nrof 10 end end more arch club magic 1 chance 50 no arch b_dagger magic 2 chance 40 no arch quarterstaff magic 2 chance 30 no arch b_ssword_2 magic 2 chance 20 no arch b_sword_1 magic 2 chance 10 end end end end more arch b_small_shield magic 2 chance 5 no arch b_shield magic 2 chance 5 no arch small_shield magic 2 chance 4 no arch shield magic 2 chance 2 no arch high_shield magic 2 chance 1 end end end end more arch b_helmet magic 1 chance 5 no arch b_horned_helmet magic 1 chance 5 no arch b_full_helmet magic 1 chance 2 no arch bighorned_helmet magic 1 chance 1 end end end more arch goldcoin chance 8 nrof 2 more arch silvercoin chance 10 nrof 5 more arch wand chance 2 more arch staff chance 1 more list monster_wealth_medium chance 2 more arch scroll_new chance 2 end treasure throw_stnd arch skill_throwing more list throw_weapons chance 15 more list standard end treasure throw_rich arch skill_throwing more list throw_weapons chance 35 more list rich end