Raphaels detailed suggestions: - Translate the TODO from German to English :-) - Do not require setting CROSSFIRE_LIBDIR on the first run. If the LIBDIR cannot be found on the first run, the program does not start so it is not possible to use the Preferences dialog to set the LIBDIR. I have seen that this minor initial problem prevents some people from using the editor, so it would be very nice to avoid this initial bad feeling. Proposal for fixing it: when gce starts (either in the main code or in the BEGIN block), try the following directories in order: $CFG->{LIBDIR} $ENV{CROSSFIRE_LIBDIR} "$PREFIX/share/crossfire" ($PREFIX passed by Makefile) "/usr/share/crossfire" "/usr/share/games/crossfire" "/usr/local/share/crossfire" If all of these fail, then open a dialog that asks for LIBDIR (this could be the Preferences or just a one-line entry field). (Note: I had written a patch for that, but I lost it). - Name it gcrossedit, not gce. This is a bit longer to type, but less confusing, especially when installed in a path that contains many other commands with short names. This would also match the CVS module name. - Merge the stack view and the attributes editor window. It is very annoying to have two separate windows that have a different idea of what is the "current" object. The merged view (in the attr editor window) should show the current stack of items, with the active one highlighted. If this item has a non-empty inventory, its contents should be indented in order to differentiate them from other items in the stack. Objects inside a container that is inside another container should be indented twice, and so on... - Allow the merged stack/inventory view to be placed on the left or right side of the attributes editor, or maybe detached, or maybe attached below the toolbox. > > For simplicity of implementation (we are very busy, unfortunately), what > > would be the most preferable location? I'd prefer inside the attribute > > editor, to the left. > > Yes. If I have the attribute editor on the right side of my screen, I > would prefer to have the merged stack/inventory view to its left. - Besides the "del" buttons, there should also be "up" and "down" to change the stacking order. These could be just small ^/v arrows. - There should be a way to customize the author name in the preferences. - The map properties (File->Map Properties) should show the map msg. - In the map editor view, the entries in the context menu that are not useful for the current objects should be inactive (grayed out) or should not be present in the menu. For example, if there is no exit object under the pointer then there should be no "Follow Exit" or it should be inactive. - If the exit object under the pointer goes to a random map ("slaying /!") and if the msg contains a "final_map", then the context menu should say "Follow Random Map Exit" and should go to that final map instead of trying to open the non-existant "/!" map. This is very useful for some multi-level random maps such as /whalingoutpost/underwaterdungeon/... (Note: I had written a patch for that, but I lost it). - Try to be smarter about the position of the pop-up display of the attributes of the objects under the pointer. If the mouse pointer is close to the bottom or left edges of the screen, try to display the pop-up window on the other side of the pointer. - Like for the web-based cfmaps.schmorp.de, add options to highlight the exits, the talking monsters and the connected items in the map view. It would be nice if these features could be enabled or disabled easily in order to be able to toggle quickly between a "clean" view and a view in which all interesting items are highlighted. - Even when the option to highlight the connected items is turned off, moving the mouse pointer over a connected item should temporarily highlight all other objects that have the same connected value. This temporary highlight should disappear when the mouse is moved elsewhere. - When following an exit from another map, the entry point into the new map should be highlighted. This special highlight should remain visible until the user clicks on the map to perform some other action. - When following an exit from another map, the new view should be centered around the entry point (if the map is larger than the window). - When a map window is closed, the inventory/stack view should be cleared immediately if they were using objects from that map. - In the attribute editor, allow text wrap in the "lore" and "msg" tabs. - check whether attributes that equal to the archetype are really reset correctly - add author/date information to maps / edit map message - BUG: Virtual tiles dont change correctly somehow (=> x/y etc.) - is also a FIXME and XXX in the Pick tool! - "show use" sollte bei save layout gespeichert werden - aktuelles tool (button) sollte hervorgehoben werden - vernuenftige marker fuer stackview/attreditor - beim pick stack view updaten und highlighten - dirty flag for maps - replace current map with the next navigated by ctrl+cursorkey - listing archetypes by name - wichtig: einfügen in stack-editor, niemand will tower of hanoi lösen nur um etwas an einer stelle einzufügen. - preferences-dialog: pfadselektoren, richtiges dialog-layout. - picker leer beim start, sieht ugly aus - FIXME: StackView isn't updated if stack changes.... - und eventuell sollte inventory und reset to defaults rechtsbündig sein, damit es nicht ihin- und herpsirngt (detail) - contextmenü soltle _kontext_abhängig sein und follow nur bei exits anzeigen - eventuell follow-tool entfernen(?) - go-menü+puntke sollten ebenfalls ausgegreyed sein wenn sie keinen sinn machen feature requests: - aktuelles arch im attreditor im stackview hervorheben - aktueller stackview auf map hervorheben - $EDITOR aufrufen fuer msg/lore - auto-map-resize ("autocrop") - richtiges connect tool - save-status-dialog weg - notebook-reiter sollte hinterlegt sein falls werte darin nin-default sind, wie schon bei den labels der werte selbst. - möglichkeit schaffen, archetypes zu erzeugen (wie erschaffe ich z.b. einen generator?) - auto save von maps future plans: - exit verschieben - make a copy of scorn and remove all exits - move scorn up by 3 fields - remove everythinfg except the floor - modify an attribute of all dragons int ehs elected rectangle