high priority - interpret both json and non-json messages for chatbox - interpret pseudo-html and pod sequences in messages (maybe first fix the overall protocol to not mix antique and modern styles?) - auto-switch tabs when server says so (flag value 32 or so). - proper query/reply - autologin is fine, but the username or password must be sent only *once* because the server might ask different questions and this can actualyl destroy accounts. the glclient uses these regexes, so matches text exactly: What is your password\? Please type your password again\. What is your name\? (alternatively, support a better api for creating characters and loging in in general, without cleartext password). - command input needs major work: - it probably should trigger on all letters - it would need a mechanism similar to the existing client for abbreviations (so c becomes chat, rsft ready_skill find traps etc). medium priority - character creation, for new players. - proxy to support both test and gameserver, and binary protocol for browesers that can do it, preferably c++ :) - . keybinding (repeat last command) low priority - check browser capabilities and tell user to go somewhere else if the browser doesn't support the necessary features (and also list some recommended browsers). - map doesn't show after login, needs movement - floorbox items are without images after login, needs movement to fix - window layout (log window behind map window, command window outside visible area, many windows have scrollbars because their content is a bit bigger etc.). - maybe be able to bring windows to front and back (glclient can't do it either, and it's annoying :) - chatboxes should have chat entries - they normally tell you what to prefix ("command", "chat", "tell abraxas" etc). - maybe make windows resizable on all corners - frequently the lower right corner is hard to reach or inconvenient. wishlist - nicer graphics for everything (especially health &c bars :) - drag and drop for items, maybe spells? - have a quickbar (f1..f10 or 1..9, 0) as in most other games, where one could drag items, spells or skills, maybe with shift and meta as well. big projects (any priority) - sound/music support (requires server changes for IE, but existing data is good enough for firefox, chrome), also includes media license display somewhere. - widget protocol - IE 10 support, maybe earlier IE support