# # Creator: josh@woosworld.net # TODO *auto key tracking system? (python to rename the shop?) *buildable attic v 1.4.4 -- 10 Dec 2004 *added unique 1 to pshops basement tile(prevent reset removing check_inv) v 1.4.3 -- 23 Sep 2004 *added unique tile aspect to alter in basement so alter stays gone *put the monkies on TOP of the teleporters & a space between them *fixed creators under monkey alters *switched monkies to match teleporter (male altar to male monkey) v 1.4.2 -- 22 Sep 2004 *typo on ugriver1 *basement torches wont burn out v 1.4.1 -- 22 Sep 2004 *corrected typo in pshopsinc npc message *correct end tile on pshopsinc2 *convinced the monkies to stay on the teleporters! v 1.4 -- 22 Sep 2004 *added pshops/ugriver1 *added pshops/pshops*/basement v 1.3 -- 21 Sep 2004 *added pshops/pshopsinc2 *added diamond/platinum convertor to pshopsinc (thanks leaf!) *modified pshopsinc managers office slightly *fixed gates so they auto_close - was missing walk_off 1 *also added a pedestal so gates dont close on you, like guild gates *areas of shops where anyone can get to are non-unique so they reset now v 1.2.2 -- 20 Sep 2004 *updated pshops_copy to properly set exit points v 1.2.1 -- 20 Sep 2004 *pshops_changelog moved to brest/pshops -- no idea why I didn't have it there to begin with... *corrected gfloor exits to correct spot on pshop_main v 1.2 -- 20 Sep 2004 *I have added the script I used to replicate the maps into the tarball in case anyone else wants to play with the pshops maps *replaced the edible hides on gfloor maps with nonedible carpet *removed the no magic restriction on pshops_main to allow portals in/out easier *added carpet to floor1's *added managers office to pshopsinc *added stairs up (to third floor) to floor1 (for future use) *added stairs down (to basement) to gfloor (for future use) *added unique tiles to pshopsinc under alters/gates to be a little safer *storage room on floor1 now allows magic (for owner convenience) *pshops_main allows magic for portaling sake (no real reason to not allow it) v 1.1 -- 19 Sep 2004 *added key price to sign in pshopsinc *correct a problem where you can get stuck inside a gate after buying a key :-) v 1.0 -- 19 Sep 2004 *Initial Release