arch map file_format_version 1 region scorn width 30 height 30 msg TODO: is "evrythink" a typo? endmsg end arch stonefloor2 end arch flagstone_2_2_2 end arch stonefloor2 y 1 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 y 2 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 y 3 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 y 4 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 y 5 end arch flagstone_3_2 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 y 6 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 y 7 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 y 8 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 y 9 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 y 10 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 y 11 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 y 12 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 y 14 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 y 15 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 y 16 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 y 17 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 y 18 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 y 19 end arch flagstone_3_2 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 y 20 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 y 21 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 y 24 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 y 25 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 y 26 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 y 27 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 y 28 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_2_1 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 1 end arch dirtfloor x 1 y 1 end arch dirtfloor x 1 y 2 end arch dirtfloor x 1 y 3 end arch dungeon_floor x 1 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 5 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 1 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 10 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 1 y 10 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 13 end arch door_2 x 1 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 1 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 1 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 1 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 21 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 1 y 21 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 22 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 1 y 22 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 27 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 1 y 27 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 1 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 1 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 1 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 2 end arch dirtfloor x 2 y 1 end arch dirtfloor x 2 y 2 end arch ladder_up slaying *elmex_heaven_quest_dungeon1_exit+2+2 x 2 y 2 tag elmex_heaven_quest_dungeon1+2+2 end arch dirtfloor x 2 y 3 end arch sign name warning sign msg WARNING!!! This is a map you should only enter if you have reached at least level 20. You might need a higher level to finish it... endmsg x 2 y 3 move_on fly_low walk end arch dungeon_floor x 2 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 5 end arch flagstone_1_3 x 2 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 10 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 2 y 10 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 13 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 2 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 2 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 2 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 2 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 21 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 2 y 21 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 27 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 2 y 27 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 2 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 2 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 2 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 3 end arch dirtfloor x 3 y 1 end arch dirtfloor x 3 y 2 end arch dirtfloor x 3 y 3 end arch dungeon_floor x 3 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 5 end arch door_2 x 3 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 10 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 3 y 10 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 3 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 3 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 3 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 3 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_2_2 x 3 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 24 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 3 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 25 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 3 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 26 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 3 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 27 end arch flagstone_2_2_1 x 3 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 28 end arch door_1 x 3 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 3 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 3 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 4 end arch dungeon_floor x 4 y 1 end arch dungeon_floor x 4 y 2 end arch dungeon_floor x 4 y 3 end arch dungeon_floor x 4 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 5 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 4 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 10 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 4 y 10 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 4 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 4 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 4 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 4 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 4 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 24 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 4 y 24 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 25 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 4 y 25 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 26 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 4 y 26 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 27 end arch flagstone_1_3 x 4 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 4 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 4 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 4 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 end arch flagstone_3_3 x 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 1 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 5 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 2 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 5 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 3 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 5 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 4 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 5 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 5 end arch flagstone_3_1 x 5 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 6 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 5 y 6 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 10 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 5 y 10 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 5 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 5 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 5 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 5 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 24 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 5 y 24 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 26 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 5 y 26 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 27 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 5 y 27 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 5 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 5 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 5 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 1 end arch random_treasure x 6 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 2 end arch random_treasure x 6 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 3 end arch random_treasure x 6 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 4 end arch random_treasure x 6 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 5 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 6 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 6 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 6 y 6 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 8 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 6 y 8 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 10 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 6 y 10 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 6 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 6 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 6 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 21 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 6 y 21 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 22 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 6 y 22 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 6 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 24 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 6 y 24 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 6 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 6 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 6 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 1 end arch random_treasure x 7 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 2 end arch random_treasure x 7 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 3 end arch random_treasure x 7 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 4 end arch random_treasure x 7 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 5 end arch flagstone_2_2_3 x 7 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 6 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 7 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 7 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 7 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 8 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 7 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 9 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 7 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 10 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 7 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 11 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 7 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 12 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 7 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_2_4 x 7 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 7 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 7 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 7 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 21 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 7 y 21 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 22 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 7 y 22 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 7 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 24 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 7 y 24 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 26 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 7 y 26 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 7 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 7 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 7 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 3 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 8 y 3 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 7 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 8 y 7 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 13 end arch door_2 x 8 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 8 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 8 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 8 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 21 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 8 y 21 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 22 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 8 y 22 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 8 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 24 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 8 y 24 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 8 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 8 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 8 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 3 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 9 y 3 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 7 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 9 y 7 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 13 end arch door_2 x 9 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 9 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 19 end arch flagstone_1_3 x 9 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 9 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 22 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 9 y 22 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 9 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 24 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 9 y 24 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 27 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 9 y 27 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 9 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 9 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 9 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 3 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 10 y 3 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 7 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 10 y 7 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 13 end arch door_2 x 10 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 10 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 19 end arch door_2 x 10 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 10 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 22 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 10 y 22 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 10 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 26 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 10 y 26 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 27 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 10 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 10 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 10 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 10 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 3 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 11 y 3 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 7 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 11 y 7 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 11 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 11 y 11 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 13 end arch door_2 x 11 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 11 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 19 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 11 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 11 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 22 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 11 y 22 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_2_3 x 11 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 24 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 11 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 25 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 11 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 26 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 11 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 27 end arch flagstone_2_2_4 x 11 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 28 end arch door_1 x 11 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 11 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 11 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 3 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 12 y 3 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 7 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 12 y 7 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 11 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 12 y 11 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 13 end arch door_2 x 12 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 16 end arch giant name strong hill giant hp 300 maxhp 300 exp 3000 dam 22 ac 2 x 12 y 16 level 12 resist_fire 10 resist_cold 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 12 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 20 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 12 y 20 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 25 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 12 y 25 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 26 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 12 y 26 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 27 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 12 y 27 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 28 end arch ghost name scary ghost hp 30 maxhp 30 exp 100 dam 20 ac 5 x 12 y 28 level 4 one_hit 0 end arch stonefloor2 x 12 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 12 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 end arch flagstone_3_3 x 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 1 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 2 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 3 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 4 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 5 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 6 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 7 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 8 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 9 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 10 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 11 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 12 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 13 end arch flagstone_3_2 x 13 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 14 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 15 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 16 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 17 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 18 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 19 end arch flagstone_3_4 x 13 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 20 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 21 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 22 end arch flagstone_3_2 x 13 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 24 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 25 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 26 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 13 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 27 end arch flagstone_1_2 x 13 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 28 end arch door_1 x 13 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 13 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 13 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 14 end arch blackslate x 14 y 1 end arch stair3_gstone_up slaying /elmex/heaven_quest_dungeon1_2 hp 6 sp 1 x 14 y 1 end arch blackslate x 14 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 14 y 2 connected 3 end arch blackslate x 14 y 3 end arch spikes_closed x 14 y 3 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 14 y 4 end arch spikes_closed x 14 y 4 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 14 y 5 end arch blackslate x 14 y 6 end arch blackslate x 14 y 7 end arch flagstone_0 x 14 y 7 end arch blackslate x 14 y 8 end arch blackslate x 14 y 9 end arch blackslate x 14 y 10 end arch spikes_closed x 14 y 10 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 14 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 14 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 14 y 12 end arch flagstone_0 x 14 y 12 end arch flagstone x 14 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 14 y 13 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 16 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 19 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 14 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 22 end arch flagstone_1_3 x 14 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 23 end arch beholder x 14 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 26 end arch beholder x 14 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 27 end arch beholder x 14 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 28 end arch beholder x 14 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 14 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 14 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 15 end arch blackslate x 15 y 1 end arch flagstone_0 x 15 y 1 end arch blackslate x 15 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 15 y 2 connected 3 end arch blackslate x 15 y 3 end arch flagstone_0 x 15 y 3 end arch blackslate x 15 y 4 end arch spikes_closed x 15 y 4 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 15 y 5 end arch spikes_closed x 15 y 5 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 15 y 6 end arch blackslate x 15 y 7 end arch blackslate x 15 y 8 end arch blackslate x 15 y 9 end arch spikes_closed x 15 y 9 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 15 y 10 end arch spikes_closed x 15 y 10 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 15 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 15 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 15 y 12 end arch spikes_closed x 15 y 12 connected 1 end arch flagstone x 15 y 13 end arch flagstone_1_3 x 15 y 13 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 15 end arch flagstone_0 x 15 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 16 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 19 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 20 end arch flagstone_0 x 15 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 21 end arch dungeon_floor x 15 y 22 end arch door_2 x 15 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 y 24 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 15 y 24 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 15 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 15 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 16 end arch blackslate x 16 y 1 end arch blackslate x 16 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 2 connected 3 end arch blackslate x 16 y 3 end arch blackslate x 16 y 4 end arch blackslate x 16 y 5 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 5 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 16 y 6 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 6 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 16 y 7 end arch blackslate x 16 y 8 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 8 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 16 y 9 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 9 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 16 y 10 end arch flagstone_0 x 16 y 10 end arch blackslate x 16 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 16 y 12 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 12 connected 1 end arch flagstone x 16 y 13 end arch spikes_closed x 16 y 13 connected 3 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 16 end arch pentagram name pentagram of death x 16 y 16 end arch altar name corpse slaying corpse food 1 x 16 y 16 invisible 1 connected 1 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 19 end arch pentagram name pentagram of ghosts x 16 y 19 end arch altar slaying scary ghost's ectoplasm food 1 x 16 y 19 invisible 1 connected 4 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 21 end arch dungeon_floor x 16 y 22 end arch door_2 x 16 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 y 23 end arch beholder x 16 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 16 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 16 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 17 end arch blackslate x 17 y 1 end arch blackslate x 17 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 17 y 2 connected 3 end arch blackslate x 17 y 3 end arch blackslate x 17 y 4 end arch blackslate x 17 y 5 end arch blackslate x 17 y 6 end arch spikes_closed x 17 y 6 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 17 y 7 end arch spikes_closed x 17 y 7 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 17 y 8 end arch spikes_closed x 17 y 8 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 17 y 9 end arch blackslate x 17 y 10 end arch blackslate x 17 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 17 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 17 y 12 end arch spikes_closed x 17 y 12 connected 1 end arch flagstone x 17 y 13 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 17 y 13 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 16 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 19 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 17 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 22 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 17 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 26 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 17 y 26 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 17 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 17 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 18 end arch blackslate x 18 y 1 end arch blackslate x 18 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 18 y 2 connected 3 end arch blackslate x 18 y 3 end arch blackslate x 18 y 4 end arch blackslate x 18 y 5 end arch blackslate x 18 y 6 end arch spikes_closed x 18 y 6 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 18 y 7 end arch spikes_closed x 18 y 7 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 18 y 8 end arch spikes_closed x 18 y 8 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 18 y 9 end arch blackslate x 18 y 10 end arch blackslate x 18 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 18 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 18 y 12 end arch spikes_closed x 18 y 12 connected 2 end arch flagstone x 18 y 13 end arch flagstone_1_3 x 18 y 13 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 16 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 19 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 18 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 18 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 24 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 18 y 24 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 18 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 18 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 19 end arch blackslate x 19 y 1 end arch blackslate x 19 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 2 connected 3 end arch blackslate x 19 y 3 end arch blackslate x 19 y 4 end arch blackslate x 19 y 5 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 5 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 19 y 6 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 6 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 19 y 7 end arch blackslate x 19 y 8 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 8 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 19 y 9 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 9 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 19 y 10 end arch flagstone_0 x 19 y 10 end arch blackslate x 19 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 19 y 12 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 12 connected 2 end arch flagstone x 19 y 13 end arch spikes_closed x 19 y 13 connected 3 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 16 end arch pentagram name pentagram of gold x 19 y 16 end arch altar slaying big large gold nugget food 1 x 19 y 16 invisible 1 connected 2 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 19 end arch pentagram name pentagram of the beholder x 19 y 19 end arch altar slaying beholdereye food 1 x 19 y 19 invisible 1 connected 3 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 20 end arch note name adventurers note msg The letters are hard to read, you try to read them: I.. I.. I've found ever.. - evrythink... in th... this .. dungeon... the big nugg... is ... ... and the behold.... eye, ... death means... corpse.. ... ghosts leave.. ectoplasm..... ... can't get to exit... poisoned... .. . -.... the rest is undecipherable. endmsg x 19 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 19 y 21 end arch corpse x 19 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 19 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 19 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 19 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 20 end arch blackslate x 20 y 1 end arch flagstone_0 x 20 y 1 end arch blackslate x 20 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 20 y 2 connected 3 end arch blackslate x 20 y 3 end arch flagstone_0 x 20 y 3 end arch blackslate x 20 y 4 end arch spikes_closed x 20 y 4 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 20 y 5 end arch spikes_closed x 20 y 5 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 20 y 6 end arch blackslate x 20 y 7 end arch blackslate x 20 y 8 end arch blackslate x 20 y 9 end arch spikes_closed x 20 y 9 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 20 y 10 end arch spikes_closed x 20 y 10 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 20 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 20 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 20 y 12 end arch spikes_closed x 20 y 12 connected 2 end arch flagstone x 20 y 13 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 20 y 13 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 15 end arch flagstone_0 x 20 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 16 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 19 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 20 end arch flagstone_0 x 20 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 20 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 20 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 24 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 20 y 24 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 26 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 20 y 26 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 20 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 20 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 21 end arch blackslate x 21 y 1 end arch stair3_gstone_up slaying /elmex/heaven_quest_dungeon1_2 hp 13 sp 1 x 21 y 1 end arch blackslate x 21 y 2 end arch spikes_closed x 21 y 2 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 21 y 3 end arch spikes_closed x 21 y 3 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 21 y 4 end arch spikes_closed x 21 y 4 connected 1 end arch blackslate x 21 y 5 end arch blackslate x 21 y 6 end arch blackslate x 21 y 7 end arch flagstone_0 x 21 y 7 end arch blackslate x 21 y 8 end arch blackslate x 21 y 9 end arch blackslate x 21 y 10 end arch spikes_closed x 21 y 10 connected 2 end arch blackslate x 21 y 11 end arch spikes_closed x 21 y 11 connected 4 end arch blackslate x 21 y 12 end arch flagstone_0 x 21 y 12 end arch flagstone x 21 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 21 y 13 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 14 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 15 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 16 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 17 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 18 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 19 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 20 end arch dungeon_floor x 21 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 21 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 28 end arch beholder x 21 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 21 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 21 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 end arch flagstone_3_3 x 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 1 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 2 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 3 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 4 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 5 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 6 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 7 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 8 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 9 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 10 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 11 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 12 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 13 end arch flagstone_3_4 x 22 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 14 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 15 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 16 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 17 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 18 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 20 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 21 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 22 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_2_4 x 22 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 23 end arch beholder x 22 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 28 end arch beholder x 22 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 22 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 22 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 2 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 23 y 2 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 10 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 23 y 10 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 23 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 23 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 4 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 24 y 4 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 5 end arch generate_beholder x 24 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 7 end arch generate_beholder x 24 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 9 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 24 y 9 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 16 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 24 y 16 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 19 end arch flagstone_1_4 x 24 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 26 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 24 y 26 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 28 end arch beholder x 24 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 24 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 24 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 2 end arch generate_beholder x 25 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 10 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 25 y 10 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 13 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 25 y 13 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 25 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 20 end arch generate_beholder x 25 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 21 end arch generate_beholder x 25 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 22 end arch generate_beholder x 25 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 23 end arch generate_beholder x 25 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 24 end arch generate_beholder x 25 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 28 end arch beholder x 25 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 25 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 25 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 2 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 26 y 2 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 7 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 26 y 7 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 12 end arch flagstone_1_1 x 26 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 14 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 15 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 16 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 17 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 18 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 19 end arch flagstone_3_4 x 26 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 20 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 21 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 24 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 26 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 25 end arch flagstone_2_2_1 x 26 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 26 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 26 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 5 end arch generate_beholder x 27 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 9 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 27 y 9 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 11 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 27 y 11 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 12 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 27 y 12 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 14 end arch door_look_1 x 27 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 15 end arch dread x 27 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 17 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 27 y 17 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 18 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 27 y 18 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 20 end arch door_look_1 x 27 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 21 end arch random_treasure x 27 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 22 end arch random_scroll x 27 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 23 end arch largenugget name big large gold nugget x 27 y 23 value 1000 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 24 end arch random_wealth x 27 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 25 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 27 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 26 end arch generate_beholder x 27 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 27 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 27 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 2 end arch generate_beholder x 28 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 14 end arch door_look_1 x 28 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 17 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 28 y 17 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 18 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 28 y 18 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 20 end arch door_look_1 x 28 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 21 end arch random_treasure x 28 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 22 end arch random_talisman x 28 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 23 end arch random_potion x 28 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 24 end arch random_wealth x 28 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 25 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 28 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 26 end arch generate_beholder x 28 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 27 end arch beholder name old beholder hp 100 maxhp 100 exp 2500 dam 15 ac 6 x 28 y 27 level 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 28 end arch beholder x 28 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 28 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_1_2 x 28 y 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 end arch flagstone_2_2_3 x 29 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 1 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 1 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 2 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 2 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 3 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 3 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 4 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 4 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 5 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 5 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 6 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 6 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 7 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 7 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 8 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 8 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 9 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 9 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 10 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 10 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 11 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 11 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 12 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 12 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 13 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 13 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 14 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 14 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 15 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 15 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 16 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 16 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 17 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 17 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 18 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 18 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 19 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 19 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 20 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 20 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 21 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 21 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 22 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 22 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 23 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 23 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 24 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 24 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 25 end arch flagstone_3_4 x 29 y 25 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 26 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 26 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 27 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 27 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 28 end arch flagstone_2_1_1 x 29 y 28 end arch stonefloor2 x 29 y 29 end arch flagstone_2_2_4 x 29 y 29 end