arch map name HeavenTown Potion Shop region Heaven Town shopitems potion:50;*:-50 shopgreed 50 shopmin 1000 shopmax 100000 shoprace angel width 20 height 20 enter_x 1 enter_y 1 end arch woodfloor2 end arch ewall_2_2_2 end arch woodfloor2 y 1 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 1 end arch woodfloor2 y 2 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 2 end arch woodfloor y 3 end arch ewall_3_2 y 3 end arch woodfloor2 y 4 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 4 end arch woodfloor2 y 5 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 5 end arch woodfloor2 y 6 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 6 end arch woodfloor2 y 7 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 7 end arch woodfloor2 y 8 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 8 end arch woodfloor2 y 9 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 9 end arch woodfloor2 y 10 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 10 end arch woodfloor2 y 11 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 11 end arch woodfloor2 y 12 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 12 end arch woodfloor2 y 13 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 13 end arch woodfloor2 y 14 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 14 end arch woodfloor2 y 15 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 15 end arch woodfloor y 16 end arch ewall_3_2 y 16 end arch woodfloor2 y 17 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 17 end arch woodfloor2 y 18 end arch ewall_2_1_1 y 18 end arch woodfloor2 y 19 end arch ewall_2_2_1 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 1 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 1 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 1 end arch oakdoor name Heaven Town slaying town hp 8 sp 2 x 1 y 1 end arch woodfloor2 x 1 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 3 end arch ewall_win2 x 1 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 1 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 1 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 1 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 1 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 1 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 1 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 1 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 1 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 1 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 1 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 1 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 1 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 1 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 1 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 1 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 1 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 2 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 2 end arch woodfloor2 x 2 y 1 end arch shop_mat x 2 y 1 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 3 end arch ewall_win2 x 2 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 2 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 2 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 2 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 2 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 2 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 2 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 2 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 2 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 2 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 2 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 2 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 2 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 2 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 2 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 2 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 2 y 19 end arch woodfloor2 x 3 end arch ewall_3_3 x 3 end arch woodfloor2 x 3 y 1 end arch ewall_win1 x 3 y 1 end arch woodfloor2 x 3 y 2 end arch ewall_win1 x 3 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 3 end arch ewall_fake_2_2_4 x 3 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 3 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 3 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 3 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 3 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 3 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 3 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 3 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 3 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 3 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 3 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 3 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 3 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 3 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 3 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 3 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 3 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 4 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 4 end arch shop_empty face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 1 end arch shop_mat x 4 y 1 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 4 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 4 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 4 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 4 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 4 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 5 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 1 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 5 y 2 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 5 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 5 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 5 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 5 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 5 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 5 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 5 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 5 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 5 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 5 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 6 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 1 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 6 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 6 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 6 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 6 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 6 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 7 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 1 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 7 y 2 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 7 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 7 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 7 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 7 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 7 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 7 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 7 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 7 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 7 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 7 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 8 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 1 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 8 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 8 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 8 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 8 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 8 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 9 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 1 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 9 y 2 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 9 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 9 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 9 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 9 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 9 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 9 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 15 end arch magic_banned x 9 y 16 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 16 end arch ewall_fake_2_1_2 x 9 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 9 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 9 y 18 end arch sign msg Please keep the secret area of this map to yourself. endmsg x 9 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 9 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 10 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 1 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 10 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 10 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 10 y 17 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 10 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 10 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 11 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 1 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 11 y 2 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 11 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 11 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 11 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 11 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 11 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 11 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 11 y 16 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 11 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 11 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 11 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 12 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 1 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 12 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 12 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 12 y 17 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 12 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 12 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 13 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 1 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 13 y 2 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 13 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 13 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 13 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 13 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 13 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 13 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 13 y 16 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 13 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 13 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 13 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 14 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 1 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 14 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 14 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 14 y 17 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 14 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 14 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 15 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 15 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 1 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 15 y 2 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 15 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 15 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 15 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 15 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 15 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 15 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 15 y 16 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 15 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 15 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 15 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 16 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 1 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 3 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 5 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 7 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 9 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 11 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 13 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 16 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 16 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 16 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 16 y 17 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 16 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 16 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 16 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 17 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 1 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 17 y 2 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 3 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 17 y 4 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 5 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 17 y 6 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 7 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 17 y 8 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 9 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 17 y 10 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 11 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 17 y 12 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 13 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor8.x11 x 17 y 14 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 17 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 17 y 16 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 17 y 17 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 17 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 17 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 17 y 19 end arch woodfloor x 18 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 18 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 1 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 2 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 3 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 4 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 5 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 6 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 7 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 8 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 9 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 10 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 11 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 12 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 13 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 14 end arch shop_potions face blacklostlabfloor7.x11 x 18 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 18 y 16 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 18 y 16 end arch shop_empty face woodfloor2.x11 x 18 y 17 end arch shop_potions face woodfloor.x11 x 18 y 18 end arch woodfloor x 18 y 19 end arch ewall_2_1_2 x 18 y 19 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 end arch ewall_2_2_3 x 19 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 1 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 1 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 2 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 2 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 3 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 3 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 4 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 4 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 5 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 5 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 6 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 6 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 7 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 7 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 8 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 8 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 9 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 9 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 10 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 10 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 11 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 11 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 12 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 12 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 13 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 13 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 14 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 14 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 15 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 15 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 16 end arch ewall_3_4 x 19 y 16 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 17 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 17 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 18 end arch ewall_2_1_1 x 19 y 18 end arch woodfloor2 x 19 y 19 end arch ewall_2_2_4 x 19 y 19 end