arch map name inn region lostwages width 16 height 18 enter_x 8 enter_y 15 msg Creator: Somebody Date: 9/3/2002 endmsg end arch woodfloor end arch stwall_2_2_2 end arch woodfloor y 1 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 1 end arch biglake_n name water y 2 end arch stwall_3_2 y 2 end arch biglake_n name water y 3 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 3 end arch biglake_n name water y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 4 end arch woodfloor y 5 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 5 end arch woodfloor y 6 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 6 end arch woodfloor y 7 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 7 end arch woodfloor y 8 end arch stwall_3_2 y 8 end arch woodfloor y 9 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 9 end arch woodfloor y 10 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 10 end arch woodfloor y 11 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 11 end arch woodfloor y 12 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 12 end arch woodfloor y 13 end arch stwall_3_2 y 13 end arch woodfloor y 14 end arch stwall_2_1_1 y 14 end arch woodfloor y 15 end arch stwall_2_2_1 y 15 end arch blocked y 16 end arch cobblestones y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_open_2 y 17 connected 105 end arch boulder y 17 end arch woodfloor x 1 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 1 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 1 end arch altar_gorokh x 1 y 1 end arch biglake_n name water x 1 y 2 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 1 y 2 end arch biglake_n name water x 1 y 3 end arch biglake_n name water x 1 y 4 end arch flagstone x 1 y 5 end arch bookshelf name magically cooled food cabinet x 1 y 5 no_pick 1 arch onion nrof 1000 end arch potato nrof 900 end arch mint nrof 100 end arch mushroom_1 nrof 200 end arch clover nrof 150 end end arch flagstone x 1 y 6 end arch table_3 x 1 y 6 end arch food x 1 y 6 nrof 300 end arch flagstone x 1 y 7 end arch table_3 x 1 y 7 end arch coffee x 1 y 7 nrof 200 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 1 y 8 blocksview 0 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 9 end arch booze_table name serving coffee slaying money other_arch coffee food 300 x 1 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 11 end arch creator other_arch platinacoin x 1 y 12 connected 105 lifesave 1 end arch creator other_arch platinacoin x 1 y 12 connected 105 lifesave 1 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 1 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 1 y 13 end arch altar_trigger slaying platinacoin exp 1 food 1 x 1 y 14 last_sp 1 connected 105 end arch spikes_moving x 1 y 14 end arch cobblestones x 1 y 14 unique 1 end arch teleporter name You win! face stalkergen.x11 animation none hp 13 sp 17 x 1 y 14 speed 3.0 end arch woodfloor x 1 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 1 y 15 end arch blocked x 1 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 1 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_closed_2 x 1 y 17 connected 105 end arch magic_mouth msg The pentacle howls for blood. endmsg x 2 connected 301 end arch woodfloor x 2 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 2 end arch check_inv name check_inv (magic mouth to the north) slaying blood red wine x 2 y 1 connected 301 end arch altar slaying blood red wine msg A portal opens up. You hear the screams of lost souls. endmsg food 1 x 2 y 1 connected 302 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 1 end arch pentagram name bloodstained pentagram x 2 y 1 end arch biglake_n name water x 2 y 2 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 2 y 2 end arch biglake_n name water x 2 y 3 end arch biglake_n name water x 2 y 4 end arch flagstone x 2 y 5 end arch bookshelf name magically cooled food cabinet x 2 y 5 no_pick 1 arch roast_bird nrof 400 end arch fishfood nrof 600 end end arch flagstone x 2 y 6 end arch flagstone x 2 y 7 end arch sailor name cook msg @match * This is slave labour, I tell ya. Making me work night and day. I'm gonna complain to the union. endmsg x 2 y 7 random_movement 0 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 2 y 8 blocksview 0 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 9 end arch booze_table name serving booze slaying money food 300 x 2 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 2 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 2 y 13 end arch button_small x 2 y 14 connected 102 end arch cobblestones x 2 y 14 end arch spikes_open msg match * Hohoho... Come on in. Have a beer. Try the slot machine. endmsg x 2 y 14 connected 102 end arch woodfloor x 2 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 2 y 15 end arch blocked x 2 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 2 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_open_2 x 2 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 3 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 3 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 1 end arch biglake_n name water x 3 y 2 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 3 y 2 end arch biglake_n name water x 3 y 3 end arch biglake_n name water x 3 y 4 end arch biglake_n name water x 3 y 5 end arch biglake_n name water x 3 y 6 end arch flagstone x 3 y 7 end arch fireplace name stove x 3 y 7 move_block end arch dragon_steak x 3 y 7 nrof 500 end arch firewall_1 dam 82 x 3 y 8 blocksview 0 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 3 y 8 blocksview 0 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 9 end arch dragon_steak_table name serving steak slaying money food 1500 x 3 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 11 end arch altar_trigger slaying money food 10000 x 3 y 12 last_sp 1 connected 101 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 12 end arch grate_open_2 name insert one platinum to play x 3 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 3 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 3 y 13 end arch button_small x 3 y 14 connected 103 end arch creator other_arch platinacoin x 3 y 14 connected 101 lifesave 1 end arch cobblestones x 3 y 14 end arch spikes_open msg match * Hohoho... Come on in. Have a beer. Try the slot machine. endmsg x 3 y 14 connected 103 end arch woodfloor x 3 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 3 y 15 end arch blocked x 3 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 3 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_closed_2 x 3 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 4 end arch stwall_3_3 x 4 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 1 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 4 y 1 move_block end arch woodfloor x 4 y 2 end arch biglake_n name water x 4 y 2 end arch stwall_3_4 x 4 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 3 end arch biglake_n name water x 4 y 3 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 4 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 4 end arch biglake_n name water x 4 y 4 end arch stwall_3_2 x 4 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 5 end arch biglake_n name water x 4 y 5 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 4 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 6 end arch biglake_n name water x 4 y 6 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 4 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 7 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 4 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 8 end arch stwall_3_1 x 4 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 4 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 4 y 13 end arch button_small x 4 y 14 connected 104 end arch cobblestones x 4 y 14 end arch spikes_open msg match * Hohoho... Come on in. Have a beer. Try the slot machine. endmsg x 4 y 14 connected 104 end arch woodfloor x 4 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 4 y 15 end arch blocked x 4 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 4 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_open_2 x 4 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 5 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 5 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 1 end arch stol_king_1 x 5 y 1 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 2 end arch biglake_n name hot bath x 5 y 2 move_block end arch magic_mouth msg How refreshing! endmsg x 5 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 3 end arch biglake_n name hot bath x 5 y 3 move_block end arch woodfloor x 5 y 4 end arch biglake_n name water x 5 y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 5 y 4 end arch magic_mouth msg How refreshing! endmsg x 5 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 5 end arch biglake_n name hot bath x 5 y 5 move_block end arch woodfloor x 5 y 6 end arch biglake_n name hot bath x 5 y 6 move_block end arch woodfloor x 5 y 7 end arch stol_king_1 x 5 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 5 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 9 end arch statue x 5 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 5 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 5 y 13 end arch cobblestones x 5 y 14 end arch teleporter name You lose. face hole.x11 animation none hp 13 sp 17 x 5 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 5 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 5 y 15 end arch blocked x 5 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 5 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_closed_2 x 5 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 6 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 6 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 1 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 2 end arch biglake_2_2_3 name hot bath x 6 y 2 move_block end arch woodfloor x 6 y 3 end arch bones3 name For her pleasure x 6 y 3 end arch biglake_n name hot bath x 6 y 3 move_block end arch woodfloor x 6 y 4 end arch biglake_n name water x 6 y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 6 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 5 end arch biglake_n name hot bath x 6 y 5 move_block end arch woodfloor x 6 y 6 end arch biglake_2_2_4 name hot bath x 6 y 6 move_block end arch woodfloor x 6 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 6 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 9 end arch fountain x 6 y 9 move_block all end arch woodfloor x 6 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 13 end arch swall_2_2_3 x 6 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 6 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 14 end arch swall_2_1_1 x 6 y 14 end arch dungeon_magic x 6 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 6 y 15 end arch stwall_3_1 x 6 y 15 end arch blocked x 6 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 6 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_open_2 x 6 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 7 end arch stwall_3_3 x 7 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 1 end arch door_1 x 7 y 1 randomitems none move_block end arch woodfloor x 7 y 2 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 7 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 3 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 7 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 4 end arch stwall_4 x 7 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 5 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 7 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 6 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 7 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 7 end arch door_1 x 7 y 7 randomitems none move_block end arch woodfloor x 7 y 8 end arch stwall_3_1 x 7 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 9 end arch statue face statue_gargoyle.x11 x 7 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 7 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 7 y 15 end arch blocked x 7 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 7 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_closed_2 x 7 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 8 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 1 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 3 end arch brazier x 8 y 3 move_block end arch woodfloor x 8 y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 8 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 5 end arch chocolate name mint x 8 y 5 end arch bed_save x 8 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 8 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 9 end arch fountain x 8 y 9 move_block all end arch woodfloor x 8 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 14 end arch invis_exit slaying *lostwages_inn_exit+8+15 x 8 y 15 end arch woodfloor x 8 y 15 end arch door_look_1 x 8 y 15 randomitems none move_block end arch blocked x 8 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 8 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_open_2 x 8 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 9 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 9 end arch creator name creator (w_glass) slaying glass of blood red wine other_arch w_glass x 9 y 1 connected 501 lifesave 1 end arch creator name creator (w_glass) slaying glass of blood red wine other_arch w_glass x 9 y 1 connected 501 lifesave 1 end arch creator name creator (wine) slaying blood red wine other_arch wine x 9 y 1 connected 501 lifesave 1 end arch creator name creator (cake) other_arch cake x 9 y 1 connected 501 lifesave 1 end arch altar_trigger name drop money for a meal slaying money food 50000 x 9 y 1 connected 501 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 1 end arch table name table (drop 5 pp for room service) x 9 y 1 no_pick 1 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 3 end arch chocolate name mint x 9 y 3 end arch bed_save x 9 y 3 no_magic 0 damned 0 end arch dungeon_magic name It's special. The bed isn't damned. x 9 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 9 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 5 end arch booze_table name drop money for room service slaying money other_arch coffee food 300 x 9 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 9 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 9 end arch statue face statue_gargoyle.x11 x 9 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 9 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 9 y 15 end arch blocked x 9 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 9 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_closed_2 x 9 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 10 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 10 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 1 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 3 end arch brazier x 10 y 3 move_block end arch woodfloor x 10 y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 10 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 5 end arch chocolate name mint x 10 y 5 end arch bed_save x 10 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 10 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 9 end arch fountain x 10 y 9 move_block all end arch woodfloor x 10 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 13 end arch swall_2_2_2 x 10 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 10 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 14 end arch swall_2_1_1 x 10 y 14 end arch dungeon_magic x 10 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 10 y 15 end arch stwall_3_1 x 10 y 15 end arch blocked x 10 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 10 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_open_2 x 10 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 11 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 11 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 1 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 2 end arch stwall_2_2_2 x 11 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 3 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 11 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 4 end arch stwall_4 x 11 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 5 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 11 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 6 end arch stwall_2_2_1 x 11 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 11 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 9 end arch statue x 11 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 11 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 11 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 11 y 14 end arch fatman name innkeeper msg @match * Hohoho... Come on in. Have a beer. Try the slot machines. endmsg x 11 y 14 unaggressive 0 arch platinacoin nrof 130 end end arch woodfloor x 11 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 11 y 15 end arch blocked x 11 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 11 y 17 unique 1 end arch igate_closed_2 x 11 y 17 connected 105 end arch woodfloor x 12 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 12 end arch pedestal_trigger x 12 y 1 connected 201 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 1 connected 202 end arch button_lever x 12 y 1 connected 401 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 2 end arch stwall_closed_1 x 12 y 2 connected 201 end arch magic_mouth msg It's very dark in here. You're afraid you'll get eaten by a grue. endmsg x 12 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 3 end arch teleporter name woodfloor slaying grue face woodfloor.x11 animation none is_animated 0 x 12 y 3 speed 0.01 invisible 1 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 12 y 4 end arch magic_mouth msg It's very dark in here. You're afraid you'll get eaten by a grue. endmsg x 12 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 5 end arch teleporter name woodfloor slaying grue face woodfloor.x11 animation none is_animated 0 x 12 y 5 speed 0.01 invisible 1 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 6 end arch stwall_closed_1 x 12 y 6 connected 202 end arch pedestal_trigger x 12 y 7 connected 202 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 7 end arch button_lever x 12 y 7 connected 402 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 12 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 12 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 12 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 12 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 12 y 15 end arch blocked x 12 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 12 y 17 unique 1 end arch button_plate x 12 y 17 connected 106 end arch teleporter hp 0 sp 17 x 12 y 17 speed 0 connected 106 end arch woodfloor x 13 end arch stwall_3_3 x 13 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 1 end arch igate_closed_2 x 13 y 1 connected 401 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 2 end arch stwall_3_4 x 13 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 3 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 13 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 4 end arch stwall_3_4 x 13 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 5 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 13 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 6 end arch stwall_3_4 x 13 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 7 end arch igate_closed_2 x 13 y 7 connected 402 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 8 end arch stwall_2_2_4 x 13 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 13 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 13 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 13 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 13 y 15 end arch blocked x 13 y 16 end arch cobblestones x 13 y 17 unique 1 end arch teleporter hp 1 sp 12 x 13 y 17 speed 0 connected 106 end arch woodfloor x 14 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 14 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 1 end arch altar name honeymoon suite slaying money msg Enjoy your stay at the Hotel California. endmsg food 50000000 x 14 y 1 connected 401 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 7 end arch altar name standard room slaying money msg Enjoy your room. endmsg food 500000 x 14 y 7 connected 402 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 13 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 14 y 13 end arch dungeon_magic x 14 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 14 y 15 end arch stwall_2_1_2 x 14 y 15 end arch blocked x 14 y 16 end arch blocked x 14 y 17 end arch woodfloor x 15 end arch stwall_2_2_3 x 15 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 1 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 1 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 2 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 2 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 3 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 3 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 4 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 4 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 5 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 5 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 6 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 6 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 7 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 7 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 8 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 8 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 9 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 9 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 10 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 10 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 11 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 11 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 12 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 12 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 13 end arch stwall_3_4 x 15 y 13 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 14 end arch stwall_2_1_1 x 15 y 14 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 15 end arch stwall_2_2_4 x 15 y 15 end arch blocked x 15 y 16 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 17 end arch pit_closed hp 1 sp 1 x 15 y 17 connected 302 end arch woodfloor x 15 y 17 end arch exit name howling portal slaying dungeon/dungeon1 msg You jump into the abyss. endmsg x 15 y 17 speed 2.0 end