arch map difficulty 1 region wilderness width 18 height 18 enter_x 1 enter_y 2 msg Creator: MikeeUSA Email: Date: Wed Jul 25 20:58:13 2007 endmsg end arch blocked end arch amcrystalstone y 1 end arch arescrystal9 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 2 end arch arescrystal10 y 2 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 3 end arch arescrystal9 y 3 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 4 end arch arescrystal12 y 4 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 5 end arch arescrystal9 y 5 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 6 end arch arescrystal10 y 6 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 7 end arch arescrystal9 y 7 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 8 end arch arescrystal9 y 8 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 9 end arch arescrystal10 y 9 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 10 end arch arescrystal10 y 10 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 11 end arch arescrystal9 y 11 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 12 end arch arescrystal9 y 12 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 13 end arch arescrystal9 y 13 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 14 end arch arescrystal10 y 14 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone y 15 end arch arescrystal9 y 15 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked y 16 end arch blocked y 17 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 end arch arescrystal10 x 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 1 end arch arescrystal9 x 1 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 2 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 3 end arch arescrystal2 x 1 y 3 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 4 end arch ladder_up slaying /! msg layoutstyle maze floorstyle ammine wallstyle ammine exitstyle ladder doorstyle stone decorstyle ammine monsterstyle none symmetry 1 dungeon_depth 400 orientation 2 treasurestyle amethyst treasureoptions 73 final_map /mlab/mlabhellamminesintem expand2x 1 endmsg x 1 y 4 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 5 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 6 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 7 end arch arescrystal13 x 1 y 7 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 8 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 9 end arch amethyst x 1 y 9 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 11 end arch arescrystal7 x 1 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 14 end arch arescrystal2 x 1 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 15 end arch arescrystal10 x 1 y 15 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 16 end arch arescrystal12 x 1 y 16 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 1 y 17 end arch arescrystal12 x 1 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 end arch arescrystal10 x 2 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 2 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 3 end arch amethyst x 2 y 3 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 4 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 5 end arch arescrystal6 x 2 y 5 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 6 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 7 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 8 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 9 end arch arescrystal2 x 2 y 9 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 12 end arch arescrystal6 x 2 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 14 end arch amethyst x 2 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 16 end arch arescrystal7 x 2 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 2 y 17 end arch arescrystal9 x 2 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 end arch arescrystal12 x 3 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 2 end arch arescrystal7 x 3 y 2 end arch flagstone x 3 y 3 end arch cwall_2_2_2 x 3 y 3 end arch flagstone x 3 y 4 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 3 y 4 end arch flagstone x 3 y 5 end arch cwall_3_2 x 3 y 5 end arch flagstone x 3 y 6 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 3 y 6 end arch flagstone x 3 y 7 end arch cwall_3_2 x 3 y 7 end arch flagstone x 3 y 8 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 3 y 8 end arch flagstone x 3 y 9 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 3 y 9 end arch flagstone x 3 y 10 end arch cwall_2_2_1 x 3 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 11 end arch arescrystal10 x 3 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 12 end arch arescrystal11 x 3 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 16 end arch arescrystal6 x 3 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 3 y 17 end arch arescrystal10 x 3 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 4 end arch arescrystal9 x 4 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 4 y 1 end arch arescrystal11 x 4 y 1 end arch flagstone x 4 y 2 end arch cwall_2_2_2 x 4 y 2 end arch flagstone x 4 y 3 end arch cwall_2_2_4 x 4 y 3 end arch flagstone x 4 y 4 end arch quarto name Rest In Peace, David Munis name_pl msg A few days ago the wife of a talented US National Guard Sniper left her husband. The (husband) National Guardsman's name was David Munis. Being angry that his wife had left him he called her on her phone a few times to note his displeasure, still the wife (who is commanded in the Bible to OBEY her HUSBAND in ALL THINGS) kept herself estranged from her husband. This wife showed extreme disrespect to the man who the Bible tells us all is her master. She showed extreme disrespect to our fellow American Man. She showed extreme disrespect for a Man who volunteered to serve his country in War Time. This woman put herself above her country, above her husband, and above the commandments of her God. A few hours later her husband, of whom she had disrespected and spurned, put a bullet in her head from a moderate distance away while she was entertaining other-men-not-her-husband by singing at a bar and nightclub. By her disobedience the now-dead woman had dishonoured her country, our men, and the very man she should love above all other living beings. David Munis that day had avenged the honour of America, of all Men, and of himself. For his service to his country and countrymen in countering, in his small way, the effects of feminism and women's rights he was hunted down by the very government he served, and informed upon by another citizen who I am sad to call and American. Rather then be forced to kill his brothers-in-arms to survive the coming onslaught, and rather then be captured and caged like the dog women see us men as today... David Munis took his own life with a bullet to his own chest, his aim as true as ever. I pray to God that he let David Munis into paradise soon and that his actions bring a moment of pause to wives and women everywhere to reconcile their actions and thoughts to the proper way girls should behave so that David's action will not have been done in vain. My his Soul rest in Peace. R.I.P. David Munis endmsg x 4 y 4 end arch flagstone x 4 y 5 end arch cwall_1_3 x 4 y 5 end arch flagstone x 4 y 6 end arch guide_wizard name Social Progress. msg In the past, 100 or more years ago, the goal and pinaccle of social progress was to have Men respect their fellow man because he too is a Man and to not look at his race as something that took away from his status as one's fellow man. The goal was to have all men be respected. So the Social Progress train got going and is still going into the 21st century. It did not reach it's destination, infact it nolonger wishes to ever get there. If we look around at where the Social Progress train has brought us we see this: Men are not respected; men are more hated and disrespected then we have ever been in the known history of the world. However; Women ARE respected, women hold power, women control society. Men control nothing. Sure we build things, and those things get passed to woman's control if ever they get past a certain level of importance. Before Social Progress most Men atleast controlled their families and their wives with impunity, even if he was not respected by other men. With 100+ years of social progress no Man in the west (and soon no Man in the World) controls any aspect of his family. Infact it is not his family: Men OWN nothing in America, Women OWN the whole of society, including the government. Men, at most, rent things. We pay taxes upon taxes for the use of what we "own" each year in the form of property tax, use taxes, and mandatory insurance. The seizure of both real and personal property by the woman controlled government ensures that we continue to rent our property which we "own" from the woman's government inorder to fund the police state storm troopers who enforce women's rights upon us. Men certainly don't control their wives, nor do we choose our wives: women chose the men they wish to marry and the men take what they have been given because they cannot go out and capture a wife (as the Bible allows*) nor can they ask the father for her in marraige (and the father force the girl to marry who he chose). The chance for marraige in the USA is by the choice of women. Social Progress is not about helping Men be universally respected. It is about the exact opposite: helping women and ensuring that men are disrespected and powerless. We must take away woman's choices: Woman's choice to kill our children, woman's choice to marry who she wishes rather then who her father wishes or a man who captured her, woman's choice to not get married at the age of menarche (12-14 years old), woman's choice to murder her husband(s) or boyfriends(s), woman's choice to call the police and complain about domestic violence (if she is getting hit by her husband it is because she has disobeyed him, she must comply with his demands as he is her master: she is not free, no woman should be free, only men should be free), woman's choice to have her husband imprisoned on marital rape charges (a husband has the right to rape his wife or wives whenever he wishes to: they are owned by him: chattel), a woman's right to choose (killing even our unborn children: yes we are a nation of babykillers (our women are)). Women's Rights must be Destroyed. Men's Liberty must reign again: that is what America was founded for; Men's Rights, Not women's. *In Duteronomy 22 the Bible allows a Man to rape a virgin girl: the penalty is to marry the girl, never divorce her, and pay her father the customary marraige price. See: Rape: How it Should Be Handled endmsg x 4 y 6 end arch flagstone x 4 y 7 end arch cwall_1_3 x 4 y 7 end arch flagstone x 4 y 8 end arch quarto name What were the Witch killings all about? name_pl msg What were the Witch killings in the late middle ages/early modern period all about? The description of a witch was originally a mean woman who lived alone (with no man) and may have brewed poisons. In that time it was common for women to poison their husbands to gain freedom from him and to aquire his wealth and then possibly remarry to someone they wanted to marry. Further-more a witch was often depected as riding a broom, not as a rocket but like a dildo. The enlightenment thinkers who campaigned for Men's freedom also supported the supression of witches. Could it be that witches were their feminists (before it became just a way to kill your neighbor) and the Men of the day, rather then allow women who hated men hand out poisons to other women for the murder of men (same thing that happens today, but women don't need something as suptle as poison: it is defacto legal to kill your husband in America and the West), rather then allow women to have this power of life or death over men, or any power, or for women to get together at all to talk (which always leads to talk about how terrible men are (as women naturally hate men))... they killed these anti-men women instead. Perhaps we need our own witch trials, but without the mysticism, just the facts. endmsg x 4 y 8 end arch flagstone x 4 y 9 end arch quarto name Did I fall down the rabbit hole? name_pl msg Last weekend I was at an after-funeral reception at the house of one of my mom's friends (said friend's father had died). After being there for awhile I was introduced to a man who worked in the FBI. The conversation was about fighting muslim terrorism and such and later we started talking about our beliefs. It turned out that the man who works for the FBI and I agreed on many points: We both were very pro-second ammendment (and hope that the FDR's 1930s regulation (really it's more of a ban) and tax on machine guns and short shotguns is lifted), anti-abortion, anti-divorce, and pro-classical music. I also said that abortion may be banned by the new supreme court but the divorce laws probably would only beable to be removed if the 19th ammendment was repealed, he agreed and said that the ammendment might be repealed in the future. Wow. I never thought I'd meet an adult who agreed with me on all those things to such an extent... let alone someone who worked for the FBI that agreed with me on those issues. endmsg x 4 y 9 end arch flagstone x 4 y 10 end arch cwall_2_2_3 x 4 y 10 end arch flagstone x 4 y 11 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 4 y 11 end arch flagstone x 4 y 12 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 4 y 12 end arch flagstone x 4 y 13 end arch cwall_2_2_1 x 4 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 4 y 14 end arch arescrystal7 x 4 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 4 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 4 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 4 y 17 end arch arescrystal10 x 4 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 5 end arch arescrystal10 x 5 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 5 y 1 end arch arescrystal10 x 5 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch flagstone x 5 y 2 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 5 y 2 end arch flagstone x 5 y 3 end arch book_clasp name RAPE: how it should be handled. name_pl msg Rape, the most heinous of heinous crimes, more serious then death, more traumatizing then the most grevious bodily injury. Rape; The crime elevated above all others. Why? Because men do it to women. More specifically, men have sex with women without paying for it: the man takes from the woman her product for free and thus takes away her barganing chip, her power . In the society of a woman's country to take away a woman's power is to degrade that which is most precious to that society: woman's place over and above man, woman's power. The current penalty for rape is insane and not in good standing with what we wish to achieve: a Men's culture. How to handle rape then? It is my opinion that the Bible has a good answer, an answer that I totally agree with: If a man rapes an unmarried virgin girl he merely has to marry her (the Bible also states that he is to pay her father some money (about 1.5 pounds of silver, $150 about)) and keep her forever. Forever as an obedient and subordinate wife of his (one of many perhaps). If he rapes someone's mother or wife etc, caps are busted as he just disrespected his fellow man. quote: Q U O T E Deuteronomy 22 (New International Version) 22 If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel. 23 If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24 you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to deathhh—the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man's wife. You must purge the evil from among you. 25 But if out in the country a man happens to meet a girl pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. 26 Do nothing to the girl; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders his neighbor, 27 for the man found the girl out in the country, and though the betrothed girl screamed, there was no one to rescue her. 28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. [c] He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. quote: Q U O T E Deuteronomy 22 (King James Version) 22If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel. 23If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; 24Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you. 25But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die. 26But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death: for as when a man riseth against his neighbour, and slayeth him, even so is this matter: 27For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her. 28If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; 29Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. 30A man shall not take his father's wife, nor discover his father's skirt. quote: Q U O T E Deuteronomy 22 (New American Standard Bible) 22"(M)If a man is found lying with a married woman, then both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman; thus you shall purge the evil from Israel. 23"(N)If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her, 24then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them to death; the girl, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he has violated his neighbor's wife. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you. 25"But if in the field the man finds the girl who is engaged, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lies with her shall die. 26"But you shall do nothing to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, so is this case. 27"When he found her in the field, the engaged girl cried out, but there was no one to save her. 28"(O)If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her and they are discovered, 29then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days. 30"(P)A man shall not take his father's wife so that he will not uncover his father's skirt. endmsg x 5 y 3 end arch flagstone x 5 y 4 end arch flagstone x 5 y 5 end arch flagstone x 5 y 6 end arch flagstone x 5 y 7 end arch flagstone x 5 y 8 end arch flagstone x 5 y 9 end arch flagstone x 5 y 10 end arch guide_wizard name Book of Sayings msg The purpose of the American justice system is to put men in prison and exonerate women. What people do they will then think is right and recruit others, for justification of their previous acts, to follow in their footsteps. When hated by your society for disobeying one of it's commandments do not then seek to vigorously keep another commandment for which you secretly hold in distain; Hopes to gain some approval from that which has scorn for you will be no sheild against your destruction at it's hand. Men who are opposed to women's rights: follow this advice and hold fast, make no compromises (such will bring our fellow man only more defeat and unhappiness.) We have humanized animals and Deified women. We treat our women as if they were gods and our animals as if they were humans. And we men take the place of the animals. I propose this: One should treat girls as pets are currently treated; Pets are loved, but they are also are taught to obey their master. Animals should go back to their place as animals. Men should be the master of the above two. Those that do not have a fear of death have a fear of imprisonment. If the State protects women and thus usurps the position of Man as protector and master of woman, dissolution and replacement of the State is desired. Women's rights is bad for men. Feminism is indeed our enemy. Some say that although this is true we must not voice it openly. If we do that we will have nothing but one thousand years of the most inky black european darkness; we will never reach our goals and we will never rise to where we once were. The quiet will suffer in silence. We must not self censor. We are not wrong, we are right. If we act as if our views are wrong people will believe that they are wrong. If we act as such to show our conviction that our views are the most righteous right then people will come to that belief instead. Access denied is security maintained. To be loved is to be constrained. To be hated is to have all the license you will ever need. Woman has been corrupted by feminism. Those who have remained untouched are beyond my reach. I am denied good wives by feminism. I cannot marry. The normal path is closed. What else exists but to destroy feminism completely. The easiest way to silence someone is to complement them; they will likely filter any further comments they make as to retain the 'respect' you've given them. To gain power you must give privilege. What you give you can take away. Marrying a foreign girl: Playing russian roulette with 5 bullets Marrying a western girl: Playing russian roulette with an H&K MP5 and hoping the first bullet's a dud. endmsg x 5 y 10 end arch flagstone x 5 y 11 end arch book_read name Using men's natural hate of man against itself? name_pl msg One thing that I've noticed is that men get very angry at each other very easily. Also, though men can get angry at women the anger at other men is longer lived (a week, maybe a month, maybe longer in strange/fringe cases of vindictive individuals). This is why we often fail. It is hard for us to keep together when the enemy is a bunch of women. If it were possible to utlise this hate of our fellow man we may beable to muster the warewithall to remove all rights from girls and women. I propose that we invent a mechanism to raise the enemy as some of our fellow men whilst having the outcome still the destruction of women's rights and the rise of men's liberty. The enemy would be, ofcourse, our milquetoast compatriots who wish equality for women. Many of these men are 'low level' men's rights activists who, nevertheless, will attack their more radical associates. The plan putforth to "defeat" these pro-equality Men's Rights Activists would be to discredit and destroy the Men's Rights Movement by pushing very radical anti-women's rights views (such as the ones I espouse: removal of women's voting rights, removal of marital rape laws, removal of marraige age restrictions so men can have relations with young virgin girls of early childbearing age, removal of domestic violence laws, removal of divorce laws, etc) and trying to get these views to become a reality in politics. Men will fight against their fellow man with much more vigor then fighting against women or fighting positivly for men's rights. In the end if we fight to try and get anti-women's rights laws passed, women's vote removed, etc, with the intention of discrediting the Men's Rights Activitsts we don't like... they might actually be passed. Women might actually lose their rights due to our vigorus efforts to destroy our fellow man. The plan is to construct a false paper target infront of our true objective for us to revile, hate, and shoot at (the target must stay in position though). When the barbs hit they will go right through the false target and straight into what is behind it, that which we intend to kill: women and girl's rights. >>----[> | X Death To women's Rights endmsg x 5 y 11 end arch flagstone x 5 y 12 end arch tome name In response to a series of Emails (about women being able to divorce men). name_pl msg A fellow MRA challenges me to prove that women cannot divorce their husband, Biblically, in a country that allows such to occur. I do so, somewhat, but mainly state my opinion of women's rights and our modern laws. I am sure he will be unsatisfied with my answer: By Infrence: The Bible allowed a man to divorce his wife if she committed unchase acts. Like if she danced in the street naked or became a stripper etc. No verbage in the Bible allows a woman to divorce her husband. Thus we can infer, since the Bible does broach the topic of divorce and does give a ruling; that if it was ment for women to beable to divorce their husbands it would have been explicitly stated just as the procedure and time it is allowable to divorce one's wife is. The same thing goes for men having mutiple wives but women not having mutiple husbands: it is stated that women may not have more then one husband at a time, no such restriction is given for men. So, yea, I'm blowing off modern law. Fuck the law because the law is not just (for men Smile ). It's unforutnate that you support a woman's right to divorce her husband. I thought you were better then that, but I guess the drive to worship women is strong. The worst thing that ever happened to the religion of the Bible is that it got into the hands of non-middle easterners. There's little point in bringing a religion to people outside of it's original setting as they reject it or change it every time. Death To women's Rights. PS: disobeying one's husband is sinning. If he doesn't want to woman to divorce him, and she does, she has sinned. I'm sure you know the verses where this comes from. (Obey your husband in all things and whatnot) PWND -> You. endmsg x 5 y 12 end arch flagstone x 5 y 13 end arch cwall_2_2_3 x 5 y 13 end arch flagstone x 5 y 14 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 5 y 14 end arch flagstone x 5 y 15 end arch cwall_2_2_1 x 5 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 5 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 5 y 17 end arch arescrystal9 x 5 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 6 end arch amcrystalstone x 6 y 1 end arch arescrystal12 x 6 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch flagstone x 6 y 2 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 6 y 2 end arch flagstone x 6 y 3 end arch book_read name When resisting in real life. name_pl msg I and many of my fellow copatriots post daily or weekly against women's rights, infavor of men's rights, and against the people who work in government who hate men. This is a very easy thing to do and is mostly not dangerous in the least. There are also very couragous Men who do more then write articles on the internet. They are the Men who resist the people in of our feminist police state governments in real life. Eventually, some of us on the internet may cross over and join them. Before doing so, one must be prepared... When resisting in real life you must know and accept that your life is forfit, the reason is because no matter how little you resist in real life the people in our pro-women's rights anti-man repressive governments will up the ante inorder to make you stop what you are doing. For example: If one holds a sign silently infront of pro-feminist organization's building or infront of an office where the people who work in the government reside that person will be given a ticket and ordered to pay a sum of money to his enemy (in both the USA and the UK and Canada and Europe etc etc). At this point the resister must make a choice: comply, pay the fine, and go home OR refuse to pay the fine and have a police officer attempt to arrest him. If he chooses to not pay the fine a police officer will attempt to arrest him. Now the resister must choose to either submit to a jail sentance and thus stop his resistance OR attempt to murder the police officer. If he decideds to attempt to murder the police officer he might be successful or he might be killed. If he kills the police officer he will be hunted down, and the senario repeated. If a resister does not ever comply with the demands of the women's rights supporters who are the government. If a man resists orders. If a man is a Free Man. That man will be killed, Bar None (no execptions). What it comes down to is that if one is going to resist in real life one must know that they will die or be completely victorious. My advice is that when you have gotten all out of life that you believe you can get out of it; either when you are content or blocked from further advancement, then it may be time to start your real life resistance against the people in government who support women's rights and hate men. IE: when your life is completed it may be time to act. The path of resistance is death, both ours and theirs. This is the case in all real change. endmsg x 6 y 3 end arch flagstone x 6 y 4 end arch flagstone x 6 y 5 end arch flagstone x 6 y 6 end arch flagstone x 6 y 7 end arch flagstone x 6 y 8 end arch flagstone x 6 y 9 end arch flagstone x 6 y 10 end arch flagstone x 6 y 11 end arch flagstone x 6 y 12 end arch flagstone x 6 y 13 end arch flagstone x 6 y 14 end arch tome name What will happen in the next 50 years? name_pl msg Today men are hated in America, and increasingly are also hated across the globe. We are hated because we are Men. This anti-Man culture continues to spread with no end in sight. women are loved in America, and have allready been given the power of life and death over both their children (who they thusly own) and their boyfriends and husband (who also are their slaves, legally speaking). Both Men and children are murdered by wives and mothers with impunity: there exists no respect for our lives. We are worthless to America, and increasingly worthless in the eyes of the entire world. The question then is, what happens to us in the next 50 years? Assuredly we will not rebel against any foul treatment dealt to us: men only fight for the honor of women (even the American Revolution pointed to how the Red Coats treated (and raped) colonial women) or the aquirance of wealth, we never fight to defend ourselves when to do so would be to the detriment of women; whom we live to die for. So what will happen? Usually what happens when a group is hated is that eventually, generations later as the hate becomes completely ingraned in the culture, that group that is hated is slaughtered and enslaved. This happened in Germany with the Jews, and much quicker in Rwanda with the Tutsis. In neither case did the victims rebel in any number. In Germany the hatread of the Jews began in earnest in the mid to late 1800s (such as when Wagner wrote his little essay against the Jews). In America the hatread of men was there in the 1850s but the real talk of extermination began in the 1970s (where respected women's rights activists declared that the male population of earth should be thinned down to 10%, and that 10% would serve women: as slaves). The fact of the matter is that our society hates us and loves women. It is going to continue to hate us more and more and it actively spreads this hate around the globe so that we have no where on earth to hide. The fact is that our woman's country, and our global woman's society is going to genocide Men in this new century. It believe it does not need us all, it only needs enough men to fix the machines (machines that we Men invented, no less), the rest of us will be killed. We will not rebel. We will and are going quietly. We will die. Woman's Rights will continue as the Victor and the Viceroy ruling over our fate, and the entirety of our lives. We will do nothing. endmsg x 6 y 14 end arch flagstone x 6 y 15 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 6 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 6 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 6 y 17 end arch arescrystal12 x 6 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 7 end arch amcrystalstone x 7 y 1 end arch arescrystal9 x 7 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch flagstone x 7 y 2 end arch cwall_3_3 x 7 y 2 end arch flagstone x 7 y 3 end arch cwall_1_2 x 7 y 3 end arch flagstone x 7 y 4 end arch flagstone x 7 y 5 end arch flagstone x 7 y 6 end arch flagstone x 7 y 7 end arch flagstone x 7 y 8 end arch flagstone x 7 y 9 end arch flagstone x 7 y 10 end arch flagstone x 7 y 11 end arch flagstone x 7 y 12 end arch flagstone x 7 y 13 end arch cwall_1_1 x 7 y 13 end arch flagstone x 7 y 14 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 7 y 14 end arch flagstone x 7 y 15 end arch cwall_3_1 x 7 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 7 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 7 y 17 end arch arescrystal10 x 7 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 8 end arch amcrystalstone x 8 y 1 end arch arescrystal10 x 8 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch flagstone x 8 y 2 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 8 y 2 end arch flagstone x 8 y 3 end arch guide_wizard name Some say that "most women are not feminists" msg The majority of women are feminists today. Most women are: Pro-marital rape laws. Pro-domestic violence laws. Pro-being able to divorce their husbands. Pro-abortion. Pro-alimony. Pro-child support. Pro-sexual harrasment laws. and ofcourse Pro-women's vote. All these laws are anti-men, pro-women's rights, and very much pro-feminist. In addition most women are anti-gun. Men without weapons cannot fight police who enforce pro-women's rights anti-men laws. This is not only western women today either, when polls are done of third world women in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia women have the same opinion and stand in unison with their sisters against men's rights and in favor of women's rights. Sure, you might find a few girls and women even here that are opposed to all of the above. They are a genetic abnormality, a very good abnormality mind you, but they are very few and far between. The rest of woman kind is rebellious and hateful towards men, the only thing they lack in many areas of the world is physical power to use against men. Women in our own area of the world have gained physical power through the police and the banning of military weapons from civilian life. Women in the west DO use their power against men. Most women are feminists. Most women have see men as obstacles, adversaries, and nessasary evils. All around the world. It would do us well to sequence the genome of those women and girls who do not hate men I think... endmsg x 8 y 3 end arch flagstone x 8 y 4 end arch flagstone x 8 y 5 end arch flagstone x 8 y 6 end arch flagstone x 8 y 7 end arch flagstone x 8 y 8 end arch flagstone x 8 y 9 end arch flagstone x 8 y 10 end arch flagstone x 8 y 11 end arch flagstone x 8 y 12 end arch flagstone x 8 y 13 end arch flagstone x 8 y 14 end arch book_clasp name Islamic Jihadists are not our friends. name_pl msg There are some misconceptions about radical Islamisists that many people in and outside of the Men's Movement(TM) believe in. One of these falsehoods is that Islamic Jihadists and their supporters are infavor of men's rights and opposed to women's rights. The truth of the matter is that the Islamic Jihadists are in favor of Islam period and against anything that is not Islam, that is their focal point. Islamisists believe in women's rights. They believe that a woman has the right to receive a dowry from the man who is marrying her (often this is very hefty, $10000 or more), a dowry that she owns and if divorced will take with her (this is sort of an offering to her, just as we western men bow at the foot of the woman with our $10k diamond rings (I don't though...)). They believe that a woman has the right to be completely supported by her husband BUT she may choose to work if she desires (regardless of what the husband wants) AND she may keep all the money she earned (giving nothing to the husband) AND the husband must still support her (all the money she earned is her own spending money, her husband must still pay her room and board). Islamisists believe that women have the right to divorce their husbands (under certain circumstances, sometimes very easy to obtain circumstances) as per the laws of Islam. Islamisists believe a girl who is to be married may marry who she wishes and reject who she wishes. As you can see the beliefs on women of Islamisists and of Women's Rights Activists and Feminists coincide on a variety of points. This may be one reason why the two (western feminists and Muslim terrorists) support each other from time to time. In Islam (not various Arab cultures, the actual law of Islam, the two are not the same) men are not in a much better position then men in the western world; they only have two advantages: low marriage age for girls (menarche) and the ability to take multiple wives. Otherwise, if Islam is followed to the letter, men are the slaves of women just as in the west today. Now onto the hate of non-Islamic men Islamisists hold. Under the rules of war of Islam when a city is captured it is permissible to murder the enemy men, but not permissible to murder the women or the children. Just as in our culture, men are hated far above women. When paying a fine for killing someone: a non-Muslim dhimmi (Christan or Jew) man is worth 1/2 that of a Muslim man, the same amount of money a Muslim woman is worth (Christian/Jewish men are thusly compared with women here), a non-Muslim non-dhimmi (Hindu, non-Christian, non-Jew, pagan, etc) man is worth 1/2 of a non-Muslim dhimmi, the same amount a Christan or Jewish woman is worth. As you can see, Islam has a certain disrespect of every non-Muslim man. Furthermore dhimmis are ordered to pay a special tax because they are not-Muslim under Islam (non-dhimmi non-Muslims (Hindus, pagans) are simply murdered unless they convert to Islam when Islam invades their countries) so as to disrespect and humiliate non-Muslim men. Another thing Islamisists love to do is to point out how many more rights women in Islam are given versus women in the Bible (women are given somewhere around zero rights in the Bible (just food and clothing) and it demands that women obey and submit to their husband, it also stipulates that the penalty for the rape of an unmarried virgin girl is for her to be married to her rapist (he may not divorce her then, however)). They declare that Islam is superior to the Bible because Islam gives women more rights then the Bible and because Islam restricts men where the Bible puts few restrictions on men. You can see such anti-Bible debate going on in many places Islamisists congregate, here's one nice place to see for yourself: They are correct in saying that the Bible gives women very few rights and men very many rights, but because they are against such things they are indeed every man's enemy. One other unfortunate thing you will see in such discussions are intellectually castrated Christians trying to apologise for what the Bible says of women (sometime's you'll also see a Jew do the same thing, trying to negate what the Bible actually says about women with the Mishna (oral tradition that developed alongside the written Bible)). The Bible doesn't need to be apologised for: it's a great book that's pro-men. I do, however, apologise for our eunuchs who hate all that is written which in men's favor though. The fact of the matter is that Islamisists are our enemy and the enemy of all men. They are infavor of women's rights, they are infavor of disrespecting and discriminating against non-muslim men, they are infavor of the opression and bondage in servitude of our brothers. We must battle those Muslims (and non-Muslims) who believe in the Pure-Islamic or Feminist view of life. Muslims who do not believe in implementing Islam but instead believe in building governments and societies which are to the complete benifit of men are our friends, but these people are few and far between (a few Saudi princes here and there, a couple of Men in Pakistan), the fact is that Muslims today are turning towards the implementation of Islam and all the rights it gives to women... even Saudi Arabia is going this way (at the behest of my retarded government, and to the delight of it's female citizens); it just recently declared that 1/3rd of government jobs will now go to women, and it has (for some time) been highly educating girls rather then marrying them off young as any pro-men state would encourage one to do (marry girls off young so they will delight their master: their husband). The world is turning fully infavor of women's rights and is turning it's back on men (on you and me). Even those we once saw as allies are dying to this. We men are losing the only home we have: earth. We are becoming slaves of women and in no corner of the globe will this bondage not reach. endmsg x 8 y 14 end arch flagstone x 8 y 15 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 8 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 8 y 16 end arch amethyst x 8 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 8 y 17 end arch arescrystal10 x 8 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 9 end arch amcrystalstone x 9 y 1 end arch arescrystal12 x 9 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch flagstone x 9 y 2 end arch cwall_3_3 x 9 y 2 end arch flagstone x 9 y 3 end arch cwall_1_2 x 9 y 3 end arch flagstone x 9 y 4 end arch flagstone x 9 y 5 end arch flagstone x 9 y 6 end arch flagstone x 9 y 7 end arch flagstone x 9 y 8 end arch flagstone x 9 y 9 end arch flagstone x 9 y 10 end arch flagstone x 9 y 11 end arch flagstone x 9 y 12 end arch flagstone x 9 y 13 end arch cwall_2_2_2 x 9 y 13 end arch flagstone x 9 y 14 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 9 y 14 end arch flagstone x 9 y 15 end arch cwall_2_2_4 x 9 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 9 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 9 y 17 end arch arescrystal12 x 9 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 10 end arch arescrystal9 x 10 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 10 y 1 end arch arescrystal9 x 10 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch flagstone x 10 y 2 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 10 y 2 end arch flagstone x 10 y 3 end arch quarto name A response to Anonymous: I am a coward. name_pl msg quote: Q U O T E In a response to comments of mine and other MRAs on Bob's blog Anonymous said: There's a lot of screaming here on this Blog. If you angry men really did accomplish anything to change society, to improve your alleged "bad situation", this Blog would cease to exist. You'd be happy for once, calm, peaceful, productive, enjoying your lives. But no way. Your anger continues to gush like a non-stop volcano. Pity. Anonymous: That is because we are completely powerless in the face of the pro-women's rights police states we live in. The only thing we can do is scream and shout. We cannot fight because we have no military weapons nor are we permitted to aquire any. We cannot run because every country in the world is going pro-women's rights. The only thing we can do is turn our thoughts into words. I do pray, as you do however, that these words oneday are turned into actions. Women's rights must die. Will it die in our generation?, I don't think so. I am too much of a coward to take up arms in violence against women who are pro-women's rights and the government that represents them as I would surely perish. The men in the Men's Movement want happiness in this world. We cannot achive that however if we are dead, but if we cling to life we will only ever be slaves. I apoligise that I choose to take no action. I am a coward. I should fight physically against women's rights and the governments that they own. I should fight physically against this socialist woman's paradise. I do not for I fear death and uncomfort. Salvation lies in the desperate. endmsg x 10 y 3 end arch flagstone x 10 y 4 end arch flagstone x 10 y 5 end arch flagstone x 10 y 6 end arch flagstone x 10 y 7 end arch flagstone x 10 y 8 end arch flagstone x 10 y 9 end arch flagstone x 10 y 10 end arch flagstone x 10 y 11 end arch guide_wizard name To be male is to be slavery. msg Men have always been slaves to women. We have always served mother goddess. We have never had power. We always had to ask permission from her. If we didn't work and support her with money we were jailed. She always had choices, we never had choices. We are slaves. Who give's a shit about slaves? Our bravado, 'dominance', etc, has aways been a mask of compensation. We, as slaves, do not even have the right to our wives. We love our masters, women. They hate us and have always hated us. The government cares about women, the Church (Catholic Church in this instant) cares about women. No one cares about men. We are slaves. We must love our women, support our women, be loyal to our women, fight for are women, die for our women. Our women must do nothing for us, If she does it shows how sweet and great she is, If we don't we are jailed or murdered. We men are slaves and have always been such. Who would care if a slave dissapeared? There is nothing in this world for us. We are the slaves that created everything of note on this earth, we are not those who benifit from it. Woman is our master, we are nothing more than slave dogs. Women hate us. Women has always hated us. She exploits us and thinks nothing of us. She want's to castrate us. She hates us. We love her. If we don't love her we are told we will be punished later. We are evil if we don't love our master woman. There is nothing wrong with her if she abuses her salve. Most men only want love from our master. Women gives only hate. I wish woman would be stopped forever but there is no solution. This world has nothing for us. It is the kingdom of the feminine. <--> Men will realize this when things get too unberable by the fault of woman. But what to do with women? Some say send them to the factories and make them work like we work. If we send them to the factories our wives loose their attractiveness and sleep with other men, sleep with other women, and begin another sisterhood. Another option is to confine them to the home. Well then they live happily off our toil and become the ruler of the house as they are there always. Either way ... well I have no solution. What I do know is that there should be no marital-rape laws; men should do with their wives as they please. There should be no abuse laws; sometimes the only way to deal with a female is to hit her. A third thing I know is that we have no allies; the government enforces our slavery to women aswell as the church. I wish the church didn't though... we need a rallying point and rebellion to the government is one thing but rebellion against an institution God created is another... I wish that institution wouldn't try to raise up woman and keep us in bondage though. Atleast the Bible is on our side to an extent. <--> If you can never hit your women then, ultimately, you can't control them as they know that they can escalate their actions past the escalation of your actions. Some quotes that just came into my mind are: "Force must be met with force." "Peace through superior firepower." Naturally men have the superior power, however since we were little children it has been drilled into us to never use that ability. This is why we fail. However, the new generation of men and boys does not believe in never hitting women it seems Smile. I think that, though the older generation may not beable to let go of their chilvary, the current and upcoming generation can and will easily shed the nail-polish-thin coating. The older generation, in an attempt to win them over if need be, can be shown what chilvary and being pro-women's rights does to their fellow man (for they may support such things for themselves and their women, but should such be forced upon their fellow man to his detriment....) endmsg x 10 y 11 end arch flagstone x 10 y 12 end arch quarto name Britain's Pro-Feminist Kidnap Office name_pl msg Britain operates pro-feminist kidnap offices from it's embassies around the world: I've seen this office in action in a pro-women's rights documentary about pakistan in college. The British agents would go out at night and kidnap girls of various ages (up into mid to late teens) away from the pakistani realitives that the girl's parents had sent them to; this was so that the girls would not have to be good wives but instead could be stolen from their husbands (if they were married) and set free in the anti-man british society. Notice how they say the girl was raped because her husband had sex with her (and note, with the ages girls have sex in the UK, if she hadn't been away from the UK since 6, there's a chance she still wouldn't have been a virgin even at 11). This is because the UK hates men and hates when men have power over females, it also wishes to justify it's kidnapping of the man's wife. In any case marital rape is no crime (and normal rape of unmarried girls (according to the Bible) just requires that the man marry the girl and not divorce her). I am very sad that the British embassies around the world do not suffer a violent reduction in their staff (in retaliation to their pro-feminist kidnappings). I hope the family or clan of this man who had his wife stolen from him takes revenge upon the anti-man pro-feminist people in the embassy who committed the theft and kidnapping. Britian needs to be expelled from all non-feminist countries (if any exist). endmsg x 10 y 12 end arch flagstone x 10 y 13 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 10 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 10 y 14 end arch arescrystal2 x 10 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 10 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 10 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 10 y 17 end arch arescrystal12 x 10 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 11 end arch arescrystal10 x 11 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 11 y 1 end arch arescrystal2 x 11 y 1 end arch flagstone x 11 y 2 end arch cwall_2_2_3 x 11 y 2 end arch flagstone x 11 y 3 end arch cwall_2_2_1 x 11 y 3 end arch flagstone x 11 y 4 end arch quarto name Mary Winkler name_pl msg Mary Winkler (woman who shot her pastor husband in the back with a shotgun in the USA) Could Only Serve 60 Days As you can see, when a woman murders a man other women will always behave like pack animals and defend their fellow woman (because they are pack animals, pack animals that see their enemy as man). There can never be any revenge (and that is all justice is) brought by the state upon any woman who kills a man as long as women have the power to save their fellow woman from punishment. A woman does not think "What does this person deserve for commiting this foul act?", a woman thinks this: "What if I ever kill a man? I would want to be aquitted; Therefore I will aquit this fellow woman because someday I may NEED to murder my husband or boyfriend or brother." When a man is accused of hurting a woman, a woman on the jury will think this: "How do I increase the power of women in this society? If I find this man guilty men will fear women more and fear is power; Therefore I will find him guilty and put him in jail for a very long time." The only two men a woman MIGHT not fight against and hate is her own son and her brother. This is because she feels a vested intrerst in the son's success and believe the brother protects her from other men (other men who she naturally hates). Women will always hate and fight against their husbands, boyfriends, and strange men because the natural anamalistic state of females is to hate, compete, and try to gain supremacy over males: just look at nature and it's martracies and you're looking at what woman desire: males working for independent females who dictate who they bestow sex upon, who may reproduce, who may have a purpose in life (and that purpose is to impress a female enough so that she allows the male to procreate, then she chases him off). In the animal world females make the rules, choose what males to have sex with, and then once the offspring comes they chase off the males. We have the same thing today. Because of our liberation of women we _ARE_ animals. There is only one way to correct this and it is ancient: The power of the woman, and her ability to charm men into obedience, stems completely from her power to dictate who she will marry, who she will have sex with, who she will ALLOW to have children. She must not beable to make any of those decisions. The solution the Bible has is that it de-criminalizes the rape of unmarried females. It stipulates that if a man forcibly lies with an unmarried girl he marrys her (and not divorce her afterwards). Thus it removes that power women have over men. Men make the decision who they will have as a mate, not women: this is the opposite of the animal kingdom. Animals follow the dictates of females. Those who are above animals dictate to females as they have rational thought: there is no need to obey that which is weaker then I, even if it is genetically programed into me to do so: I have thought thus I can disobey my programming. endmsg x 11 y 4 end arch flagstone x 11 y 5 end arch flagstone x 11 y 6 end arch cwall_1_4 x 11 y 6 end arch flagstone x 11 y 7 end arch tome name Promoting Women's Rights in the Middle East reduces National Security. name_pl msg Promoting Women's Rights in the Middle East reduces the National Security of the USA. It is well known by now that the Islamic Terrorists who marytr themselves for their cause of killing us have the goal of obtaining servile virgins in the next world. Because they cannot aquire the nice girls they want in this life (due to dowery costs etc) they look to the 'next life' for their pleasure. If these men had good wives they would be much less willing to kill themselves or risk killing themselves to kill us and our soliders of the USA, but they don't so they do. Promoting women's rights in the middle east will (and does) reduce the pool of suitable and desireable wives in the Middle East even further by: 1) Convincing/Socializing girls that it is OK to be not nice to men and be a genrally bad and worthless wife thusly. 2) Raising the marraige age for girls. The result is even more men without good wives in the Middle East and more men looking elswhere for them (such as an afterlife), thus more men attacking us in maryterdom operations for a sure ticket to their heaven of many young female companions which they were unable to procure on earth. The bottom line: Promoting women's rights in the middle east props up anti-USA terrorism. endmsg x 11 y 7 end arch flagstone x 11 y 8 end arch cwall_1_4 x 11 y 8 end arch flagstone x 11 y 9 end arch book_clasp name Age of Consent name_pl msg "Dude she'll be legal in 12 weeks 4hours and 7min!!!11111" 'DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDEEEE!111111' Have you ever stumbled upon such retardice? I've come across it countless times; be overhearing a discussion about the olsen twins(TM) or of a local girl of interest. What do we learn from such conversations? Two things: 1: The speakers deeply respect the law. 2: Many men wish to have sex with girls under the age of 18 even though they will deny it because anyone who likes girls who are under the age of 18 is a pedophile and any man who wants to marry a woman under the age of 35 is a irresposible dirty pervert. So how is it that the age you can marry girls is 18 or up, but the strongest natural drive of men to aquire said girls is when said girls are under the age of 18? It all comes down to our people's talent of finding anything that men like and then dutifully destroying it or destroying the men that seek to obtain it. Our society (the people in it) hate men, bar none, and wish to punish us untill we no longer exist due to mass suicide. America, and all of the west, and much of the rest of the world deeply and profoundly hates men. The truth of the matter is that, on a world wide average, girls are ready to have children at age 13 (13.5 years from birth is the exact average). Some girls are ready earlier, some a half a year later. The marraige age for girls should reflect that with the wording "once a girl had hit menarche she can be married" (as menarche is the biological indicator that the plumbing is now working, so to speek). The marraige ages in the US states used to reflect that in their Age of Consent laws (note: in modern times if a man marries a girl who is younger then these laws allow he WILL be prosecuted by the people in our government that hate him (mainly the women working in the prosecuter's office and the men who serve and worship at their feet)) which usually set the Age of Consent at 12: around when many girls in america hit menarche. This all changed from the 50s to the present as feminists and women's rights activists (who hate all men who do not obey women) went from state to state demanding it be altered. Sometimes I debate with family members and strangers about this. My first proclaimation is that females should be married once they are able to have children, and the world wide average for that is at 13.5 years. Using science like this disarms their kneejerk reaction of "PEDOPHILE" or "PERVERT OLD MAN" and leaves them with their other argument: "Yes girls are BIOLOGICALLY capable of having children at such an age, but they are not intelectually mature enough and must finish schooling first (a young female will not challenge you enough)" To which, ofcourse, my respose is always: I do not want a girl who has learned, through schooling and through trial and error, how to manipulate and control men. I do not want a girl who will fight with me. I do not want a girl who has "been around" if you will. If they pull the "it's dangerous to have children that young" my response is that it's always dangerous to have children, we have hospitals to guard against this. And finally when they pull the "you immoral, you go to hell" I inform them that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was pregnant at these young ages... thusly does he or she say that God himself is a sinner? If it's a woman's rights activist I'm talking to I then get told that God is a woman... and I just walk away from the heathen bitch. So there you have it: girls can and should be married in the age range of 12 to 14, America and the West's people hate men, much of the rest of the world hates men too, and things need a'changing. endmsg x 11 y 9 end arch flagstone x 11 y 10 end arch cwall_2_2_2 x 11 y 10 end arch flagstone x 11 y 11 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 11 y 11 end arch flagstone x 11 y 12 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 11 y 12 end arch flagstone x 11 y 13 end arch cwall_2_2_4 x 11 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 11 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 11 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 11 y 16 end arch arescrystal11 x 11 y 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 11 y 17 end arch arescrystal10 x 11 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 end arch arescrystal12 x 12 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 1 end arch amethyst x 12 y 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 2 end arch arescrystal11 x 12 y 2 end arch flagstone x 12 y 3 end arch cwall_2_2_3 x 12 y 3 end arch flagstone x 12 y 4 end arch cwall_2_2_1 x 12 y 4 end arch flagstone x 12 y 5 end arch flagstone x 12 y 6 end arch cwall_2_2_3 x 12 y 6 end arch flagstone x 12 y 7 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 12 y 7 end arch flagstone x 12 y 8 end arch cwall_3_4 x 12 y 8 end arch flagstone x 12 y 9 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 12 y 9 end arch dwall_1_3 face dwall_8_short.x11 x 12 y 9 end arch flagstone x 12 y 10 end arch cwall_2_2_4 x 12 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 11 end arch arescrystal6 x 12 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 12 end arch amethyst x 12 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 16 end arch arescrystal9 x 12 y 16 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 12 y 17 end arch arescrystal10 x 12 y 17 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 end arch arescrystal10 x 13 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 1 end arch arescrystal6 x 13 y 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 2 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 3 end arch arescrystal2 x 13 y 3 end arch flagstone x 13 y 4 end arch cwall_2_1_2 x 13 y 4 end arch flagstone x 13 y 5 end arch flagstone x 13 y 6 end arch magic_mouth msg As you enter the room you see that it is built in a very weird way, but all clean and orderly. It looks like a room of some very paranoid person. endmsg food 1 x 13 y 6 end arch flagstone x 13 y 7 end arch pedestal_trigger x 13 y 8 connected 1 end arch flagstone x 13 y 8 end arch flagstone x 13 y 9 end arch odoorm2_closed_1 x 13 y 9 connected 1 end arch pedestal_trigger x 13 y 10 connected 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 15 end arch arescrystal9 x 13 y 15 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 13 y 16 end arch arescrystal10 x 13 y 16 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 13 y 17 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 end arch arescrystal9 x 14 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 1 end arch arescrystal9 x 14 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 2 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 3 end arch flagstone x 14 y 4 end arch cwall_2_2_3 x 14 y 4 end arch flagstone x 14 y 5 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 14 y 5 end arch flagstone x 14 y 6 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 14 y 6 end arch flagstone x 14 y 7 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 14 y 7 end arch flagstone x 14 y 8 end arch cwall_2_1_1 x 14 y 8 end arch flagstone x 14 y 9 end arch cwall_1_2 x 14 y 9 end arch dwall_1_4 face dwall_2_short.x11 x 14 y 9 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 10 end arch arescrystal2 x 14 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 12 end arch arescrystal13 x 14 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 14 end arch arescrystal7 x 14 y 14 end arch amcrystalstone x 14 y 15 end arch arescrystal10 x 14 y 15 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 14 y 16 end arch blocked x 14 y 17 end arch blocked x 15 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 1 end arch arescrystal10 x 15 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 2 end arch arescrystal7 x 15 y 2 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 3 end arch amethyst x 15 y 3 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 4 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 5 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 6 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 7 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 8 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 9 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 13 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 14 end arch arescrystal12 x 15 y 14 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 15 y 15 end arch arescrystal9 x 15 y 15 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 15 y 16 end arch blocked x 15 y 17 end arch blocked x 16 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 1 end arch arescrystal10 x 16 y 1 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 2 end arch arescrystal9 x 16 y 2 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 3 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 4 end arch arescrystal6 x 16 y 4 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 5 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 6 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 7 end arch arescrystal7 x 16 y 7 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 8 end arch amethyst x 16 y 8 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 9 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 10 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 11 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 12 end arch arescrystal11 x 16 y 12 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 13 end arch arescrystal10 x 16 y 13 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 16 y 14 end arch arescrystal12 x 16 y 14 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 16 y 15 end arch blocked x 16 y 16 end arch blocked x 16 y 17 end arch blocked x 17 end arch blocked x 17 y 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 2 end arch arescrystal10 x 17 y 2 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 3 end arch arescrystal9 x 17 y 3 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 4 end arch arescrystal12 x 17 y 4 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 5 end arch arescrystal9 x 17 y 5 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 6 end arch arescrystal9 x 17 y 6 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 7 end arch arescrystal10 x 17 y 7 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 8 end arch arescrystal12 x 17 y 8 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 9 end arch arescrystal12 x 17 y 9 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 10 end arch arescrystal9 x 17 y 10 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 11 end arch arescrystal10 x 17 y 11 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 12 end arch arescrystal10 x 17 y 12 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch amcrystalstone x 17 y 13 end arch arescrystal9 x 17 y 13 move_block all blocksview 1 end arch blocked x 17 y 14 end arch blocked x 17 y 15 end arch blocked x 17 y 16 end arch blocked x 17 y 17 end