#! perl # The international bank script. There are five commands one can # give the banker in-game: # - help, will show the usage information # - deposit, can deposit a certain amount of a given currency unit # - withdraw, can give out a certain amount of a given currency unit # provided, the bank account has this amount of money # - exchange, will exchange between imperials and platinum coins # - balance, simply shows how much money one has on his/her account. # # TODO: # - Comment more steps # The units are being used in each sub so they are declared globally. my %unit = ( silver => 1, gold => 10, platina => 50, imperial => 10000, ); # Subroutine just to calculate exchange rates. sub calc_exchange_rate { my ($value, $from_cur, $to_cur) = @_; if ($unit{$from_cur} and $unit{$to_cur}) { return $value * $unit{$from_cur} / $unit{$to_cur}; } } # Calculates and returns how much money someone has starting with the # highest value currency going down. Think of it like having the date # and time in the format of 2006-05-19 03:21:31 UTC instead of 1148001691 # seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. sub balance { my ($who) = @_; my $balance = $who->{bank_balance}; if (!$balance or int($balance) == 0) { return "Sorry, you have no balance."; } else { my $imperials = calc_exchange_rate($balance, "silver", "imperial"); my $platinum = calc_exchange_rate($imperials - int ($imperials), "imperial", "platina"); my $gold = calc_exchange_rate($platinum - int ($platinum), "platina", "gold"); my $silver = calc_exchange_rate($gold - int ($gold), "gold", "silver"); return "You have ".int($imperials)." imperials, ".int($platinum)." platinum, ".int($gold)." gold and about ".int($silver)." silver coins."; } } sub transaction { my ($who, $action, $amount, $currency) = @_; my $pay = $amount * $unit{$currency}; if (!$unit{$currency}) { return "We don't trade in that currency."; } # First check for possible overflow and user stupidity if ($amount > 10000) { return "Sorry, we do not handle more than 10000 units for one ".$action."."; } elsif ($amount == 0) { return "You can not ".$action." nothing."; } elsif ($amount < 0) { return "You can not ".$action." negative values."; } # Here we handle the transactions if ($action eq "deposit") { if ($who->pay_amount ($pay)) { $who->{bank_balance} += $pay; return "$amount $currency received."; } else { return "You don't have enough money with you."; } } elsif ($action eq "withdraw") { if ($who->{bank_balance} - $pay > 0) { $who->{bank_balance} -= $pay; if ($currency eq "imperial") { my $money = cf::object::new ("imperial"); $money->set_property (1, 24, $amount); $money->insert_in_ob ($who); } else { my $money = cf::object::new ($currency."coin"); $money->set_property (1, 24, $amount); $money->insert_in_ob ($who); } return "Withdrew $amount $currency"; } } } sub on_say { my ($event, $ob, $who, $msg) = @_; my ($cmd, $arguments) = split /\s+/, $msg, 2; my ($amount, $currency) = split /\s+/, $arguments, 2; my $service_charge = 5; my @units = sort keys %unit; my $units = join ", ", @units; my $fees = - ($service_charge / 100) + 1; if ($cmd eq "balance") { $who->message ($ob->name." says: ".balance ($who), cf::NDI_WHITE); } elsif ($cmd eq "deposit" and $currency) { $who->message ($ob->name." says: ".transaction($who, "deposit", $amount, $currency), cf::NDI_WHITE); $who->message ($ob->name." says: ".balance ($who), cf::NDI_WHITE); } elsif ($cmd eq "deposit" and $amount and $currency eq "") { $who->message ($ob->name." says: Deposit $amount of what: ".$units.".", cf::NDI_WHITE); } elsif ($cmd eq "deposit" and $amount eq "" and $currency eq "") { $who->message ($ob->name." says: How much do you want to deposit?", cf::NDI_WHITE); } elsif ($cmd eq "withdraw" and $currency) { $who->message ($ob->name." says: ".transaction($who, "withdraw", $amount, $currency), cf::NDI_WHITE); $who->message ($ob->name." says: ".balance ($who), cf::NDI_WHITE); } elsif ($cmd eq "withdraw" and $amount and $currency eq "") { $who->message ($ob->name." says: Withdraw $amount of what: ".$units.".", cf::NDI_WHITE); } elsif ($cmd eq "withdraw" and $amount eq "" and $currency eq "") { $who->message ($ob->name." says: How much do you want to withdraw?", cf::NDI_WHITE); } elsif ($cmd eq "help" or $cmd eq "yes") { $who->message ($ob->name." says: ".help($arguments), cf::NDI_WHITE); } else { $who->message ($ob->name." says: Do you need help?", cf::NDI_WHITE); } } sub help { my ($command) = @_; if ($command eq "") { return "You can: deposit withdraw balance exchange help "; } elsif ($command eq "deposit") { return "You can deposit some of the money you don't currently use in our bank. To do this, ask me to: deposit \nSee help exchange for our currencies."; } elsif ($command eq "withdraw") { return "To get the money you stored in our system back, just say: withdraw "; } elsif ($command eq "balance") { return "I can tell you how much money you are saving in our bank, just ask me about your balance."; } elsif ($command eq "exchange") { return "We exchange between imperial notes and platinum coins at a very low price. To change from platinum to imperials, say: exchange platina\nTo change from imperials to platinum, say: exchange imperial\nWe currently only exchange between these two currencies. If you want to know more about exchange rates, ask me: help exchange rates\nThanks for using our bank."; } elsif ($command eq "exchange rates") { my @units = sort { $unit{$b} <=> $unit{$a} } keys %unit; my $exchange_rates = "Here is a list of exchange rates:\n"; for my $from_cur_nr (0 .. $#units) { for my $to_cur_nr ($from_cur_nr+1 .. $#units) { $exchange_rates = $exchange_rates."One $units[$from_cur_nr] is ".calc_exchange_rate(1, $units[$from_cur_nr], $units[$to_cur_nr])." $units[$to_cur_nr]\n"; } } return $exchange_rates."This may change a bit with the stock markets but don't expect it to be much."; } }