#! perl cf::register_command ignore => 0, sub { my ($who, $args) = @_; my ($target, $type, $timeout) = split /\s+/, $args; if ($args eq "list") { if ((my @ignored_tell = sort keys %{$who->{ext_ignore_tell}}) + (my @ignored_shout = sort keys %{$who->{ext_ignore_shout}})) { $who->message ("Currently ignoring private messages from: ", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ((join ", ", @ignored_tell), cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ("Currently ignoring shouts from: ", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ((join ", ", @ignored_shout), cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ("To stop ignoring one, use unignore.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } else { $who->message ("Not ignoring anyone", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } } elsif ($target && $type) { $timeout ne "" or $timeout = 24; my $absolute_timeout = time + $timeout * 3600; if (my $other = cf::player::find $target) { if ($type eq "tell") { $who->message ("Now ignoring private messages from " . $other->ob->name . " for $timeout hours.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->{ext_ignore_tell}{$other->ob->name} = $absolute_timeout; } elsif ($type eq "shout") { $who->message ("Now ignoring shouts from " . $other->ob->name . " for $timeout hours.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->{ext_ignore_shout}{$other->ob->name} = $absolute_timeout; } elsif ($type eq "all") { $who->message ("Now ignoring everything from " . $other->ob->name . " for $timeout hours.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->{ext_ignore_tell}{$other->ob->name} = $absolute_timeout; $who->{ext_ignore_shout}{$other->ob->name} = $absolute_timeout; } else { $who->message ("You need to specify tell, shout or all.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } } else { $who->message ("No such player or ambiguous name: $target", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } } else { $who->message ("Usage:", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ("ignore ", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ("will ignore a player for hours.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ("ignore list", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ("will show you a list of players currently ignored.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } }; cf::register_command unignore => 0, sub { my ($who, $args) = @_; my ($target, $type) = split /\s+/, $args; if ($args eq "") { if ($who->{ ext_ignore_tell }) { $who->message ("Currently ignoring private messages from: ", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ((join ", ", sort keys %{ $who->{ext_ignore_tell} }), cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ("Currently ignoring shouts from: ", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); $who->message ((join ", ", sort keys %{ $who->{ext_ignore_shout} }), cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } else { $who->message ("Not ignoring anyone", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } } else { if (my $other = cf::player::find $target) { if ($type eq "tell") { $who->message ("Not ignoring private messages from " . $other->ob->name . " anymore.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); delete $who->{ext_ignore_tell}{$other->ob->name}; } elsif ($type eq "shout") { $who->message ("Not ignoring shouts from " . $other->ob->name." anymore . ", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); delete $who->{ext_ignore_shout}{$other->ob->name}; } elsif ($type eq "all") { $who->message ("Not ignoring anything from " . $other->ob->name." anymore . ", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); delete $who->{ext_ignore_tell} {$other->ob->name}; delete $who->{ext_ignore_shout}{$other->ob->name}; } else { $who->message ("You need to specify tell, shout or all.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } } else { $who->message ("No such player or ambiguous name: $target", cf::NDI_UNIQUE); } } };