# Script for say event of IPO employees # # Copyright (C) 2002 Joris Bontje # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # The author can be reached via e-mail at jbontje@suespammers.org # #Updated to use new path functions in CFPython -Todd Mitchell # # help - gives information about usage # pen - drops IPO Writing Pen on the floor # literacy - drops IPO Scroll of Literacy on the floor # mailscroll - drops mailscroll to on the floor # mailwarning - drops mailwarning to on the floor # Constant price values (all prices in platinum coins) priceWritingPen = 100 priceScrollOfLiteracy = 5000 priceMailScroll = 5 priceBag = 5 pricePackage = 50 priceCarton = 200 priceFactor = 50 # platinum to silver conversion # Map storage storage_map = '/planes/IPO_storage' storage_x = 2 storage_y = 2 # Post office sack name (one word without space) sackName = 'package' import Crossfire import string import CFLog activator = Crossfire.WhoIsActivator() activatorname = activator.Name whoami = Crossfire.WhoAmI() x = activator.X y = activator.Y log = CFLog.CFLog() text = string.split(Crossfire.WhatIsMessage()) if text[0] == 'help' or text[0] == 'yes': # split the help message in two parts to prevent the server from truncating it. message = 'How can I help you?\nHere is a quick list of commands I understand:\n\n- pen (%s platinum)\n- literacy (%s platinum)\n- mailscroll (%s platinum)\n- bag (%s platinum)\n- package (%s platinum)'%(priceWritingPen, priceScrollOfLiteracy, priceMailScroll, priceBag, pricePackage) whoami.Say(message) message = '- carton (%s platinum)\n- send \n- receive'%(priceCarton) if activator.DungeonMaster: message += '\n- mailwarning ' whoami.Say(message) elif text[0] == 'pen': if activator.PayAmount(priceWritingPen*priceFactor): whoami.Say('Here is your IPO Writing Pen') id = activator.Map.CreateObject('writing pen', x, y) id.Name = 'IPO Writing Pen' id.Value = 0 else: whoami.Say('You need %s platinum for an IPO Writing Pen'%priceWritingPen) elif text[0] == 'literacy': if activator.PayAmount(priceScrollOfLiteracy*priceFactor): whoami.Say('Here is your IPO Scroll of Literacy') id = activator.Map.CreateObject('scroll of literacy', x, y) id.Name = 'IPO Scroll of Literacy' id.NamePl = 'IPO Scrolls of Literacy' id.Value = 0 else: whoami.Say('You need %s platinum for an IPO Scroll of Literacy'%priceScrollOfLiteracy) elif text[0] == 'mailscroll': if len(text) == 2: if log.info(text[1]): if activator.PayAmount(priceMailScroll*priceFactor): whoami.Say('Here is your mailscroll') id = activator.Map.CreateObject('scroll', x, y) id.Name = 'mailscroll T: '+text[1]+' F: '+activatorname id.NamePl = 'mailscrolls T: '+text[1]+' F: '+activatorname id.Value = 0 else: whoami.Say('You need %s platinum for a mailscroll'%priceMailScroll) else: whoami.Say('I don\'t know %s'%text[1]) else: whoami.Say('Usage "mailscroll "') elif text[0] == 'mailwarning': if activator.DungeonMaster: if len(text) == 2: if log.info(text[1]): whoami.Say('Here is your mailwarning') id = activator.Map.CreateObject('diploma', x, y) id.Name = 'mailwarning T: '+text[1]+' F: '+activatorname id.NamePl = 'mailwarnings T: '+text[1]+' F: '+activatorname id.Value = 0 else: whoami.Say('I don\'t know any %s'%text[1]) else: whoami.Say('Usage "mailwarning "') else: whoami.Say('You need to be DM to be able to use this command') elif text[0] == 'bag' or text[0] == 'package' or text[0] == 'carton': if len(text) == 2: if log.info(text[1]): if text[0] == 'bag': price = priceBag max = 5000 item = 'r_sack' elif text[0] == 'package': price = pricePackage max = 50000 item = 'r_sack' else: price = priceCarton max = 100000 item = 'r_sack' if activator.PayAmount(price*priceFactor): box = activator.CreateObject(item) box.Name = sackName+' T: '+text[1]+' F: '+activatorname box.WeightLimit = max box.Str = 0 whoami.Say('Here is your %s'%text[0]) else: whoami.Say('You need %s platinum to buy a %s'%(price, text[0])) else: whoami.Say('I don\'t know any %s'%text[1]) else: whoami.Say('Send a %s to who?'%text[0] ) elif text[0] == 'send': if len(text) == 2: count = 0 inv = activator.CheckInventory(sackName) while inv: next = inv.Below text2 = string.split(inv.Name) if len(text2) == 5 and text2[0] == sackName and text2[1] == 'T:' and text2[3] == 'F:' and text2[2] == text[1]: map = Crossfire.ReadyMap(storage_map) if map: # rename container to prevent sending it multiple times inv.Name = sackName+' F: '+text2[4]+' T: '+text2[2] inv.Teleport(map, storage_x, storage_y) count = count+1 else: whoami.Say('I\'m sorry but the post can\'t send your package now.') inv = next if count <= 0: whoami.Say('No package to send.') elif count == 1: whoami.Say('Package sent.') else: whoami.Say('%d packages sent.'%count) else: whoami.Say('Send packages to who?') elif text[0] == 'receive': map = Crossfire.ReadyMap(storage_map) if map: count = 0 item = map.ObjectAt(storage_x, storage_y) while item: previous = item.Above text2 = string.split(item.Name) if len(text2) == 5 and text2[0] == sackName and text2[4] == activatorname: item.InsertInto(activator) count = count+1 item = previous if count <= 0: whoami.Say('No package for you, sorry.') else: whoami.Say('Here you go.') else: whoami.Say('Sorry, our package delivery service is currently in strike. Please come back later.') else: whoami.Say('Do you need help?') Crossfire.SetReturnValue(1)