arch map file_format_version 1 name gate_tests width 12 height 14 msg Creator: Anthony Thyssen Email: Date: Mon Dec 21 16:48:56 1998 endmsg hp 12 sp 8 end arch sign_e name Boulders msg Boulders of different types to push around for testing. 1/ Normal Boulder 2/ Treasure Boulder 3/ Large treasure Boulder 4/ Rock 5/ Barrel endmsg x 1 y 1 end arch sign_e name Gates msg Gates... * Comes in a huge variety * Has a definate on and off state * Objects on top of a closing gate will roll off if a free space is availble. Boudlers is one of the few objects which can NOT coexist with itself. * Needs quite a long period to change state, and takes even longer if more than two objects needs to be rolled off. endmsg x 1 y 6 end arch sign_e name Trapdoors & Teleports msg Trapdoors & Teleports... The first two `pits' are connectable. ALL the rest activate when a player walks on then. Except the one with `brick work'. This trapdoor is weight activated. EG: a player can walk on it but a boulder can not! (See special_objects for more) endmsg x 1 y 9 end arch sign_e name Magic Mouths msg Magic Mouths... These handle/trigger/button are each connected to a seperate magic mouth to check how `connected mouths' work. Particularly to try and avoid having the mouth repeat itself. -- Results... * The mouth is triggered whenever 1/ Player steps on magic mouth 2/ On any connected event weather that is a on, off or a trigger 3/ A player `applys' a button! 4/ A player walks on any button weather or not the button itself activates! This includes plate buttons! * Result 2 means a button in a cascade will always trigger a mouth at least twice! Once when `token' rolls on and again when it rolls off. It will remain so unless we can get a ``trigger button'' (or alturnative). * A mouth can be heard ANYWHERE on the map when triggered (via connection?) Great! No radius limits? endmsg x 1 y 11 end arch boulder x 2 y 1 end arch button_handle x 2 y 4 connected 1 end arch spikes_open x 2 y 5 speed 0.500000 value 1 connected 1 end arch spikes_closed x 2 y 6 speed 0.500000 connected 1 end arch spikes_moving x 2 y 7 speed 0.500000 speed_left -0.860000 connected 1 end arch pit_open x 2 y 9 connected 1 end arch button_handle x 2 y 11 connected 10 end arch trigger x 2 y 12 connected 11 end arch button_small x 2 y 13 connected 12 end arch t_boulder x 3 y 1 connected 1 end arch button_lever x 3 y 4 connected 1 end arch ggate_open x 3 y 5 connected 1 end arch ggate_closed x 3 y 6 connected 1 end arch gate_open_2 x 3 y 7 speed 0.500000 value 1 connected 1 end arch pit_closed x 3 y 9 connected 1 end arch t_lboulder x 4 y 1 end arch sign name Handles and Buttons msg Handles and Buttons... * Devices have a definate on/off state * When state is changed ALL connected gates buttons and handles also change state. (Though it may take some time) * Note this means a button can be `on' without any objects on top. Button Specific... * The trigger weight of buttons is setable. EG: You could use it to sort objects in a `cascade' for example. * The trigger weight is also the button actual weight! As such any EXTRA buttons stacked underneath must include the weight of all the buttons above it before adding the desired trigger weight. EG: button trigger weight from top down: 1, 2, 4, 8, etc * A button can be used to reset a handle which started a `cascade', when a object rolls on and then latter off the button. Pedistals.. * Activates on specific object placed on it. Default is the player himself. In this case the `test_key' * Only seems to activate trigger gates! endmsg x 4 y 3 end arch button_small x 4 y 4 connected 1 end arch grate_open_1 x 4 y 5 speed 0.500000 value 1 connected 1 end arch grate_closed_2 x 4 y 6 speed 0.500000 connected 1 end arch gate_closed_1 x 4 y 7 speed 0.500000 connected 1 end arch trapdoor_4 x 4 y 9 connected 1 end arch magic_mouth msg Handle Changed endmsg x 4 y 11 connected 10 end arch magic_mouth msg You just triggered a bomb. Run! endmsg x 4 y 12 connected 11 end arch magic_mouth msg Groan! You are heavy aren't you! endmsg x 4 y 13 connected 12 end arch rock x 5 y 1 end arch button_plate x 5 y 4 connected 1 end arch igate_open_2 x 5 y 5 speed 0.500000 value 1 connected 1 end arch igate_closed_1 x 5 y 6 speed 0.500000 connected 1 end arch stwall_closed_1 x 5 y 7 connected 1 end arch trapdoor_3 x 5 y 9 connected 1 end arch barrel x 6 y 1 end arch pedestal name pedestal (only effects trigger gates) slaying test_key x 6 y 4 connected 1 end arch block_door_open x 6 y 5 speed 0.500000 value 1 connected 1 end arch block_door_closed x 6 y 6 speed 0.500000 connected 1 end arch stwall_open_1 x 6 y 7 connected 1 end arch trapdoor_2 x 6 y 9 connected 1 end arch sign_e name Boulder Bounce msg Boulder Bounce... This shows that if you have a button under a boulder in say a cascade, and the boulder can't `roll' then it will bounce on and off the button. -- We can see this in this case as a magic mouth will ``mouth off'' everytime boulder leaves and falls back onto the button. This happens too quickly to properly effect any other device, but shows that it is present! -- What it does mean is that if a trigger gate is connected to that button with a bouncing boulder, the `reset timer' will constantally reset, and the gate will never close. -- Also, if we ever do get a `button trigger' you can not use it in a `up cascade' (see cascades) due to this `boulder bounce'. In a Raffles like down cascade however their should be no problem. endmsg x 6 y 11 end arch button_handle x 6 y 12 connected 13 end arch magic_mouth msg Bounce! endmsg x 6 y 13 connected 14 end arch sign name Triggers msg Triggers... * Activate once and reset * Inverts the state of ALL connected gates/handles/buttons/etc... * Can leave things in a odd state * Only really useful for trigger gates or `once only' gates (from an altar?) * Trigger buttons do not exist, though they could be useful. EG: turn on then later in a cascade turn off. * A pedistal trigger also exists. -- Trigger pedistals here are set to work with the `test_key'. But I can get it to do anything. endmsg x 7 y 3 end arch trigger x 7 y 4 connected 1 end arch gateTrg1 x 7 y 6 connected 1 end arch igateTrg1 x 7 y 7 connected 1 end arch trapdoor_1 x 7 y 9 connected 1 end arch swall_2_2_2 x 7 y 11 end arch swall_2_1_1 x 7 y 12 end arch swall_2_2_1 x 7 y 13 end arch gratedoor_1 x 8 connected 1 end arch detector name detector (what does it do) slaying test_key x 8 y 1 connected 1 end arch pedestal_trigger name pedestal trigger slaying test_key x 8 y 4 connected 1 end arch gateTrg2 x 8 y 6 connected 1 end arch igateTrg2 x 8 y 7 connected 1 end arch teleporter hp 8 sp 10 x 8 y 9 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 8 y 11 end arch button_small x 8 y 12 connected 14 end arch spikes_open x 8 y 12 speed 0.500000 value 1 connected 13 end arch boulder x 8 y 12 end arch swall_2_1_2 x 8 y 13 end arch gratedoor_2 x 9 connected 1 end arch creator name creator (what does it do?) other_arch goldcoin x 9 y 1 connected 1 lifesave 1 end arch sign_e name Magic Ear msg Magic Ear... Say anything, anything at all This will send 1 trigger signal. endmsg x 9 y 2 end arch sign_e name Check Inv msg Check Inv.. To the left is a ``check_inv'' square looking for the ``test_key'' lockcode. It activates like a button without player needing to drop tested object. endmsg x 9 y 3 end arch sign_e name Check Floor msg Check Floor.. To the left is a ``check_floor'' For some reason however the image says ``check inv'' however (in blue)! It also looks for the ``test_key''. It activates like a trigger, Once only when player moves onto square. endmsg x 9 y 4 end arch sign_e name Altars msg Altars... * Altars make dropped items disappear. * They work only once, until map reset! * Item type and amount can be set. -- In order top down. * Altar (1 food -- can't get to work) * Trigger Altar (1 food) * Gold Floor (1 gp) endmsg x 9 y 5 end arch sign_w name Trigger Gates msg Trigger Gates... * On event (any event, including handle/button off) will open the gate and start (or restart) a timer. * Gate automatically closes when no futher signal is received after a very long period of time. * Can't seem to change the time the gate takes to close. endmsg x 9 y 6 end arch swall_2_2_3 x 9 y 11 end arch swall_2_1_1 x 9 y 12 end arch swall_2_2_4 x 9 y 13 end arch sign_w name Grate Door msg Grate Doors.. I can't figure out if these open! Do they do anything? I can't tell! endmsg x 10 end arch sign_w name Unknown Devices msg Unknown Devices... To the left are * Detector * Creator But I do not know what they do. endmsg x 10 y 1 end arch magic_ear msg @match * I hear you, I hear you! endmsg x 10 y 2 connected 1 end arch check_inv slaying test_key x 10 y 3 connected 1 end arch check_floor slaying test_key x 10 y 4 connected 1 end arch altar food 1 x 10 y 5 connected 1 end arch altar_trigger food 1 x 10 y 6 connected 1 end arch goldfloor name drop 1 gold peice (not working) food 1 x 10 y 7 connected 1 end arch food x 10 y 8 nrof 5 end arch goldcoin x 10 y 9 nrof 5 end arch key2 name Key of Testing slaying test_key x 10 y 10 end arch magic_mouth msg A distant magic mouth says ``click'' endmsg x 11 y 13 connected 1 end