The under_world maps are somewhat analogous. At current time, it is but a small selection, but as time passes, a bit of an underworld could exist, interconnected with each other. For that reason, they should follow a layout/naming conventions somewhat similiar to that of the above world, simply so that interconnects make sense. If things are named like 'cave1' 'tunnel16', etc, there is no clear idea if a cave/tunnel you are making should connect in any way with those. Note that the naming here is a bit looser - it is quite so critical that everything matches up perfectly as on the surface world - this is largely because the underworld will have fewer interconnections, and don't really need to use the map tiling as heavily as the surface world - they may not need to use map tiling at all, and rather have staircases or other map changers to lead from one area to the next. For now, for the one I have done, I named it for the map it is mostly on - the passage does in fact span two maps. Mark Wedel Sept 2002.