arch map name world_120_108 width 50 height 50 msg endmsg outdoor 1 tile_path_1 world_120_107 tile_path_2 world_121_108 tile_path_3 world_120_109 tile_path_4 world_119_108 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 20 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 21 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 22 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 23 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 24 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 25 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 26 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 27 end arch cobblestones x 18 y 28 end arch mountain_cave slaying /under_world/uworld_120_109 msg Going through the old mine tunnels should save a lot of time compared to going overland. You've heard it isn't too dangerous if you stick to the lighted path. endmsg hp 1 sp 1 x 18 y 29 is_floor 0 end