arch map file_format_version 1 name world_121_122 width 50 height 50 outdoor 1 tile_path_1 world_121_121 tile_path_2 world_122_122 tile_path_3 world_121_123 tile_path_4 world_120_122 end arch shallow_sea x 37 y 45 end arch fishboat x 37 y 45 end arch shallow_sea x 37 y 46 end arch pier_1_4 x 37 y 46 move_allow -all end arch travelguide slaying *route_valleynoy_celvear lore Hello! Me and my li'l boat can bring you to Celvear in no time! And if you don't like my price, pack yerself! endlore face man2.x51 x 37 y 46 value 8000 end arch shallow_sea x 38 y 45 end arch shallow_sea x 38 y 46 end arch pier_2_1_2 x 38 y 46 end arch tag x 38 y 46 tag route_celvear_valleynoy end arch shallow_sea x 39 y 46 end arch pier_2_1_2 x 39 y 46 end arch beach x 40 y 46 end arch pier_1_3 x 40 y 46 end