Here are listed some todos which should be looked into sometimes. * animated weapons should come back to the player when he dies/disconnects? 2007-01-14 18:50:07 info: winvirus chats: Could you make it so if you have an animated weapon out and you disconnect, that it'd simply a) fall to the ground or b) return to your inv? Rather than disappearing into the void of nothingness. * rewrite gen_worldmap so that it replaces floors instead putting the overlay on top of the worldmap. * investigate face and ground problems in world_109_126 * important: re-enable out-of-order execution of chat and say by making them packets instead of commands, by pre-parsing ncom/command. * mapinfo command should be handled asynchronously (cause it blocks the server) * drop unpaid items when dieing on the spot. * arch/river/* need to be converted to new .x scheme * 16:09 <@schmorp> eigetlich soltle world-overlay nahc world moven 16:09 <@schmorp> ende des themas 16:09 <@schmorp> und eigentlich soltlen dort alle leeren maps gelöscht werden 16:09 <@schmorp> so daß nur maps existieren, die overwirtes enthalten 16:09 <@schmorp> erinnert mich dran 16:09 <@schmorp> (schreibs is todo und rede alle paar tage drüber, danke) * map converter elmex: because of the faces and all the other nice things - i guess * implement no-drop-on-destroy flag (done) for example to remove the specialcases for books that are destroyed and contain spells (should be done) * look at these logs: 2006-09-16 01:38:16 17 objects in mortal queue [this one is just fine, schmorp] 2006-09-16 01:38:16 Got unknown value in map header: race human 2006-09-16 01:37:33 invalid type defined in shopitems in string cloak:5;spellbook:35;ring:15;book:28;scroll:25;wand:28;armour improver:2;weapon improver:2;rod:32;potion:10;horn:35;amulet:17;power_crystal:25;gem:0;lamp:-10;*:-90; 2006-09-16 01:37:17 Map darkness for poison on /quests/peterm/FireTemple/Fire2 is too high (6) * requirements need to be dcoumented: safe:hole, gperf, glib, std::tr1 (::unoredred_map)