/* Started file Sept 1996 - initialization of gods in form of a * linked list -b.t. */ #include #include #include static godlink *init_godslist(void) { godlink *gl = (godlink *) malloc(sizeof(godlink)); if(gl==NULL) fatal(OUT_OF_MEMORY); gl->name=NULL; /* how to describe the god to the player */ gl->arch=NULL; /* pointer to the archetype of this god */ gl->id=0; /* id of the god */ gl->pantheon=NULL; /* the group to which the god belongs (not implemented) */ gl->next=NULL; /* next god in this linked list */ return gl; } /* init_gods() - this takes a look at all of the archetypes to find * the objects which correspond to the GODS (type GOD) */ void init_gods (void) { archetype *at=NULL; LOG(llevDebug, "Initializing gods..."); for(at=first_archetype;at!=NULL;at=at->next) if(at->clone.type==GOD) add_god_to_list(at); LOG(llevDebug,"done.\n"); } /* add_god_to_list()- called only from init_gods */ void add_god_to_list (archetype *god_arch) { godlink *god; if(!god_arch) { LOG(llevError,"ERROR: Tried to add null god to list!\n"); return; } god = init_godslist(); god->arch = god_arch; god->name=add_string(god_arch->clone.name); if(!first_god) god->id = 1; else { god->id = first_god->id + 1; god->next = first_god; } first_god = god; #ifdef DEBUG_GODS LOG(llevDebug,"Adding god %s (%d) to list\n",god->name,god->id); #endif } /* baptize_altar() - (cosmetically) change the name to that of the * god in question, then set the title for later use. -b.t. */ int baptize_altar(object *op) { char buf[MAX_BUF]; /* if the title field is pre-set, then that altar is * already dedicated. */ if(!op->title) { godlink *god=get_rand_god(); if(!god||!god->name) { LOG(llevError,"baptise_altar(): bizarre nameless god!\n"); return 0; } /* if the object name hasnt' been changed, we tack on the gods name */ if(!strcmp(op->name,op->arch->clone.name)) { if(op->name!=NULL) free_string(op->name); sprintf(buf,"%s of %s",op->name,god->name); op->name = add_string(buf); } op->title=add_string(god->name); return 1; } return 0; } godlink * get_rand_god ( void ) { godlink *god=first_god; int i; if(god) for(i=RANDOM()%(god->id)+1;god;god=god->next) if(god->id==i) break; if(!god) LOG(llevError,"get_rand_god(): can't find a random god!\n"); return god; } /* pntr_to_god_obj() - returns a pointer to the object * We need to be VERY carefull about using this, as we * are returning a pointer to the CLONE object. -b.t. */ object *pntr_to_god_obj(godlink *godlnk) { object *god=NULL; if(godlnk && godlnk->arch) god=&godlnk->arch->clone; return god; } void free_all_god(void) { godlink *god, *godnext; LOG(llevDebug,"Freeing god information\n"); for (god=first_god; god; god=godnext) { godnext=god->next; if (god->name) free_string(god->name); free(god); } } void dump_gods(void) { godlink *glist; fprintf(stderr,"\n"); for(glist=first_god;glist;glist=glist->next) { object *god=pntr_to_god_obj(glist); char tmpbuf[HUGE_BUF]; int tmpvar,gifts=0; fprintf(stderr,"GOD: %s\n",god->name); fprintf(stderr," avatar stats:\n"); fprintf(stderr," S:%d C:%d D:%d I:%d W:%d P:%d\n", god->stats.Str,god->stats.Con,god->stats.Dex, god->stats.Int,god->stats.Wis,god->stats.Pow); fprintf(stderr," lvl:%d speed:%4.2f\n", god->level,god->speed); fprintf(stderr," wc:%d ac:%d hp:%d dam:%d \n", god->stats.wc,god->stats.ac,god->stats.hp,god->stats.dam); fprintf(stderr," enemy: %s\n",god->title?god->title:"NONE"); if(god->other_arch) { object *serv = &god->other_arch->clone; fprintf(stderr," servant stats: (%s)\n",god->other_arch->name); fprintf(stderr," S:%d C:%d D:%d I:%d W:%d P:%d\n", serv->stats.Str,serv->stats.Con,serv->stats.Dex, serv->stats.Int,serv->stats.Wis,serv->stats.Pow); fprintf(stderr," lvl:%d speed:%4.2f\n", serv->level,serv->speed); fprintf(stderr," wc:%d ac:%d hp:%d dam:%d \n", serv->stats.wc,serv->stats.ac,serv->stats.hp,serv->stats.dam); } else fprintf(stderr," servant: NONE\n"); fprintf(stderr," aligned_race(s): %s\n",god->race); fprintf(stderr," enemy_race(s): %s\n",(god->slaying?god->slaying:"none")); fprintf(stderr,"%s", describe_resistance(god, 1)); sprintf(tmpbuf," attacktype:"); if((tmpvar=god->attacktype)) { strcat(tmpbuf,"\n "); DESCRIBE_ABILITY(tmpbuf, tmpvar, "Attacks"); } strcat(tmpbuf,"\n aura:"); strcat(tmpbuf,"\n paths:"); if((tmpvar=god->path_attuned)) { strcat(tmpbuf,"\n "); DESCRIBE_PATH(tmpbuf, tmpvar, "Attuned"); } if((tmpvar=god->path_repelled)) { strcat(tmpbuf,"\n "); DESCRIBE_PATH(tmpbuf, tmpvar, "Repelled"); } if((tmpvar=god->path_denied)) { strcat(tmpbuf,"\n "); DESCRIBE_PATH(tmpbuf, tmpvar, "Denied"); } fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",tmpbuf); fprintf(stderr," Desc: %s",god->msg?god->msg:"---\n"); fprintf(stderr," Priest gifts/limitations: "); if(!QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_USE_WEAPON)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n weapon use is forbidden");} if(!QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_USE_ARMOUR)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n no armour may be worn");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_UNDEAD)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n is undead");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_SEE_IN_DARK)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n has infravision ");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_XRAYS)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n has X-ray vision");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_REFL_MISSILE)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n reflect missiles");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_REFL_SPELL)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n reflect spells");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_STEALTH)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n is stealthy");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_MAKE_INVIS)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n is (permanently) invisible");} if(QUERY_FLAG(god,FLAG_BLIND)) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n is blind");} if(god->last_heal) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n hp regenerate at %d",god->last_heal);} if(god->last_sp) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n sp regenerate at %d",god->last_sp);} if(god->last_eat) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n digestion is %s (%d)", god->last_eat<0?"slowed":"faster",god->last_eat);} if(god->last_grace) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n grace regenerates at %d",god->last_grace);} if(god->stats.luck) {gifts=1; fprintf(stderr,"\n luck is %d",god->stats.luck);} if(!gifts) fprintf(stderr,"NONE"); fprintf(stderr,"\n\n"); } }