This file explains the 'ITEM_TRANSFORMER' (163) item type. Last update: 2005-07-19. An item transformer is simply applied, after having marked a 'victim' item. If the victim is suitable, it will be transformed into something else. To make an item transformable, you just have to fill the 'slaying' field. The syntax is: slaying slayer:[yield ]new_item[;slayer:[yield ]new_item]* with [] denoting optional part, and * any number of preceding []. Example, for object apple: slaying knife:2 half_apple This means that, when applying a knife (non existing item with type of 163), one 'apple' will be transformed into 2 'half_apple'. Pretty simple, hopefully. Transformer uses food value to count how many times it can be used. 0 denotes unlimited uses. The 'slaying' field of the 'transformer' is a verb used to construct a message. More complex imaginary example: Object water slaying bowl:full_bowl;paper:wet_paper if paper and bowl are 'transformer' items.