Teleporters 'Updated 11/5/95 to include full documentation on teleporters (mwedel)' Teleporters operate in a manner similar to exits - when something is on a teleporter, and the teleporter gets its movement, the object is then teleported. The main difference between that and normal exits is that normal exits transport the person either when they step on it (auto_apply), or when they apply it. Teleporters operate without user control - you will get teleported whether or not you want to. Also, teleporters have speed associated with them - the way speed works. with teleporters is the same as with other objects - when the teleporter gets its chance to move, it teleports at that time. Thus, if a teleporter has a speed of 0.05, it would teleport something once very 20 ticks. Teleporters can be set to operate in three ways: 1. Slaying (new map) with destination coordinates. In this case, it will teleport the player to the new map. 2. Destination coordinates, but no maps supplied. In this case, it will teleport the object to the same map, new coordinates. 3. No coordinates or map supplied. Note that there is a difference between #1 and #2 above even if the map supplied is the map you are on. If a map is provided, even if it is the same map, only players will be teleported. In the case of #2, all objects will be teleported. Thus, in most cases, if you are doing a same map teleport, you want to leave the slaying field blank, so it will teleport all objects. In the case of #3, it will teleport you to any teleporter that is with 5 spaces of the source teleporter. Note that for this to work, the destinatin teleporter must either be the first or second object on the space (ie, if a teleporter has 2 objects beneath it, it will not work). Which teleporter you go to is randomly determined. Now for special teleporters: By default, teleporters teleport anything which steps on them to x,y,map (see map editor) If you'd like to make teleporters trigger off of something, you must: * make sure that the teleporter object has a speed of 0. pentagrams have a speed of zero by default, other teleporters must be modified using the map editor * give the teleporter a connected value. You may use any object to trigger the teleporter. This includes magic ears, which recognize words, buttons, levers, altars, pedestals, perhaps even monsters. When the connected object is triggered, the teleporter will trigger also, teleporting whomever is on it someplace. NOTE: In order to teleport items other than players, the teleporter can not have an exit path set. This means that it must be moving the objects between the same map. Even if the exit path is set to this same map, the teleporter will not work properly for transporting objects.