This file contains various test plans when making changes to the code. These steps are intended to give people an idea of possible things to try out when changing the code. Please add to this file as you find bugs and develope some testing plan to verify the bugs. This is useful for future developers. Try to organize the tests into groups that exercise that specific area, eg, don't mix something that tests spell functionality in the same area that deals with map loading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map Loading/Saving and Exit code. 1) Enter map not loaded before. Does it load correctly. Leave an item there for future reference. 2) Exit map and re-enter quickly. Is it loaded correctly? Is that item you left there? 3) Exit map, and wait for it to swap out. Then re-enter. Is that item there. 4) Repeat steps 1-3 with a per player unique map. 5) Repeat steps 1-3 with a map that has the outdoor flag set 6) Kill server, and re-run tests.