- nice sideeffect: diseases on the worldmap seem to spread and give still lots of exp hours later... - also there seems to be some nice disease that makes speed go crazy... 04 14:30:03 But what I did discover was that my character got in a wavelike cycle of stats rising and diminishing 04 14:30:09 his stats first went down to 1 04 14:30:10 there are awful lots of things that are just broken 04 14:30:14 then suddenly back to 30 04 14:30:19 And his speed above the limit 04 14:30:32 Then his stats lowered again to 1, but his speed remained bearable 04 14:30:40 then suddenly back to 30, and his speed even higher 04 14:30:44 The cycle has kept repeating 04 14:30:49 heh 04 14:30:52 By now I've reached peaks near 200 speed 04 14:30:59 Right now I'm at 220 speed 04 14:31:07 My attack speed is 2.43 04 14:31:13 I'm still rabid 04 14:31:26 and I keep gaining millions of experience because monsters over the whole world got infected by rabies 04 14:31:35 and it has not stopped for the last 5 hours 04 14:31:43 :-) 04 14:31:58 I really didn't do this all trying to break the game, it just spontaneously exploded in my face 04 14:32:06 sounds like some weird sideeffect with diseases and worldmap monsters 04 14:32:09 I just wanted to get immune =P 04 14:32:13 Yes o_O 04 14:32:21 The problem is that rabies seems to be incurable by natural healing 04 14:32:26 unlike all the other diseases in the game 04 14:32:38 And therefore monsters (and myself) will remain sick 'till eternity - fix pippijns maps quests/pippijn/sang* and tuk* in that way that the marker mayby lasts longer than only 1 hour and generally all the stuff should be more documented for the player? - alchemy identify exp - fix for broggans err pippijns broken map with altar. 31 12:46:17 Putting a scroll with a short text written in it inside the workbench, would cause the resulting jewel to have the text as the name. - Curly reported this via IRC: 06:48:52 Anyway, the content of the mail was that chaos lair 1 & 2 had changed +behaviour. Previously, upon opening door to #1 using the password 'orcus', 06:49:26 lots of dragonmen would appear and attack. However, lately, none of them +would appear. 06:49:49 Similarly in #2, the chaos wyvern wasn't showing up. 06:50:13 I haven't tried it since the conversation we had about the mail, but it +was pretty consistent for a while. - 24 22:51:52 und die pets sind kaputt 24 22:51:53 imho 24 22:52:14 hmm 24 22:52:16 in wie fern? 24 22:53:47 naja 24 22:53:51 mach ne snitchangel 24 22:53:56 de rmüsste dioch in sekundne durch den raum fegen in sad 24 22:54:01 und alles töten 24 22:54:09 wenn er wirklich von gegner zu gegner rennen würde 24 22:54:10 theoretisch ja ;) 24 22:54:18 aber die pets machen imho nur random moves 24 22:54:41 evtl. tut move-type vom snitchangel das pet-movement ueberschreiben oder sowas 24 22:54:52 attacmovement mein ich 24 22:55:02 die fiecher haben doch random movemnt oder? 24 22:56:05 keine ahnung 24 22:56:06 mag sein 24 22:56:09 eventuell soltle man das fixen - 14:44:29 elmex: mach aus dne inv-strong-hill-giants ne archetype mit inherit 14:44:36 elmex: und benutze sie eventuell 14:44:45 elmex: kannste einfach ins .arc file mit reinklemmen 14:44:50 ah, k 14:44:51 jo 14:44:53 elmex: und wenn du die hill-gients eventuell auf de rmap änderst 14:44:58 elmex: dann mach doch das gleiche ind er snakepit 14:45:03 elmex: die gibts jetzt als archetypes 14:45:08 oh, und geh mal nahc lake country - investigate counterspell weirdness: 2007-04-17 13:53:22.074 {cnt:159039,uuid:<1.4e1a707a>,name:"Anolis",flags:[0,7,15,39,40,56,89,93,98],type:1}(on /elmex/jeweler/jeweler_dungeon_2@8+2) was hit by {cnt:834703,uuid:<1.156249647>,name:"counterspell",flags:[8],type:102}(on /elmex/jeweler/jeweler_dungeon_2@8+2) with counterspell attack. - ext_reseller_orig_value entfernen - fix insert => update stuff! - fix IPO package delivery - fix editor bug mit arch nicht von map ausgewaehlt - fix icecube-doors on movers (already dead log message) - jeweler fertig machen - implement other stuff special features (reflect spells) - implement workbench improvements - think about: distribute experience on the chance of failure - playershop item limit - encounters! - give beholder leader neues face - heaven fertig machen - world map fertig machen - ueberfluessige world-overlay weg machen - cfplus builder support finishen - mlab ticket refactory - make any bottles refillable on any watery things - documentation objects.pod - bugfixing => server todo etc. - cfmaps auf crossfire.pm umstellen - books.pod (schmorp) LONGTERM: - remove workaround for sanctuary vs. spell effects as floors (see also permanent_lava arch) replace it by a floor that looks like lava and hits players with some special attacktype. (there maybe is already something like this) IDEAS: - helium baloons that make you weight less 01:49:53 elmex: nmodelle einen ganz gelben earthwall/fireball wall/missle wall 01:49:59 elmex: also so ein gelbes glattes teil 01:50:07 elmex: da kann man dann mit gimp die zeichen draufknallen 01:50:11 elmex: und die steine sehen besere aus 01:50:17 (den earthwall selbst will ich so garnicht wersetzen) 01:50:24 (nur die hässlichen blabla-walls)