- ext_reseller_orig_value entfernen - fix bolt spells wrt. direction - fix icecube-doors on movers (already dead log message) - fix insert => update stuff! - fix IPO package delivery - fix editor bug mit arch nicht von map ausgewaehlt - fix rune summoned monsters in doors - cfmaps auf crossfire.pm umstellen - jeweler fertig machen - implement other stuff special features (reflect spells) - implement workbench improvements - think about: distribute experience on the chance of failure - playershop item limit - encounters! - give beholder leader neues face - heaven fertig machen - world map fertig machen - ueberfluessige world-overlay weg machen - cfplus builder support finishen - mlab ticket refactory - make any bottles refillable on any watery things - documentation objects.pod - bugfixing => server todo etc. - books.pod (schmorp) LONGTERM: - remove workaround for sanctuary vs. spell effects as floors (see also permanent_lava arch) replace it by a floor that looks like lava and hits players with some special attacktype. (there maybe is already something like this) IDEAS: - helium baloons that make you weight less 01:49:53 elmex: nmodelle einen ganz gelben earthwall/fireball wall/missle wall 01:49:59 elmex: also so ein gelbes glattes teil 01:50:07 elmex: da kann man dann mit gimp die zeichen draufknallen 01:50:11 elmex: und die steine sehen besere aus 01:50:17 (den earthwall selbst will ich so garnicht wersetzen) 01:50:24 (nur die hässlichen blabla-walls)