\chapter{Skills} \label{app:skills} \index{skills, description} The following is the current (7/15/96) roster of skills and the description for each. Use the command {\tt crossfire -m5} to see the array of skills and experience in your version of crossfire. (Note: you need to have compiled with the {\tt DUMP\_SWITCHES} and {\tt ALLOW\_SKILLS} flags for this to work!) Emphasis on type denotes a skill which monsters/NPC's may also use. \begin{longtable}{|p{4cm}|p{9cm}|} \hline alchemy & User can identify potions, containers, flesh parts, \\ & and amulets. \\ & \\ bargaining & While this skill is readied the user has added CHA \\ & for purposes of purchase and selling of items only. \\ & Cha is never allowed to exceed 30. \\ & \\ bowyer & User can identify missile weapons and missiles. \\ & \\ {\em clawing} & User can make a {\em bare-handed attack}. Damage \\ & is based on the user's Str and {\tt level}. This is the \\ & default ``hand-to-hand'' fighting skill for the \\ & Quetzecoatl character class. \\ & \\ find traps & User can search (more effectively) for traps. \\ & Not a 'passive' skill, it is applied in order \\ & to gain the advantage in discovering traps. \\ & \\ {\em flame touch} & User can make a {\em bare-handed attack}. Damage \\ & is based on the user's Str and {\tt level}. This \\ & is the default hand-to-hand fighting skill \\ & for the Fireborn character class. \\ & \\ {\em hide} & User enjoys limited form of invisibility. If \\ & they attack or move too much they become visible. \\ & \\ jeweler & User can ident gems and rings that they hold. \\ & \\ {\em jumping} & User can 'skip' over 1-2 spaces in a selected \\ & direction. Distance depends on weight carried, \\ & STR and DEX of the user. This skill may also \\ & be used as an attack. \\ & \\ {\em karate} & User can make a {\em bare-handed attack}. Damage \\ & is based on the user's Str and {\tt level}. This attack \\ & is the fastest and (at higher levels) most deadly \\ & of the hand-to-hand attacks available. \\ & \\ literacy & User can ident books and scrolls that they hold. \\ & It also allows the player to read scrolls, books, \\ & \wizbook s and praybooks. \\ & \\ {\em lockpicking} & User may 'pick locks' (open doors). User needs \\ & to have readied 'lockpicks' to use this skill. \\ & \\ meditation & Player can regain mana/hp at an accelerated rate. \\ & Player must first strip off encumbering armour \\ & however. This skill is only available to the Monk \\ & character class. \\ & \\ melee weapons & User may use hand-held weapons (eg swords, \\ & spears, mace, etc). \\ & \\ missile weapons & The user is allowed to make attacks with \\ & ranged weapons (eg bow, crossbow). \\ & \\ mountaineer & While the skill is readied, the possessor will \\ & move faster through "hilly" terrain (hills, \\ & mountains, etc.) \\ & \\ oratory & User may 'recruit' followers. Recruitees must be \\ & of lower {\tt level}, and unaggressive to start. Use \\ & of this skill may anger the audience. Also, \\ & 'special' monsters are immune to recruitment. \\ & Success depends on User Cha and {\tt level}. \\ & \\ praying & User is allowed to cast ``priest'' spells. In addition, \\ & this skill may be used to accelerate the accumulation \\ & of grace. This skill may be either {\em learned} or \\ & acquired through the use of a {\em holy symbol}. \\ & \\ {\em punching} & User can make a {\em bare-handed attack}. Damage \\ & is based on the user's Str and {\tt level}. This is \\ & the most feeble of the hand-to-hand attacks. \\ & \\ remove traps & User may remove previously discovered traps. \\ & \\ sense curse & User may discover whether items that they hold \\ & are {\em cursed}. \\ & \\ sense magic & User may discover whether items that they hold \\ & are {\em magic}. \\ & \\ set traps & Unimplemented. \\ & \\ singing & User may pacify hostile monsters with this skill. \\ & Certain kinds of monsters are immune. Success \\ & depends on user {\tt level} and CHA. \\ & \\ smithery & User may ident arms and armour that they hold. \\ & \\ \spellcasting\ & User is allowed to cast ``wizard'' spells. This \\ & skill may be acquired either through the use \\ & of a {\em talisman} or {\em learned} via a skill scroll. \\ & \\ {\em stealing} & User can steal items from other creatures. \\ & \\ thaumagragist & User can ident rods, wands and horns that they \\ & are holding. \\ & \\ throwing & Unimplemented. \\ & \\ use magic item & User can use magic items like rods/wands/horns. \\ & \\ woodsman & While the skill is readied, the possessor will \\ & move faster through ``wooded'' terrain (forest, \\ & grasslands, brush, jungle, etc.). If actively used, \\ & this skill will identify foods and flesh parts. \\ & \\ writing & User may both write messages in books {\em and} rewrite \\ & spell scrolls with a previously known spell. For \\ & new spell scrolls mana, time and an old scroll are \\ & needed. Backfire effects are possible. To write \\ & text in a book, use the skill as: {\tt use\_skill} \\ & {\tt writing $<$msg$>$}. This skills is only available as a \\ & 'writing pen'; the literacy skill must be possessed \\ & before this can be used. \\ \hline \end{longtable}