BEGIN { oldFS=FS; FS=":"; crosscmd = crosscmd " 2>&1"; while (crosscmd | getline == 1) { if ($2 != "(null)" && $2 != "null" ) before[$1] = $2; if ($3 != "(null)" && $3 != "null" ) after[$1] = $3; } close(crosscmd); FS=oldFS; } /^spell spells/,/^}/ { ++line; if (line < 3 || $0 ~ /^}/) next; if ($4 > 0 || $7 > 0 || $8 > 0) { spell = $1; sub("^[{ \t]*", "", spell); level = $2; sp = $3; checks = sprintf("%s%s%s", check($4), check($7), check($8)); # wand, scroll, book # Skip the next line, we have the info needed in the mappings getline; arch_b = (spell in before) ? "~~" before[spell] "~~" : ""; arch_a = (spell in after) ? "~~" after[spell] "~~" : ""; printf("%s%s%s%d%d%s\n", capitalize(spell), arch_b, arch_a, level, sp, checks); } } function check(i) { /* I suggest the 'x' is replaced by a cool checkmark gif */ return (i+0 != 0) ? "x" : " "; } function capitalize(str) { return toupper(substr(str, 1, 1)) substr(str, 2); }