% local.sty should give a right format for your thesis. % written by T.Bulik and modified by B. Thomas for the playbook % TEXT DEFINITIONS \def\etal{{\it et al.}} \def\cf{{\sl Crossfire}} \def\playbook{{\sl Crossfire} player's handbook} \def\spoiler{{\sl Crossfire} {\bf spoiler}} \def\divinemagic{divine magic} \def\wizardry{wizardry} \def\incantation{incantation} % this is the case a/an for 'incantation' def \def\ina{n} % using this caus Klaus yelled at me ;) \def\emdash{{\em $-$}} % here are some names \def\angband{{\sl Angband}} \def\ragnarok{{\sl Ragnarok}} \def\gauntlet{{\sl Gauntlet (TM)}} \def\rogue{{\sl Rogue}} \def\hack{{\sl NetHack}} \def\moria{{\sl Moria}} \def\sngc#1{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} \def\snglc#1{\multicolumn{1}{|c}{#1}} \def\sngLc#1{\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{#1}} \def\tplc#1{\multicolumn{3}{c|}{#1}} % Define the command \mychapter{}{}. % is the text to put in the chapter head if there is a % chapter number; , if not. \def\@chapapp{Chapter} \def\chapapp{\@chapapp} \def\mychapter#1#2{ \def\@chaphead##1{#1} \def\@schaphead##1{#2} } \def\@makechapterhead#1{ \vspace*{\chaptopsep} { \parindent 0pt \raggedright \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne \@chaphead{#1} \else \@schaphead{#1} \fi \par \nobreak \vskip \chapaftersep } } \def\@makeschapterhead#1{ \vspace*{\chaptopsep} { \parindent 0pt \raggedright \@schaphead{#1}\par \nobreak \vskip \chapaftersep } } % \chaptopsep is the space between the top of the text page and the % chapter head. \chapaftersep is the space between the chapter % head and the text. \newlength{\chaptopsep} \setlength{\chaptopsep}{.1in} \newlength{\chapaftersep} \setlength{\chapaftersep}{.5in} % Default chapter headings. % \mychapter{\LARGE \sc \thechapter. #1}{\LARGE \sc #1} % \mychapter{\LARGE \sc . #1}{\LARGE \sc #1} % % This defines the chapter headings as required by you know who. % % \mychapter{\large\bf \begin{center} \chapapp\ \thechapter \end{center} % \mychapter{\large\bf \thechapter . #1 $-$ } \mychapter{\large\bf Chapter \thechapter . #1 } {\large\bf \begin{center} #1 \end{center}} % Define the command \mysection{}{