#! perl # login handling use Fcntl; use Coro::AIO; my $PLAYERDIR = sprintf "%s/%s", cf::localdir, cf::playerdir; # paranoia function to overwrite a string-in-place sub nuke_str { substr $_[0], 0, (length $_[0]), "x" x length $_[0] } sub query { my ($ns, $flags, $text) = @_; my $current = $Coro::current; $ns->query ($flags, $text, sub { $current->ready; $current = $_[0]; }); Coro::schedule while ref $current; $current } sub can_cleanup { my ($playerfile, $mtime) = @_; my $age = time - $mtime; my $level = $playerfile =~ /^level (\d+)$/m ? $1 : return; ($level <= 3 && $age > 7 * 86400) # 7 days for level 0..3 || ($level <= 9 && $age > 90 * 86400) # 3 months for level 4..9 || ($level <= 20 && $age > 180 * 86400) # 6 months for level 10..20 || $age > 700 * 86400 # 2 years for everybody else } sub check_playing { my ($ns, $user) = @_; return unless cf::player::find_active $user; $ns->send_drawinfo ( "That player is already logged in on this server. " . "If you want to create a new player, choose another name. " . "If you are already a registered player, make sure nobody " . "else is using your account at this time. If you lost your conenction " . "then the server will likely timeout within a minute. If you still " . "cannot log-in after a minute, you are still logged in. Make sure " . "you do not have another client running. If you use windows, reboot, " . "this will fix anything.", cf::NDI_RED ); 1 } sub check_clean_save { my ($pl) = @_; unless (delete $pl->{clean_save}) { #d#TODO } } # delete a player directory, be non-blocking AND synchronous... # (thats hard, so we crap out and fork). sub nuke_playerdir { my ($user) = @_; aio_stat "$PLAYERDIR/$user"; system "cd \Q$PLAYERDIR\E " . "&& mv \Q$user\E ~\Q$Coro::current\E~deleting~ 2>/dev/null " . "&& (rm -rf ~\Q$Coro::current\E~deleting~ &)"; } sub addme { my ($ns) = @_; $ns->destroy if $ns->pl; $ns->async (sub { my ($user, $pass); $ns->send_packet ("addme_success"); for (;;) { $ns->send_drawinfo ( "Please enter your username now. If you are a new user, " . "make one up that describes your character best. " . "Only letters and digits are allowed, though.", cf::NDI_BLUE ); # read username while () { $user = query $ns, 0, "What is your name?\n:"; if ($cf::LOGIN_LOCK{$user}) { $ns->send_drawinfo ( "That username is currently used in another login session. " . "Chose another, or wait till the other session has ended.", cf::NDI_RED ); } elsif ($user =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{2,17}$/) { last; } else { $ns->send_drawinfo ( "Your username contains illegal characters " . "(only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 are allowed), " . "or is not between 3 and 18 characters in length.", cf::NDI_RED ); } } check_playing $ns, $user and next; $ns->send_drawinfo ( "Welcome $user, please enter your password now. " . "New users should now choose a password. " . "Anything your client lets you enter is fine.", cf::NDI_BLUE ); # read password while () { $pass = query $ns, cf::CS_QUERY_HIDEINPUT, "What is your password?\n:"; last if $pass =~ /.../; $ns->send_drawinfo ( "Try to use at least three characters as your password please, " . "that cannot be too much to ask for :)", cf::NDI_RED ); } # lock this username for the remainder of this login session if ($cf::LOGIN_LOCK{$user}) { $ns->send_drawinfo ( "That username is currently used in another login session. " . "Chose another, or wait till the other session has ended.", cf::NDI_RED ); next; } local $cf::LOGIN_LOCK{$user} = 1; check_playing $ns, $user and next; # try to read the user file and check the password if (my $fh = aio_open cf::player::path $user, O_RDONLY, 0) { my $mtime = (stat $fh)[9]; 0 < aio_read $fh, 0, 16384, my $buf, 0 or next; $buf =~ /^password (\S+)$/m or next; my $hash = $1; if ($hash eq crypt $pass, $hash) { nuke_str $pass; # password matches, wonderful my $pl = cf::player::find $user or next; $pl->connect ($ns); check_clean_save $pl; $pl->{clean_save} = 1; last; } elsif (can_cleanup $buf, $mtime) { Coro::Timer::sleep 1; $ns->send_drawinfo ( "Player exists, but password does not match. If this is your account, " . "please try again. If not, you can now decide to take over this account " . "because it has not been in-use for some time.", cf::NDI_RED ); #TODO: nuke_str (query $ns, cf::CS_QUERY_SINGLECHAR, "Delete existing account and create a new one (Y/N)?") =~ /^[yY]/ or next; # check if the file hasn't changed aio_stat cf::player::path $user and next; $mtime == (stat _)[9] or next; nuke_playerdir $user; # fall through to creation } else { nuke_str $pass; Coro::Timer::sleep 1; $ns->send_drawinfo ( "Wrong username or password. Please try again " . "(check for Numlock and other semi-obvious error sources).", cf::NDI_RED ); next; } } # the rest of this function is character creation # just to make sure nothing is left over nuke_playerdir $user; my $pass2 = query $ns, cf::CS_QUERY_HIDEINPUT, "Please type your password again."; if ($pass2 ne $pass) { nuke_str $pass; nuke_str $pass2; $ns->send_drawinfo ( "The passwords do not match, please try again.", cf::NDI_RED ); next; } nuke_str $pass2; my $pl = cf::player::new $user; $pl->password (crypt $pass, join '', ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64]); nuke_str $pass; $pl->connect ($ns); my $ob = $pl->ob; while () { $ob->update_stats; $pl->save_stats; my $res = query $ns, cf::CS_QUERY_SINGLECHAR, "[y] to roll new stats [n] to use stats\n[1-7] [1-7] to swap stats.\nRoll again (y/n/1-7)?"; if ($res =~ /^[Nn]/) { last; } elsif ($res > 0 && $res <= 7) { my $swap = query $ns, cf::CS_QUERY_SINGLECHAR, "Swap stat with (will not roll new stats) [1-7]?"; if ($swap > 0 && $swap <= 7) { $ob->swap_stats ($res - 1, $swap - 1); } } else { $ob->roll_stats; } } $ob->set_animation (2); $ob->add_statbonus; $ns->send_drawinfo ($ob->msg, cf::NDI_BLUE); $ns->send_packet (sprintf "query %d %s", cf::CS_QUERY_SINGLECHAR, "Now choose a character.\nPress any key to change outlook.\nPress `d' when you're pleased.\n"); $ns->state (cf::ST_CHANGE_CLASS); delete $pl->{deny_save};#d# too early last; } }); } cf::register_command quit => sub { my ($ob, $arg) = @_; $ob->reply (undef, "Quitting will delete your character PERMANENTLY: It will be gone forever and any progress will be lost. " . "If you are sure you want to do this, then use the quit_character command instead of quit.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE | cf::NDI_RED); }; cf::register_command quit_character => sub { my ($ob, $arg) = @_; my $pl = $ob->contr; $pl->ns->query (cf::CS_QUERY_SINGLECHAR, "Do you want to PERMANENTLY delete your character and all associated data (y/n)?", sub { if ($_[0] !~ /^[yY]/) { $ob->reply (undef, "Ok, not not quitting then.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE | cf::NDI_RED); } else { $ob->reply (undef, "Ok, quitting, hope to see you again.", cf::NDI_UNIQUE | cf::NDI_RED); $pl->ns->flush; $pl->quit_character; } }); }; cf::object->attach ( type => cf::SAVEBED, on_apply => sub { my ($bed, $ob) = @_; return cf::override 0 unless $ob->type == cf::PLAYER; my $pl = $ob->contr; # update respawn position $pl->savebed ($bed->map->path, $bed->x, $bed->y); $pl->killer ("left"); $ob->check_score; $ob->reply (undef, "In the future, you will wake up here when you die."); $pl->ns->query (cf::CS_QUERY_SINGLECHAR, "Do you want to continue playing (y/n)?", sub { if ($_[0] !~ /^[yY]/) { $pl->invoke (cf::EVENT_PLAYER_LOGOUT, 1); $pl->deactivate; $pl->ns->destroy; } else { cf::async { $pl->save }; } }); }, ); cf::player->attach ( on_login => sub { my ($pl) = @_; my $name = $pl->ob->name; $_->ob->message ("$name has entered the game.", cf::NDI_DK_ORANGE | cf::NDI_UNIQUE) for cf::player::list; }, on_logout => sub { my ($pl, $cleanly) = @_; my $name = $pl->ob->name; if ($cleanly) { $_->ob->message ("$name left the game.", cf::NDI_DK_ORANGE | cf::NDI_UNIQUE) for cf::player::list; } else { $_->ob->message ("$name uncerimoniously disconnected.", cf::NDI_DK_ORANGE | cf::NDI_UNIQUE) for cf::player::list; delete $pl->{clean_save}; } }, ); cf::client->attach ( on_addme => \&addme, ); ############################################################################# our $SCHEDULE_INTERVAL = 10; # time the player scheduler sleeps between runs our $SWAP_TIMEOUT = 30; # time after which an unused player is evicted form memory our $SAVE_TIMEOUT = 20; # save players every n seconds our $SAVE_INTERVAL = 0.1; # save at max. one player every $SAVE_INTERVAL our $SCHEDULER = cf::async_ext { while () { Coro::Timer::sleep $SCHEDULE_INTERVAL; # this weird form of iteration over values is used because # the hash changes underneath us frequently, and for # keeps a direct reference to the value without (in 5.8 perls) # keeping a reference, so this is prone to crashes or worse. my @players = keys %cf::PLAYER; for (@players) { my $pl = $cf::PLAYER{$_} or next; $pl->valid or next; eval { if ($pl->{last_save} + $SAVE_TIMEOUT <= $cf::RUNTIME) { $pl->save; Coro::Timer::sleep $SAVE_INTERVAL; } my $ob = $pl->ob; Scalar::Util::weaken $pl; # 2 == from object + from perl Scalar::Util::weaken $ob; # 2 == one from being an object + ??? my $a_ = $pl->refcnt; my $b_ = $ob->refcnt; my $a = $pl->refcnt_cnt; my $b = $ob->refcnt_cnt; warn "rc $a,$a_ $b,$b_\n";#d# }; warn $@ if $@; Coro::cede; }; } }; $SCHEDULER->prio (1);