#! perl # OPTIONAL # optional plug-in to speed up worldmap rendering by dynamically # generating it out of an image # - saves loading time (less data to read) # - saves temporary space (only overlay stuff needs to be saved) # - might get reused as a generic tiled map use Coro::Handle; use Coro::AIO; our $WORLD; sub load_indexed($$) { my ($path, $size) = @_; use bytes; 0 < aio_load "$path.plt", my $plt or cf::cleanup "$path.plt: $!"; my %plt; my @plt; for (split /\n/, $plt) { my ($name, $rgb) = split /\s+/; if (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { my ($name, $rgb) = ($1, $2); $rgb = join "", map chr, map $_ * 17, map hex, split //, $rgb; $plt{$rgb} = chr @plt; push @plt, $name; } } my $pid = open my $pipe, "-|"; defined $pid or cf::cleanup "fork: $!"; unless ($pid) { eval { open my $fh, "convert \Q$path.png\E -depth 8 rgb:- |" or die "convert: $!"; binmode $fh; $size * 3 == read $fh, my $data, $size * 3 or die "$path.png, expected $size rgb triplets: $!"; cf::_quantise $data, [map "$_$plt{$_}", keys %plt]; binmode STDOUT; syswrite STDOUT, $data; }; warn $@ if $@; cf::_exit; } $pipe = Coro::Handle::unblock $pipe; binmode $pipe; $size == read $pipe, my $data, $size or cf::cleanup "$path.png, expected $size index octets ($!)"; ($data, \@plt) } sub load_gridmap($) { my ($path) = @_; # if (! -e "/tmp/xxxx.gridmap") { 0 < aio_load "$path/gridmap.meta", my $map or cf::cleanup "$path/gridmap.meta: $!\n"; $map = cf::from_json $map; my $size = $map->{tile_w} * $map->{tile_h} * $map->{grid_w} * $map->{grid_h} or cf::cleanup "$path/gridmap.meta: empty gridmap?"; ($map->{arc_data}, $map->{arc_plt}) = load_indexed "$path/gridmap.arch", $size; ($map->{reg_data}, $map->{reg_plt}) = load_indexed "$path/gridmap.regn", $size; # Storable::nstore $map, "/tmp/xxxx.gridmap" if 0;#d# $map # } else { # Storable::retrieve "/tmp/xxxx.gridmap"; # } } # this is contorted, but likely the correct way to acquire the lock :) cf::sync_job { my $guard = cf::lock_acquire "ext::world_gridmap"; cf::async_ext { $WORLD = load_gridmap sprintf "%s/%s/%s", cf::datadir, cf::mapdir, "world"; warn "worldmap gridmap loaded."; undef $guard; } }; cf::map->register (qr{^/world/world_(\d\d\d)_(\d\d\d)$}, 100); sub wxwy { $_[0]->path =~ m{/world/world_(\d\d\d)_(\d\d\d)$} ? ($1, $2) : (0, 0) } sub load_header_orig { my ($self) = @_; my ($x, $y) = $self->wxwy; my $guard = cf::lock_acquire "ext::world_gridmap"; $self->width ($WORLD->{tile_w}); $self->height ($WORLD->{tile_h}); $self->name ("'The World' at +$x+$y"); $self->msg ("worldmap dynamically created by map-world extension"); $self->outdoor (1); $self->default_region (cf::region::find "wilderness"); $self->tile_path (0, sprintf "/world/world_%03d_%03d", $x, $y - 1) if $y > 0; $self->tile_path (1, sprintf "/world/world_%03d_%03d", $x + 1, $y) if $x < 999; $self->tile_path (2, sprintf "/world/world_%03d_%03d", $x, $y + 1) if $y < 999; $self->tile_path (3, sprintf "/world/world_%03d_%03d", $x - 1, $y) if $x > 0; $self->{load_path} = sprintf "%s/%s/world-overlay/world_%03d_%03d.map", cf::datadir, cf::mapdir, $x, $y if $x >= 100 && $x <= 129 && $y >= 100 && $y <= 129; 1 } sub fill { my ($self) = @_; $self->add_underlay ("\x00" x ($WORLD->{tile_w} * $WORLD->{tile_h}), 0, $WORLD->{tile_w}, $WORLD->{arc_plt}); $self->default_region (cf::region::find $WORLD->{reg_plt}[0]); } sub load { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->{load_path}) { $self->SUPER::load; } else { $self->alloc; $self->fill; $self->in_memory (cf::MAP_IN_MEMORY); } } sub post_load { my ($self) = @_; my $guard = cf::lock_acquire "ext::world_gridmap"; my ($x, $y) = $self->wxwy; if ($x >= 100 && $x <= 129 && $y >= 100 && $y <= 129) { my $stride = $WORLD->{grid_w} * $WORLD->{tile_w}; my $top = ($y - 100) * $WORLD->{tile_h} * $stride + ($x - 100) * $WORLD->{tile_w}; $self->add_underlay ($WORLD->{arc_data}, $top, $stride, $WORLD->{arc_plt}); $self->set_regiondata ($WORLD->{reg_data}, $top, $stride, $WORLD->{reg_plt}); } else { $self->fill; } } 1