#! perl # mandatory # this extension provides "environmental effects", # meaning mostly background music and region messages right now. sub parse_facelist($$) { my ($prefix, $list) = @_; return undef unless defined $list; #TODO [sort grep $_, map +(cf::face::find "$prefix$_"), split /\s*,\s*/, $list] } our %MUSIC_QUEUE; our $MUSIC_SCHEDULER = cf::async_ext { while () { for (keys %MUSIC_QUEUE) { delete $MUSIC_QUEUE{$_}; my $pl = cf::player::find_active $_ or next; my $faces; my $map = $pl->ob->map or next; # 1. update map-specific music info unless (exists $map->{music_faces}) { $map->{music_faces} = parse_facelist "music/", $map->{music}; } my $faces = $map->{music_faces}; # 2. fall back to region if no map-specific music unless ($faces) { my $rgn = $pl->ob->region or next; unless (exists $rgn->{music_faces}) { my $par = $rgn; while () { last if exists $par->{music}; $par = $par->parent or last; } $rgn->{music_faces} = parse_facelist "music/", $par->{music}; } $faces = $rgn->{music_faces}; } warn "music for $pl is @$faces\n" if $faces; cf::cede_to_tick; } Coro::schedule unless %MUSIC_QUEUE; } }; cf::player->attach ( on_region_change => sub { my ($pl, $new, $old) = @_; $pl->ob->message ("You are now " . $new->longname . ". H", $new->longname); $MUSIC_QUEUE{$pl->ob->name} = undef; $MUSIC_SCHEDULER->ready; }, on_map_change => sub { my ($pl, $new) = @_; $MUSIC_QUEUE{$pl->ob->name} = undef; $MUSIC_SCHEDULER->ready; }, );