#! perl # depends=irc mandatory # statistics-package use Fcntl; use Coro::AIO; our $UPDATE_LOGINS = EV::idle sub { $_[0]->stop; cf::async { my ($status, @pl) = ext::commands::who_listing; my $fh = aio_open "$LOCALDIR/usercount", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644 or return; aio_write $fh, 0, undef, scalar @pl, 0; aio_close $fh; my $who; for ($status, @pl) { s/[<&]//g; $who .= "$_
\n"; } my $fh = aio_open "$LOCALDIR/userlisting.html", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644 or return; aio_write $fh, 0, undef, $who, 0; aio_close $fh; }; }; cf::object->attach ( on_kill => sub { my ($ob, $hitter) = @_; return unless $hitter; $hitter = $hitter->outer_owner; my $pl = $hitter->contr or return; ++$hitter->{stats_kill}{$ob->name}; }, ); cf::player->attach ( on_login => sub { my ($pl) = @_; $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_last_login => time); $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_login_count => 1 + $pl->ob->kv_get ("schmorplog_login_count")); (my $client = $pl->ns->version) =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_client => $client); ext::irc::do_notice (sprintf "%s logged in", $pl->ob->name); $UPDATE_LOGINS->start; warn "LOGIN: ", $pl->ob->name, " from ", $pl->ns->host; }, on_logout => sub { my ($pl, $cleanly) = @_; $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_last_logout => time); ext::irc::do_notice (sprintf "%s left", $pl->ob->name); $UPDATE_LOGINS->start; warn "LOGOUT: ", $pl->ob->name, " from ", $pl->ns->host, " ($cleanly)"; }, on_birth => sub { my ($pl) = @_; ext::irc::do_notice (sprintf "%s was just born", $pl->ob->name); $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_birthdate => time); warn "BIRTH: ", $pl->ob->name, " from ", $pl->ns->host; }, on_quit => sub { my ($pl) = @_; ext::irc::do_notice (sprintf "%s quit the game", $pl->ob->name); warn "QUIT: ", $pl->ob->name, " from ", $pl->ns->host; }, on_death => sub { my ($pl) = @_; my $msg = $pl->expand_cfpod (sprintf "%s was killed by %s.", $pl->ob->name, $pl->killer_name); ext::irc::do_notice ($msg); ++$pl->ob->{stats_death}{$pl->killer_name}; $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_death_count => 1 + $pl->ob->kv_get ("schmorplog_death_count")); $_->send_msg ("" => $msg, cf::NDI_VERBATIM) for cf::player::list; }, on_load => sub { my ($pl, $path) = @_; $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_last_load => time); }, on_save => sub { my ($pl, $path) = @_; $pl->ob->kv_set (schmorplog_last_save => time); }, ); cf::register_script_function "statistician::talk" => sub { my ($who, $msg, $npc) = @_; my ($cmd, $args) = split /\s+/, $msg, 2; $args ||= $who->name; if ($cmd eq "deaths") { cf::async { my $pl = cf::player::find $args or return $who->reply ($npc, "I don't know any person named '$args'."); my $s = $pl->ob->{stats_death} or return $who->reply ($npc, "$args didn't die even once."); my $rep = "$args died a total of " . $pl->ob->kv_get ("schmorplog_death_count") . " times, among them:\n\n\n\n"; for (sort { $s->{$b} <=> $s->{$a} } keys %$s) { $rep .= "$s->{$_} time(s) due to $_.\n\n"; } $who->reply ($npc, $rep); }; } elsif ($cmd eq "kills") { cf::async { my $pl = cf::player::find $args or return $who->reply ($npc, "I don't know any person named '$args'."); my $s = $pl->ob->{stats_kill} or return $who->reply ($npc, "I don't know of I that $args has killed so far."); my $rep = sprintf "\n\nC<%6s> %s\n\n", "Kills", "Name"; for (sort { $s->{$a} <=> $s->{$b} } keys %$s) { $rep .= sprintf "C<%6s> %s\n\n", $s->{$_}, $_; } $who->reply ($npc, $rep); }; } elsif ($cmd eq "hi") { $who->reply ($npc, "Hello!\n\n" . "I am a statistician, I keep statistics about all people here.\n\n" . "To know how often somebody died, ask C I\n\n" . "To know how many kills somebody scored, ask C I"); } else { $who->reply ($npc, "No idea what you want of me, how about saying 'hi' first?"); } $cmd = lc $cmd; }; # log "crash" messages, i.e. client exit reasons cf::register_exticmd clientlog => sub { my ($ns, $msg) = @_; my $name = $ns->pl && $ns->pl->ob ? $ns->pl->ob->name : ""; $msg =~ y/\x0a\x20-\x7f//cd; $msg =~ s/\s+$//; warn sprintf "clientlog [%s/%s]: %s\n", $ns->host, $name, $msg; () };