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Revision: 1.5
Committed: Thu Apr 15 06:05:52 2010 UTC (14 years, 2 months ago) by root
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +298 -800 lines
Log Message:
attackmess parser/file format change

File Contents

# Content
1 # arrows
2 type 0
3 hp 3 hit|-| grazes
4 hp 6 hit|-| pricks
5 hp 11 hit|-| pierces
6 hp 17 hit|-| punctures
7 hp 29 hit|-| deeply punctures
8 hp 45 hit|-| stabs
9 hp 65 hit|-| deeply stabs
10 hp 90 hit|-| penetrates
11 hp 130 hit|-| perforates
12 hp 160 hit|-| drills into
13 hp 200 hit|-| drives deeply into
14 hp 9999 hit|-| goes straight through
16 #drain
17 type 1
18 hp 3 draw life from|-| drew life from
19 hp 6 drain|-| drains
20 hp 9 feed upon the life force of|-| feeds upon the life force from
21 hp 14 feel the life force of| course through your veins| pulls vital life force away from
22 hp 19 suck the life out of|-| sucks the life out of
23 hp 26 tug mercilessly at|'s soul| tugs mercilessly at the soul of
24 hp 36 send dark waves of energy into|-| sends dark waves of energy into
25 hp 46 hear a wail of despair as| shudders briefly| causes wails of despair come from deep within
26 hp 75 hear the laughter of dark gods as| vibrates with pain| vibrations of pain and ethereal laughter haunt
27 hp 100 bite deeply into|'s soul|'s dark power bites deeply into
28 hp 130 violently tear|'s life force from the body| tears the life force away from
29 hp 170 watch dark rippling waves cover| with screams of agony| sends dark waves of power into
30 hp 210 laugh hideously as| begs for mercy at your feet| inflicts unbelievable pain upon
31 hp 9999 witness the soul of| shimmering out of the body violently| cackles as the soul begins to depart from
33 #electric
34 type 2
35 hp 3 zap|-| zaps
36 hp 7 shock|-| shocks
37 hp 10 jolt|-| jolts
38 hp 13 electrify|-| electrifies
39 hp 16 cause sparks to jump off|'s body| causes sparks to dance around
40 hp 21 electrocute|-| electrocutes
41 hp 29 cackle with glee as| convulses with pain| causes convulsions of pain to wrack
42 hp 50 send shimmering shockwaves of power into|-| sends shimmering shockwaves of power into
43 hp 80 cause bolts of energy to crackle across|'s body| causes bolts of energy to crackle around
44 hp 130 send| into violent seizures| causes violent seizures in
45 hp 170 watch| writhe in pain as electric bolts crackle violently|'s power causes violent spasms in
46 hp 200 are horrified by the sight of| frothing madly at your feet| causes uncontrollable muscle spasms in
47 hp 9999 feel a violent shockwave crackling with power as| shudders with blinding arcs| sends horrible crackling power into
49 #cold
50 type 3
51 hp 3 nip|-| nips
52 hp 8 chill|-| chills
53 hp 12 cause| to shiver| causes shivers in
54 hp 17 cause| to shiver violently| causes violent shivers in
55 hp 28 coat| in frost| sends a blast of frost at
56 hp 60 cover| in a sheet of ice| sends a blast of ice at
57 hp 90 freeze|-| freezes
58 hp 130 the intense cold causes| to shiver violently with pain| cold power causes violent shakes in
59 hp 180 tear into| with a blast of arctic wind| sends a blast of arctic wind at
60 hp 9999 nearly freeze| solid| nearly froze
62 #fire
63 type 4
64 hp 3 singe|-| singes
65 hp 6 burn|-| burns
66 hp 9 ignite|-| ignites
67 hp 12 scorch|-| scorches
68 hp 16 torch|-| torches
69 hp 20 set| on fire| sets fire to
70 hp 27 roast|-| roasts
71 hp 40 melt|-| melts
72 hp 70 set| ablaze| horribly burns
73 hp 100 fry|-| fries
74 hp 130 fry| to a crisp| viciously fries
75 hp 160 incinerate|-| incinerates
76 hp 200 cause| to burst into raging flames| causes flames to engulf
77 hp 250 burn| to ashes| send blistering heatwaves into
78 hp 9999 nearly vaporize|-| nearly vaporizes
80 #basic hit
81 type 5
82 hp 3 grazed|-| grazes
83 hp 6 hit|-| hits
84 hp 9 hit| hard| skillfully hits
85 hp 12 hit| very hard| deftly hits
86 hp 16 hit| extremely hard| violently hits
87 hp 20 crush| very hard| crushes
88 hp 27 smash| with a bonecrunching sound| smashes
89 hp 40 shred| to pieces| shreds
90 hp 70 beat| to a pulp| beats
91 hp 130 grind| to dust| grinds
92 hp 250 atomize|-| atomizes
93 hp 9999 annihilate|-| annihilates
95 #karate!
96 type 6
97 hp 3 graze| with your chop| grazes
98 hp 6 hit| with your chop| hits
99 hp 10 firmly strike| with your chop| firmly strikes
100 hp 20 chop| upside the head| plants a chop to
101 hp 40 kick|-| kicks
102 hp 60 spinkick|-| spinkicks
103 hp 90 acrobaticly kick| in the head| head kicks
104 hp 120 launch a fury of flying fists at|-| launches a fury of flying fists at
105 hp 150 touch a pressure point on| sending him into spasms| touches a pressure point on
106 hp 180 dropkick|-| dropkicks
107 hp 220 spin and deliver a heel kick to the back of|'s head| heel kicks
108 hp 9999 unleash a fury of brutal attacks against| knocking him to the floor| unleashes a fury of brutal attacks against
110 #claws
111 type 7
112 hp 3 graze|-| grazes
113 hp 6 claw|-| claws
114 hp 10 slash|-| slashes
115 hp 18 tear|-| tears
116 hp 27 rip into|-| rips into
117 hp 38 shred|-| shreds
118 hp 60 leave gushing wounds in|-| leaves gushing wounds in
119 hp 90 rake| with your razor sharp talons| rakes
120 hp 120 slice deeply into the body of|-| slices deeply into the body of
121 hp 150 tear gaping holes in|-| tears gaping holes in
122 hp 200 severs the flesh from|'s bone| severs flesh from bone in
123 hp 250 gut|-| guts
124 hp 9999 eviscerate|-| eviscerates
126 #punching
127 type 8
128 hp 3 smack|-| smacks
129 hp 9 punch|-| punches
130 hp 15 punches| hard| skillfully punches
131 hp 25 punches| very hard| deftly punches
132 hp 35 violently beat|-| violently beats
133 hp 60 pulverize|-| pulverizes
134 hp 90 hammer|-| hammers
135 hp 120 beat| to a pulp| powerfully beats
136 hp 150 beat the tar out of|-| beats the tar out of
137 hp 9999 nearly shatter the skull of|-| pummels
139 #slash
140 type 9
141 hp 3 cut|-| cuts
142 hp 6 cut| hard| skillfully cuts
143 hp 9 cut| very hard| viciously cuts
144 hp 12 slash|-| slashes
145 hp 20 slash| hard| skillfully slashes
146 hp 30 slash| very hard| viciously slashes
147 hp 45 slash| with a powerful sweep| powerfully slashes
148 hp 60 lay open| with a vicious swipe| lays open
149 hp 80 deeply gash|-| deeply gashes
150 hp 100 tear open| with a cruel slash| tears open
151 hp 130 open up deep wounds in| with a brutal swipe| opens up deep wounds in
152 hp 160 mince|-| minces
153 hp 190 lacerate| with a gruesome hack| lacerates
154 hp 230 tears a gaping wound into| with a horrendous sweep| tears a gaping wound into
155 hp 9999 nearly bisects| with a terrifying slash| nearly bisects
157 #pierce
158 type 10
159 hp 3 prick|-| pricks
160 hp 6 jab|-| jabs
161 hp 9 jab| hard| skillfully jabs
162 hp 15 jab| very hard| viciously jabs
163 hp 21 pierce|-| pierces
164 hp 34 pierce| hard| skillfully pierces
165 hp 48 pierce| very hard| viciously pierces
166 hp 65 drive your blade deeply into|-| drives his blade deeply into
167 hp 80 swiftly strike| with a penetrating jab| brutally pierces
168 hp 115 deftly jab| with a perfectly aimed attack| deftly jabs
169 hp 150 unleash a flurry of quick pierces into the|'s gut| unleashes a flurry of pierces into
170 hp 200 thrust your blade deep into the heart of|-| thrusts deeply into the heart of
171 hp 250 devastate| with a lightning fast jab| devastates
172 hp 9999 strike hard and fast against| leaving a gaping hole| strikes hard and fast against
174 #cleave
175 type 11
176 hp 3 hack at|-| hacks at
177 hp 6 hack hard at|-| hacks hard at
178 hp 9 hack very hard at|-| hacks very hard at
179 hp 12 cleave|-| cleaves
180 hp 15 cleave| hard| skillfully cleaves
181 hp 18 cleave| very hard| viciously cleaves
182 hp 21 carve into|-| carves into
183 hp 25 carve deeply into|-| carves deeply into
184 hp 30 rend flesh from the body of|-| rends flesh from the body of
185 hp 40 tear into|-| tears into
186 hp 55 tear deeply into|-| tears deeply into
187 hp 70 rip a deep gash in|-| rips a deep gash in
188 hp 90 sever bone and flesh from the body of|-| severs bone and flesh from the body of
189 hp 120 swing down hard at|, who spews forth an arc of blood| swings down hard at
190 hp 150 are enshrouded in a mist of|'s blood as your violent blow finds a home| is enshrouded in a mist of blood from
191 hp 180 cross into| with a cruel gut-splitting cleave| crosses into
192 hp 210 see a look of despair in the eyes of| as you tear him limb from limb| tears limbs and bone from
193 hp 250 splattered with the blood of| as sinews of muscle give way to steel| is splattered with the blood of
194 hp 9999 swing down hard on| nearly splitting him end to end| swings down hard on
196 #slice
197 type 12
198 hp 3 slit open|-| slits open
199 hp 6 slice|-| slices
200 hp 9 slice| hard| skillfully slices
201 hp 12 slice| very hard| viciously slices
202 hp 20 brutally slice|-| brutally slices
203 hp 30 cut down|-| cuts down
204 hp 45 severs flesh| with a cruel slice| cruelly slices
205 hp 60 carve deeply into|-| carves deeply into
206 hp 80 perform a wide arcing slice gashing open|-| performs a wide arcing slice gashing open
207 hp 120 slice open| with an overhead sweep| slices down
208 hp 150 dissect| with a series of deep slices| dissects
209 hp 180 split| wide open| splits
210 hp 240 brutally slices| with a cruel flurry of blows| brutally slices
211 hp 9999 unleash a blizzard of steel on| filling the air with a mist of blood| unleashes a blizzard of steel on
213 #stab
214 type 13
215 hp 3 stab|-| stabs
216 hp 6 stab| hard| viciously stab
217 hp 9 stab| very hard| violently stabs
218 hp 12 thrust into|-| thrusts into
219 hp 18 thrust hard into|-| thrusts hard into
220 hp 25 thrust very hard into|-| thrusts very hard into
221 hp 35 drive your weapon hard into|-| drives his weapon hard into
222 hp 50 violently stabs| leaving a deep wound| brutally stabs
223 hp 80 bore a deep hole in|-| bores a deep hole in
224 hp 115 draw back and ram your weapon into the upper body of|-| draws back and rams his weapon into
225 hp 150 scream a brutal war cry at| as you violently stab him| screams and repeatedly stabs
226 hp 200 throw all your weight into a cruel thrust against|-| throws all his weight into a cruel thrust against
227 hp 9999 are covered in a rain of blood as your weapon homes in on|-| is covered in a rain of blood from
229 #whip
230 type 14
231 hp 3 lash|-| lashes
232 hp 6 lash| hard| viciously lash
233 hp 9 lash| very hard| brutally lashes
234 hp 12 whip|-| whips
235 hp 20 whip| hard| viciously whips
236 hp 30 whip| very hard| brutally whips
237 hp 45 flog|-| flogs
238 hp 60 flog| hard| viciously flogs
239 hp 75 flog| very hard| brutally flogs
240 hp 90 thrash|-| thrashes
241 hp 120 leave deep welts and bruises on|-| cruelly thrashes
242 hp 150 cruelly whip| as he screams in agony| causes screams of agony to emanate from
243 hp 180 tear open gaping wounds in|-| tears open gaping wounds in
244 hp 9999 wrap your whip around| and nearly strangle him| nearly strangles
246 #crush
247 type 15
248 hp 3 bruise|-| bruises
249 hp 6 crush|-| crushes
250 hp 9 skilfully crush|-| skilfully crushes
251 hp 12 violently crush|-| violently crushes
252 hp 18 brutally crush|-| brutally crushes
253 hp 25 smash|-| smashes
254 hp 35 splatter|-| splatters
255 hp 45 rupture|-| ruptures
256 hp 60 swing overhead and deliver a bone fracturing blow to|-| swings overhead and delivers a bone fracturing blow to
257 hp 80 beat| to a bloody pulp| pulps
258 hp 100 deliver an organ-rupturing blow to|-| delvivers an organ-rupturing blow to
259 hp 120 swing violently at| shattering bone like glass| shatters the bones of
260 hp 140 hear the sound of|'s spine shattering| shatters the spine of
261 hp 160 paint the walls with|'s cerebral fluid as you crush his skull| paints the walls with bits of
262 hp 180 cave in|'s face with your crushing blow| caves in the face of
263 hp 210 smash|'s bones to a bloody paste| smashes the bones and flesh of
264 hp 240 create a greusome and bloody mess from|-| creates a bloody mess from
265 hp 270 fly into a violent rampage against| throwing bone splinters and innards everywhere| flies into a violent rampage against
266 hp 9999 pop|'s head like a ripe melon| immolates
268 #bludgeon
269 type 16
270 hp 3 raise a nasty welt on|'s body| raises a nasty welt on
271 hp 6 smack|-| smacks
272 hp 9 bash|-| bashes
273 hp 12 whack|-| whacks
274 hp 15 bludgeon|-| bludgeons
275 hp 20 strike| hard| strikes hard
276 hp 25 strike| very hard| strikes very hard
277 hp 35 viciously strike|-|viciously strikes
278 hp 45 create an oozing wound on|'s body| creates an oozing wound on
279 hp 60 land a rupturing blow on|-| lands a rupturing blow on
280 hp 75 watch| stagger back from your blow| hammers
281 hp 100 knock| into next week| brutally hammers
282 hp 140 send| flying| viciously hammers
283 hp 180 buckle| at the knees| buckles the knees of
284 hp 210 pound| nearly into unconciousness| brutally pounds
285 hp 250 beat| into a mind altering state| lands a mind altering blow against
286 hp 310 strike| with a heart-stopping blow| strikes a heart-stopping blow against
287 hp 9999 ruthlessly pummel| causing a fountain of blood to erupt from every orifice| causes more damage than the developer could fathom to
289 #door
290 type 17
291 hp 3 knock on the|-| knocks on the
292 hp 6 beat on the|-| beats on the
293 hp 9 pound on the|-|pounds on the
294 hp 15 kick at the|, wearing at the hinges| pounds on the
295 hp 20 pummel the|-| pummels the
296 hp 40 pound hard on the| leaving large dents| pounds hard on the
297 hp 80 body slam the door| making the door groan| crashes at the
298 hp 150 wipe out the|-| wipes out the
299 hp 200 demolish bits of the|, indeed how is it still standing? | demolishes the
300 hp 9999 command the| to open with all the force at your command|charges head first at the
302 #suffering (poison and diseases)
303 type 18
304 hp 3 cause the| to cough| itches
305 hp 6 irritate the|'s throat and eyes| brings a sweat to
306 hp 10 force the| to take some deep breaths| gives a painful rash to the
307 hp 15 force the| to convulse and throw up| makes angry sores on
308 hp 30 make the| cough up blood and bile| makes blood burst from the sores on the
309 hp 50 cause violent convulsions in the|-| forces screaming agony from the
310 hp 80 pauses the heart of the| for a moment causing mind numbing pain| makes foam burst from the mouth and nose of the
311 hp 100 produce massive blisters on the|, which screams out howls of pain| makes blood leak from the eyes and ears of the
312 hp 150 destroy vast areas of flesh on the|, which nearly causes you to vomit in disgust| makes blood burst from the eyes of the
313 hp 180 force the| to tear desperately at its own flesh in pain| rots body parts off of the
314 hp 200 ravage the nervous system of the|, death is surely only moments away| digests the muscle tissue of the
315 hp 250 cause the| to howl in great agony, you are surprised it can survive such poison| causes a gruesome blood curdling howl of despair to come from the
316 hp 9999 are covered in rotting pus from the|'s bursting blisters, you cackle with hideous glee| causes blood to flow swiftly from bursting flesh of the