package cf; use Symbol; use List::Util; use Storable; use Opcode; use Safe; use Safe::Hole; use Time::HiRes; use Event; $Event::Eval = 1; # no idea why this is required, but it is use strict; our %COMMAND = (); our @EVENT; our @PLUGIN_EVENT; our %PROP_TYPE; our %PROP_IDX; our $LIBDIR = maps_directory "perl"; our $TICK = MAX_TIME * 1e-6; our $TICK_WATCHER; our $NEXT_TICK; BEGIN { @PLUGIN_EVENT = map lc, @PLUGIN_EVENT; *CORE::GLOBAL::warn = sub { my $msg = join "", @_; $msg .= "\n" unless $msg =~ /\n$/; print STDERR "cfperl: $msg"; LOG llevError, "cfperl: $msg"; }; } my %ignore_set = (MAP_PROP_PATH => 1); # I hate the plug-in api. Deeply! # generate property mutators sub prop_gen { my ($prefix, $class) = @_; no strict 'refs'; for my $prop (keys %PROP_TYPE) { $prop =~ /^\Q$prefix\E_(.*$)/ or next; my $sub = lc $1; my $type = $PROP_TYPE{$prop}; my $idx = $PROP_IDX {$prop}; *{"$class\::get_$sub"} = *{"$class\::$sub"} = sub { $_[0]->get_property ($type, $idx) }; *{"$class\::set_$sub"} = sub { $_[0]->set_property ($type, $idx, $_[1]); } unless $ignore_set{$prop}; } } # auto-generate most of the API prop_gen OBJECT_PROP => "cf::object"; # CFAPI_OBJECT_ANIMATION? prop_gen PLAYER_PROP => "cf::object::player"; prop_gen MAP_PROP => "cf::map"; prop_gen ARCH_PROP => "cf::arch"; # guessed hierarchies @safe::cf::object::player::ISA = @cf::object::player::ISA = 'cf::object'; @safe::cf::object::map::ISA = @cf::object::map::ISA = 'cf::object'; # we bless all objects into (empty) derived classes to force a method lookup # within the Safe compartment. for my $pkg (qw(cf::object cf::object::map cf::object::player cf::player cf::map cf::party cf::region cf::arch)) { no strict 'refs'; @{"safe::$pkg\::wrap::ISA"} = @{"$pkg\::wrap::ISA"} = $pkg; } $Event::DIED = sub { warn "error in event callback: @_"; }; my %ext_pkg; my @exts; my @hook; my %command; my %extcmd; ############################################################################# # "new" plug-in system =item cf::object::attach ... # NYI =item cf::attach_global ... =item cf::attach_to_type ... =item cf::attach_to_objects ... =item cf::attach_to_players ... =item cf::attach_to_maps ... prio => $number, # lower is earlier on_xxx => \&cb, package => package::, =cut # the following variables are defined in .xs and must not be re-created our @CB_GLOBAL = (); # registry for all global events our @CB_OBJECT = (); our @CB_PLAYER = (); our @CB_TYPE = (); # registry for type (cf-object class) based events our @CB_MAP = (); sub _attach_cb($\%$$$) { my ($registry, $undo, $event, $prio, $cb) = @_; use sort 'stable'; $cb = [$prio, $cb]; @{$registry->[$event]} = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @{$registry->[$event] || []}, $cb; push @{$undo->{cb}}, [$event, $cb]; } # attach handles attaching event callbacks # the only thing the caller has to do is pass the correct # registry (== where the callback attaches to). sub _attach(\@$\@) { my ($registry, $klass, $arg) = @_; my $prio = 0; my %undo = ( registry => $registry, cb => [], ); my %cb_id = map +("on_" . lc $EVENT[$_][0], $_) , grep $EVENT[$_][1] == $klass, 0 .. $#EVENT; while (@$arg) { my $type = shift @$arg; if ($type eq "prio") { $prio = shift @$arg; } elsif ($type eq "package") { my $pkg = shift @$arg; while (my ($name, $id) = each %cb_id) { if (my $cb = $pkg->can ($name)) { _attach_cb $registry, %undo, $id, $prio, $cb; } } } elsif (exists $cb_id{$type}) { _attach_cb $registry, %undo, $cb_id{$type}, $prio, shift @$arg; } elsif (ref $type) { warn "attaching objects not supported, ignoring.\n"; } else { shift @$arg; warn "attach argument '$type' not supported, ignoring.\n"; } } \%undo } sub cf::object::attach { die; } sub attach_global { _attach @CB_GLOBAL, KLASS_GLOBAL, @_ } sub attach_to_type { my $type = shift; _attach @{$CB_TYPE[$type]}, KLASS_OBJECT, @_ } sub attach_to_objects { _attach @CB_OBJECT, KLASS_OBJECT, @_ } sub attach_to_players { _attach @CB_PLAYER, KLASS_PLAYER, @_ } sub attach_to_maps { _attach @CB_MAP, KLASS_MAP, @_ } our $override; sub override() { $override = 1 } sub invoke { my $event = shift; my $callbacks = shift; local $override; for (@$callbacks) { eval { &{$_->[1]} }; if ($@) { warn "$@"; warn "... while processing $EVENT[$event][0] event, skipping processing altogether.\n"; override; } return 1 if $override; } 0 } ############################################################################# # old plug-in events sub inject_event { my $extension = shift; my $event_code = shift; my $cb = $hook[$event_code]{$extension} or return; &$cb } sub inject_global_event { my $event = shift; my $cb = $hook[$event] or return; List::Util::max map &$_, values %$cb } sub inject_command { my ($name, $obj, $params) = @_; for my $cmd (@{ $command{$name} }) { $cmd->[1]->($obj, $params); } -1 } sub register_command { my ($name, $time, $cb) = @_; my $caller = caller; #warn "registering command '$name/$time' to '$caller'"; push @{ $command{$name} }, [$time, $cb, $caller]; $COMMAND{"$name\000"} = List::Util::max map $_->[0], @{ $command{$name} }; } sub register_extcmd { my ($name, $cb) = @_; my $caller = caller; #warn "registering extcmd '$name' to '$caller'"; $extcmd{$name} = [$cb, $caller]; } sub register { my ($base, $pkg) = @_; for my $idx (0 .. $#PLUGIN_EVENT) { if (my $ref = $pkg->can ("on_$PLUGIN_EVENT[$idx]")) { #warn "registering $PLUGIN_EVENT[$idx] hook to '$pkg'\n"; $hook[$idx]{$base} = $ref; } } } sub load_extension { my ($path) = @_; $path =~ /([^\/\\]+)\.ext$/ or die "$path"; my $base = $1; my $pkg = $1; $pkg =~ s/[^[:word:]]/_/g; $pkg = "ext::$pkg"; warn "loading '$path' into '$pkg'\n"; open my $fh, "<:utf8", $path or die "$path: $!"; my $source = "package $pkg; use strict; use utf8;\n" . "#line 1 \"$path\"\n{\n" . (do { local $/; <$fh> }) . "\n};\n1"; eval $source or die "$path: $@"; push @exts, $pkg; $ext_pkg{$base} = $pkg; # no strict 'refs'; # @{"$pkg\::ISA"} = ext::; register $base, $pkg; } sub unload_extension { my ($pkg) = @_; warn "removing extension $pkg\n"; # remove hooks for my $idx (0 .. $#PLUGIN_EVENT) { delete $hook[$idx]{$pkg}; } # remove commands for my $name (keys %command) { my @cb = grep $_->[2] ne $pkg, @{ $command{$name} }; if (@cb) { $command{$name} = \@cb; $COMMAND{"$name\000"} = List::Util::max map $_->[0], @cb; } else { delete $command{$name}; delete $COMMAND{"$name\000"}; } } # remove extcmds for my $name (grep $extcmd{$_}[1] eq $pkg, keys %extcmd) { delete $extcmd{$name}; } if (my $cb = $pkg->can ("on_unload")) { eval { $cb->($pkg); 1 } or warn "$pkg unloaded, but with errors: $@"; } Symbol::delete_package $pkg; } sub load_extensions { my $LIBDIR = maps_directory "perl"; for my $ext (<$LIBDIR/*.ext>) { next unless -r $ext; eval { load_extension $ext; 1 } or warn "$ext not loaded: $@"; } } sub _perl_reload(&) { my ($msg) = @_; $msg->("reloading..."); eval { # 1. cancel all watchers $_->cancel for Event::all_watchers; # 2. unload all extensions for (@exts) { $msg->("unloading <$_>"); unload_extension $_; } # 3. unload all modules loaded from $LIBDIR while (my ($k, $v) = each %INC) { next unless $v =~ /^\Q$LIBDIR\E\/.*\.pm$/; $msg->("removing <$k>"); delete $INC{$k}; $k =~ s/\.pm$//; $k =~ s/\//::/g; if (my $cb = $k->can ("unload_module")) { $cb->(); } Symbol::delete_package $k; } # 4. get rid of safe::, as good as possible Symbol::delete_package "safe::$_" for qw(cf::object cf::object::map cf::object::player cf::player cf::map cf::party cf::region); # 5. remove register_script_function callbacks # TODO # 6. unload "a bit" delete $INC{""}; # don't, removes xs symbols, too, # and global variables created in xs #Symbol::delete_package __PACKAGE__; # 7. reload $msg->("reloading"); require cf; }; $msg->($@) if $@; $msg->("reloaded"); }; sub perl_reload() { _perl_reload { warn $_[0]; print "$_[0]\n"; }; } register_command "perl-reload", 0, sub { my ($who, $arg) = @_; if ($who->flag (FLAG_WIZ)) { _perl_reload { warn $_[0]; $who->message ($_[0]); }; } }; ############################################################################# # utility functions use JSON::Syck (); # TODO# replace by JSON::PC once working sub from_json($) { $JSON::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = 1; # work around JSON::Syck bugs JSON::Syck::Load $_[0] } sub to_json($) { $JSON::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = 0; # work around JSON::Syck bugs JSON::Syck::Dump $_[0] } ############################################################################# # extcmd framework, basically convert ext # into pkg::->on_extcmd_arg1 (...) while shortcutting a few sub on_extcmd { my ($pl, $buf) = @_; my $msg = eval { from_json $buf }; if (ref $msg) { if (my $cb = $extcmd{$msg->{msgtype}}) { if (my %reply = $cb->[0]->($pl, $msg)) { $pl->ext_reply ($msg->{msgid}, %reply); } } } else { warn "player " . ($pl->ob->name) . " sent unparseable ext message: <$buf>\n"; } 1 } ############################################################################# # load/save/clean perl data associated with a map *cf::mapsupport::on_clean = sub { my ($map) = @_; my $path = $map->tmpname; defined $path or return; unlink "$path.cfperl"; }; *cf::mapsupport::on_swapin = *cf::mapsupport::on_load = sub { my ($map) = @_; my $path = $map->tmpname; $path = $map->path unless defined $path; open my $fh, "<:raw", "$path.cfperl" or return; # no perl data my $data = Storable::thaw do { local $/; <$fh> }; $data->{version} <= 1 or return; # too new $map->_set_obs ($data->{obs}); }; *cf::mapsupport::on_swapout = sub { my ($map) = @_; my $path = $map->tmpname; $path = $map->path unless defined $path; my $obs = $map->_get_obs; if (defined $obs) { open my $fh, ">:raw", "$path.cfperl" or die "$path.cfperl: $!"; stat $path; print $fh Storable::nfreeze { size => (stat _)[7], time => (stat _)[9], version => 1, obs => $obs, }; chmod SAVE_MODE, "$path.cfperl"; # very racy, but cf-compatible *g* } else { unlink "$path.cfperl"; } }; attach_to_maps prio => -10000, package => cf::mapsupport::; ############################################################################# # load/save perl data associated with player->ob objects sub all_objects(@) { @_, map all_objects ($_->inv), @_ } attach_to_players on_load => sub { my ($pl, $path) = @_; for my $o (all_objects $pl->ob) { if (my $value = $o->get_ob_key_value ("_perl_data")) { $o->set_ob_key_value ("_perl_data"); %$o = %{ Storable::thaw pack "H*", $value }; } } }, on_save => sub { my ($pl, $path) = @_; $_->set_ob_key_value (_perl_data => unpack "H*", Storable::nfreeze $_) for grep %$_, all_objects $pl->ob; }, ; ############################################################################# # core extensions - in perl =item cf::player::exists $login Returns true when the given account exists. =cut sub cf::player::exists($) { cf::player::find $_[0] or -f sprintf "%s/%s/%s/", cf::localdir, cf::playerdir, ($_[0]) x 2; } =item $player->reply ($npc, $msg[, $flags]) Sends a message to the player, as if the npc C<$npc> replied. C<$npc> can be C. Does the right thing when the player is currently in a dialogue with the given NPC character. =cut # rough implementation of a future "reply" method that works # with dialog boxes. sub cf::object::player::reply($$$;$) { my ($self, $npc, $msg, $flags) = @_; $flags = cf::NDI_BROWN | cf::NDI_UNIQUE unless @_ >= 4; if ($self->{record_replies}) { push @{ $self->{record_replies} }, [$npc, $msg, $flags]; } else { $msg = $npc->name . " says: $msg" if $npc; $self->message ($msg, $flags); } } =item $player->ext_reply ($msgid, $msgtype, %msg) Sends an ext reply to the player. =cut sub cf::player::ext_reply($$$%) { my ($self, $id, %msg) = @_; $msg{msgid} = $id; $self->send ("ext " . to_json \%msg); } ############################################################################# # map scripting support our $safe = new Safe "ext"; our $safe_hole = new Safe::Hole; $SIG{FPE} = 'IGNORE'; $safe->permit_only (Opcode::opset qw(:base_core :base_mem :base_orig :base_math sort time)); # here we export the classes and methods available to script code for ( ["cf::object" => qw(contr pay_amount pay_player)], ["cf::object::player" => qw(player)], ["cf::player" => qw(peaceful)], ) { no strict 'refs'; my ($pkg, @funs) = @$_; *{"safe::$pkg\::$_"} = $safe_hole->wrap (\&{"$pkg\::$_"}) for @funs; } sub safe_eval($;@) { my ($code, %vars) = @_; my $qcode = $code; $qcode =~ s/"/‟/g; # not allowed in #line filenames $qcode =~ s/\n/\\n/g; local $_; local @safe::cf::_safe_eval_args = values %vars; $code = "do {\n" . "my (" . (join ",", map "\$$_", keys %vars) . ") = \@cf::_safe_eval_args;\n" . "#line 0 \"{$qcode}\"\n" . $code . "\n}" ; sub_generation_inc; my @res = wantarray ? $safe->reval ($code) : scalar $safe->reval ($code); sub_generation_inc; wantarray ? @res : $res[0] } sub register_script_function { my ($fun, $cb) = @_; no strict 'refs'; *{"safe::$fun"} = $safe_hole->wrap ($cb); } ############################################################################# # the server's main() sub main { Event::loop; } ############################################################################# # initialisation register "", __PACKAGE__; unshift @INC, $LIBDIR; load_extensions; $TICK_WATCHER = Event->timer ( prio => 1, at => $NEXT_TICK || 1, cb => sub { cf::server_tick; # one server iteration my $NOW = Event::time; $NEXT_TICK += $TICK; # if we are delayed by four ticks, skip them all $NEXT_TICK = $NOW if $NOW >= $NEXT_TICK + $TICK * 4; $TICK_WATCHER->at ($NEXT_TICK); $TICK_WATCHER->start; }, ); 1