/* * This file is part of Deliantra, the Roguelike Realtime MMORPG. * * Copyright (©) 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012 Marc Alexander Lehmann / Robin Redeker / the Deliantra team * * Deliantra is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Affero GNU General Public License * and the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see * . * * The authors can be reached via e-mail to */ /** * \file * Main client/server loops. * * \date 2003-12-02 * * loop.c mainly deals with initialization and higher level socket * maintanance (checking for lost connections and if data has arrived.) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BG_SCRUB_RATE 4 // how often to send a face in the background #define MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH 50 #define MAX_QUEUE_BACKLOG 3. void client::reset_state () { if (!pl) return; pl->run_on = 0; pl->fire_on = 0; } void client::queue_command (packet_type *handler, char *data, int datalen) { tstamp stamp = NOW; if (cmd_queue.size () >= MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH) { reset_state (); send_packet_printf ("drawinfo %d command queue overflow, ignoring.", NDI_RED); } else { cmd_queue.resize (cmd_queue.size () + 1); command &cmd = cmd_queue.back (); cmd.stamp = stamp; cmd.handler = handler; cmd.data = salloc (datalen + 1, data); cmd.datalen = datalen; } } bool client::handle_command () { if (!cmd_queue.empty () && state == ST_PLAYING && pl->ob->speed_left > 0.f) { command &cmd = cmd_queue.front (); if (cmd.stamp + MAX_QUEUE_BACKLOG < NOW) { reset_state (); // the command might actually reset some movement state etc. if (pl) pl->failmsg ( "Cannot keep up with your commands, ignoring them! " "H. " "Try issuing commands slower, or, if G is incapacitated (paralyzed and so on), " "wait till your character can act again.\n\nIf G is permanently stuck, then " "try the B command (or use B to ask somebody to B you out).>" ); } else execute (cmd.handler, cmd.data, cmd.datalen); sfree (cmd.data, cmd.datalen + 1); cmd_queue.pop_front (); return true; } else return false; } void client::tick () { if (!pl || destroyed ()) return; pl->dirty = true; /* Update the players stats once per tick. More efficient than * sending them whenever they change, and probably just as useful */ pl->need_updated_stats (); esrv_update_stats (pl); if (pl->ns->update_spells) esrv_update_spells (pl); sint32 weight = pl->ob->client_weight (); if (last_weight != weight) { pl->ob->update_stats (); esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl->ob, pl->ob); } draw_client_map (pl); if (update_look) esrv_draw_look (pl); mapinfo_queue_run (); #if HAVE_TCP_INFO // check time of last ack, and, if too old, kill connection socklen_t len = sizeof (tcpi); if (!getsockopt (fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_INFO, &tcpi, &len) && len == sizeof (tcpi)) { if (tcpi.tcpi_snd_mss) mss = tcpi.tcpi_snd_mss; #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "uack %d ack %d lost %d ret %d fack %d sst %d cwnd %d mss %d pmtu %d advmss %d EXC %d\n", tcpi.tcpi_unacked, tcpi.tcpi_sacked, tcpi.tcpi_lost, tcpi.tcpi_retrans, tcpi.tcpi_fackets, tcpi.tcpi_snd_ssthresh, tcpi.tcpi_snd_cwnd, tcpi.tcpi_advmss, tcpi.tcpi_pmtu, tcpi.tcpi_advmss, tcpi.tcpi_snd_cwnd - (tcpi.tcpi_unacked - tcpi.tcpi_sacked)); #endif // fast-time-out a player by checking for missing acks // do this only when player is active if (pl && pl->active && tcpi.tcpi_last_ack_recv > int (socket_timeout * 1000)) { send_msg (NDI_RED | NDI_REPLY, "connection-timeout", "safety disconnect due to tcp/ip timeout (no packets received)"); write_outputbuffer (); LOG (llevDebug, "connection on fd %d closed due to ack timeout (%u/%u/%u)\n", fd, (unsigned)tcpi.tcpi_last_ack_recv, (unsigned)tcpi.tcpi_last_data_sent, (unsigned)tcpi.tcpi_unacked); destroy (); } } #endif // limit budget surplus/deficit by one mss, add per-tick budget rate_avail = min (rate_avail, mss) + max_rate; int max_send = rate_avail; #if HAVE_TCP_INFO // further restrict the available bandwidth by the excess bandwidth available min_it (max_send, (tcpi.tcpi_snd_cwnd - tcpi.tcpi_unacked + tcpi.tcpi_sacked) * mss); #endif // round to next-lowest mss max_send -= max_send % mss; if (ixface.empty ()) { // regularly send a new face when queue is empty if (bg_scrub && !--bg_scrub) while (scrub_idx < faces.size () - 1) { ++scrub_idx; if (!faces_sent [scrub_idx]) if (faceinfo *f = face_info (scrub_idx)) if (f->type == FT_FACE || f->type == FT_SOUND) // only scrub faces and sounds for now { send_face (scrub_idx, -120); flush_fx (); bg_scrub = 1; // send up to one fx per tick, unless an image was requested break; } } } else { bg_scrub = BG_SCRUB_RATE; for (;;) { int avail = max_send - outputbuffer_len (); if (avail <= 0) break; ixsend &ix = ixface.back (); if (facedata *d = face_data (ix.idx, faceset)) { // estimate the packet header overhead "ix " + idx + (new)ofs int pktlen = 3 + ber32::encoded_size (ix.idx) + ber32::encoded_size (ix.ofs); int chunk = min (avail - packet::hdrlen, MAXSOCKBUF) - pktlen; // only transfer something if the amount of data transferred // has a healthy relation to the header overhead if (chunk < 64) break; chunk = min (chunk, (int)ix.ofs); ix.ofs -= chunk; //fprintf (stderr, "i%dx %6d: %5d+%4d (%4d)\n", fxix, ix.idx,ix.ofs,chunk, ixface.size());//D packet sl ("ix"); sl << ber32 (ix.idx) << ber32 (ix.ofs) << data (d->data + ix.ofs, chunk); send_packet (sl); } else ix.ofs = 0; if (!ix.ofs) { ixface.pop_back (); if (ixface.empty ()) break; } } } rate_avail -= outputbuffer_len (); } void client::flush_sockets () { for (sockvec::iterator i = clients.begin (); i != clients.end (); ++i) (*i)->flush (); } void client::clock () { for (sockvec::iterator i = clients.begin (); i != clients.end (); ++i) (*i)->tick (); // give them all the same chances flush_sockets (); //TODO: should not be done here, either for (unsigned i = 0; i < clients.size (); ++i) clients[i]->refcnt_chk (); }