#!@PERL@ # Adds the throwing skill to to the old player files. This script # is likely no longer needed, since skills have been around for quite a while. # $end = 0; if (!-e $ARGV[0]) { die("Can not find file $ARGV[0]\n"); } if (-e $ARGV[0].".old") { die("$ARGV[0].new already exists.\n"); } rename($ARGV[0], $ARGV[0].".old"); open(PLAYER,"<".$ARGV[0].".old") || die("can not open $ARGV[0].old"); open(PL_NEW,">".$ARGV[0]) || die("can not open $ARGV[0]"); while () { if (/^end$/) { if ($end) { print PL_NEW "arch skill_throwing\nend\nend\n"; } else {print PL_NEW $_;} $end=1; } else { print PL_NEW $_; $end=0; } } close(PLAYER); close(PL_NEW);