#!@PERL@ use strict; my $prefix = "@prefix@"; my $exec_prefix = "@exec_prefix@"; my $datarootdir = "@datarootdir@"; my $DATADIR = "@datadir@/@PACKAGE@"; my $CONVERT = "@CONVERT@"; my $IDENTIFY = "@IDENTIFY@"; my $OPTIPNG = "@OPTIPNG@"; my $RSYNC = "@RSYNC@"; use Getopt::Long; use Coro::Event; use AnyEvent; use IO::AIO (); use File::Temp; use Crossfire; use Coro; use Coro::AIO; use POSIX (); use Digest::MD5; use Storable; $Storable::canonical = 1; sub usage { warn <signal (signal => "INT", cb => sub { exit 1 }); Event->signal (signal => "TERM", cb => sub { exit 1 }); mkdir $TMPDIR, 0700 or die "$TMPDIR: $!"; sub fork_sub(&) { my ($cb) = @_; if (my $pid = fork) { my $current = $Coro::current; my $w = AnyEvent->child (pid => $pid, cb => sub { $current->ready }); Coro::schedule; } else { eval { $cb->() }; POSIX::_exit 0 unless $@; warn $@; POSIX::_exit 1; } } sub inst_maps($) { my (undef, $path) = @_; print "installing '$path' to '$DATADIR/maps'\n"; if (!-f "$path/regions") { warn "'$path' does not look like a maps directory ('regions' file is missing).\n"; exit 1 unless $FORCE; } system $RSYNC, "-av", "$path/.", "$DATADIR/maps/.", "--delete", "--exclude", "CVS", "--delete-excluded" and die "map installation failed.\n"; print "maps installed successfully.\n"; } { our %FACEINFO; our @ARC; our $TRS; our $NFILE; our %ANIM; our $QUANTIZE = "+dither -colorspace RGB -colors 256"; our (@png, @trs, @arc); # files we are interested in sub commit_png($$$) { my ($name, $data, $T) = @_; $FACEINFO{$name}{"data$T"} = $data; } sub process_png { while (@png) { my ($path, $delete) = @{pop @png}; my $png; aio_lstat $path; my ($size, $mtime) = (stat _)[7,9]; if (0 > aio_load $path, $png) { warn "$path: $!, skipping.\n"; next; } my $stem = $path; my $T; if ($stem =~ s/\.32x32\.png~?$//) { $T = 32; } elsif ($stem =~ s/\.64x64\.png~?$//) { $T = 64; } else { warn "$path: weird filename, skipping.\n"; next; } # quickly extract width and height of the (necessarily PNG) image unless ($png =~ /^\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a....IHDR(........)/s) { warn "$path: not a recognized png file, skipping.\n"; next; } my ($w, $h) = unpack "NN", $1; if ($w < $T || $h < $T) { warn "$path: too small ($w $h), skipping.\n"; next; } if ($w % $T || $h % $T) { warn "$path: weird png size ($w $h), skipping.\n"; next; } unless ($path =~ /~$/) { # possibly enlarge if (0 > aio_stat "$stem.64x64.png") { my $other = "$stem.64x64.png~"; if (0 > aio_lstat $other or (-M _) > (-M $path)) { warn "rescale $other\n";#d# my $wrap = 0; # for the time being fork_sub { system "convert png:\Q$path\E -depth 8 rgba:-" . "| $exec_prefix/bin/cfhq2xa $w $h $wrap" . "| convert -depth 8 -size ".($w * 2)."x".($h * 2)." rgba:- $QUANTIZE -quality 00 png32:\Q$other\E~" and die "convert/hq2xa pipeline error: status $? ($!)"; system $OPTIPNG, "-o5", "-i0", "-q", "$other~"; die "$other~ has zero size, aborting." unless -s "$other~"; rename "$other~", $other; }; } push @png, [$other, !$CACHE]; } # possibly scale down if (0 > aio_stat "$stem.32x32.png") { my $other = "$stem.32x32.png~"; if (0 > aio_lstat $other or (-M _) > (-M $path)) { fork_sub { system "convert png:\Q$path\E -geometry 50% -filter lanczos $QUANTIZE -quality 00 png32:\Q$other\E~"; system $OPTIPNG, "-o5", "-i0", "-q", "$other~"; die "$other~ has zero size, aborting." unless -s "$other~"; rename "$other~", $other; }; } warn "scaled down $path to $other\n";#d# push @png, [$other, !$CACHE]; } } (my $face = $stem) =~ s/^.*\///; if (($w > $T || $h > $T) && $face !~ /_S\./) { # split my @tile; for my $x (0 .. (int $w / $T) - 1) { for my $y (0 .. (int $h / $T) - 1) { my $file = "$path+$x+$y~"; aio_lstat $file; push @tile, [$x, $y, $file, (stat _)[9]]; } } my $mtime = (lstat $path)[9]; my @todo = grep { $_->[3] <= $mtime } @tile; if (@todo) { fork_sub { open my $convert, "|-", $CONVERT, "png:-", (map { ( "(", "+clone", -crop => (sprintf "%dx%d+%d+%d", $T, $T, $_->[0] * $T, $_->[1] * $T), "+repage", -quality => "00", -write => "png32:$_->[2]~", "+delete", ")", ) } @todo), "null:"; binmode $convert; print $convert $png; close $convert; # pass 2, optimise, and rename for (@todo) { system $OPTIPNG, "-o5", "-i0", "-q", "$_->[2]~"; die "$_->[2]~ has zero size, aborting." unless -s "$_->[2]~"; rename "$_->[2]~", $_->[2]; } }; } for (@tile) { my ($x, $y, $file) = @$_; my $tile; if (0 > aio_load $file, $tile) { die "$path: unable to read tile +$x+$y, aborting.\n"; } IO::AIO::aio_unlink $file unless $CACHE; commit_png $x|$y ? "$face+$x+$y" : $face, $tile, $T; } } else { # use as-is (either small, use smooth) commit_png $face, $png, $T; } aio_unlink $path if $delete; } } sub process_arc { while (@arc) { my ($dir, $file) = @{pop @arc}; my $arc; aio_load "$dir/$file", $arc; # simply pre-cache, as read_arch wants a file :/ my $arc = read_arch "$dir/$file"; for my $o (values %$arc) { push @ARC, $o; $o->{editor_folder} = $dir; my $visibility = delete $o->{visibility}; my $magicmap = delete $o->{magicmap}; # find upper left corner :/ # omg, this is sooo broken my ($dx, $dy); for (my $o = $o; $o; $o = $o->{more}) { $dx = $o->{x} if $o->{x} < $dx; $dy = $o->{y} if $o->{y} < $dy; } for (my $o = $o; $o; $o = $o->{more}) { my $x = $o->{x} - $dx; my $y = $o->{y} - $dy; my $ext = $x|$y ? "+$x+$y" : ""; $o->{face} .= $ext unless /^blank.x11$|^empty.x11$/; my $visibility = delete $o->{visibility} if exists $o->{visibility}; my $magicmap = delete $o->{magicmap} if exists $o->{magicmap}; my $anim = delete $o->{anim}; if ($anim) { $o->{animation} = "$o->{_name}"; for (@$anim) { $_ .= $ext unless /^facings\s|^blank.x11$|^empty.x11$/; } $ANIM{"$o->{_name}$ext"} = join "", map "$_\n", "anim $o->{_name}", @$anim, "mina"; } for my $face ($o->{face} || (), @{$anim || []}) { next if $face =~ /^facings\s|^blank.x11$|^empty.x11$/; my $info = $FACEINFO{$face} ||= {}; $info->{visibility} = $visibility if defined $visibility; $info->{magicmap} = $magicmap if defined $magicmap; } if (my $smooth = delete $o->{smoothface}) { my ($face, $smooth) = split /\s+/, $smooth; # skip empty_S.x11, it seems to server no purpose whatsoever # but increases bandwidth demands and worse. unless ($smooth eq "empty_S.x11") { $FACEINFO{$face}{smooth} = $smooth; } } } } } } sub process_trs { while (@trs) { my ($dir, $file) = @{pop @trs}; my $path = "$dir/$file"; my $trs; if (0 > aio_load $path, $trs) { warn "$path: $!, skipping.\n"; next; } $TRS .= $trs; } } sub find_files; sub find_files { my ($path) = @_; IO::AIO::aioreq_pri 4; IO::AIO::aio_scandir $path, 4, sub { my ($dirs, $nondirs) = @_; find_files "$path/$_" for grep $_ !~ /^(?:CVS|dev)$/, @$dirs; for my $file (@$nondirs) { if ($file =~ /\.png$/) { push @png, ["$path/$file", 0]; } elsif ($file =~ /\.trs$/) { push @trs, [$path, $file]; } elsif ($file =~ /\.arc$/) { push @arc, [$path, $file]; } else { warn "ignoring $path/$file\n" if $VERBOSE >= 2; } } }; } sub inst_arch($) { my (undef, $path) = @_; print "installing '$path' to '$DATADIR'\n", "(this can take a long time if you run this\n", "for the first time or do not use --cache).\n"; if (!-d "$path/treasures") { warn "'$path' does not look like an arch directory ('treasures' directory is missing).\n"; exit 1 unless $FORCE; } find_files $path; IO::AIO::flush; $_->join for ( # four png crunchers work fine for my 2x smp machine (async \&process_png), (async \&process_png), (async \&process_png), (async \&process_png), (async \&process_trs), (async \&process_trs), (async \&process_arc), (async \&process_arc), ); { open my $fh, ">:utf8", "$DATADIR/animations~" or die "$DATADIR/animations~: $!"; print $fh join "", map $ANIM{$_}, sort keys %ANIM } { open my $fh, ">:utf8", "$DATADIR/archetypes~" or die "$DATADIR/archetypes~: $!"; substr $_->{editor_folder}, 0, 1 + length $path, "" for @ARC; print $fh Crossfire::archlist_to_string \@ARC; } { open my $fh, ">:utf8", "$DATADIR/treasures~" or die "$DATADIR/treasures~: $!"; print $fh $TRS; } { while (my ($k, $v) = each %FACEINFO) { length $v->{data32} or warn "$k: face has no png32. this will not work (shoddy gcfclient will crash of course).\n"; length $v->{data64} or warn "$k: face has no png64. this will not work very well.\n"; length $v->{data32} <= 10000 or warn "$k: face32 larger than 10000 bytes, will not work with crossfire client.\n"; #length $v->{data64} <= 10000 or warn "$k: face64 larger than 10000 bytes.\n"; $v->{chksum32} = Digest::MD5::md5 $v->{data32}; $v->{chksum64} = Digest::MD5::md5 $v->{data64}; } open my $fh, ">:perlio", "$DATADIR/facedata~" or die "$DATADIR/facedata~: $!"; $FACEINFO{""} = { version => 1}; print $fh Storable::nfreeze \%FACEINFO; } for (qw(archetypes facedata animations treasures)) { chmod 0644, "$DATADIR/$_~"; rename "$DATADIR/$_~", "$DATADIR/$_" or die "$DATADIR/$_: $!"; } print "archetype data installed successfully.\n"; } } Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_ignore_case"); GetOptions ( "verbose|v:+" => \$VERBOSE, "cache" => \$CACHE, "quiet|q" => sub { $VERBOSE = 0 }, "force" => sub { $FORCE = 1 }, "install-arch=s" => \&inst_arch, "install-maps=s" => \&inst_maps, "print-statedir" => sub { print "@pkgstatedir@\n" }, "print-datadir" => sub { print "$DATADIR\n" }, "print-confdir" => sub { print "@pkgconfdir@\n" }, "print-libdir" => sub { print "@libdir@/@PACKAGE@\n" }, "print-bindir" => sub { print "@bindir@/@PACKAGE@\n" }, ) or usage;