#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################## # Playerfile download utility. # Version 1.2 #### # Note: This file requires the CGI.pm module to operate. # The player_dl.html file is a basic web page which # can be used for downloads. # # This CGI script allows players to download their players # files through a web interface. It does password checking # and has some extra options. # # Note 2: The player files and directories need to be readable # by whatever uid runs this program. In many cases, this may be # nobody or apache or whatever. This script does not differentiate # invalid password or lack of ability to read player files. If # you get invalid name/password combos and you're sure you're # entering them correctly, check file permissions. # # Note 3: on some systems, differnet password encryption schemes # are used. Eg, on windows, no encryption is used at all, while # on others, if des_crypt is available, that is used instead. # this script would need modification to cover those cases. # #### # Copyright (c) 2003 by Philip Stolarczyk # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. #### # Config options: # # Where the tar program is located. $tar = '@TAR@'; $prefix="@prefix@"; # Where the crossfire directory is located. $crossfire_home = "@pkgstatedir@/players"; # Where to save temporary files $temp_dir = '/tmp'; # How often a player can have their file sent to them, in seconds. (ie. 3600 is once/hour), set to 0 to disable. $timelimit = 3600; # Where to save information on when which player files were downloaded, for the time limit function. $statefile = "$temp_dir/pldl.dat"; # Whether to delete the player's file after they download it. $delete_player = 0; # #### # BUGS: # Systems that do NL to CRLF interpretation on CGI output # will corrupt the .tar file. This includes Microsoft # Windows systems. I haven't found any solution. ################## # Code begins. use CGI; use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; $CGI::POST_MAX=1024; # max 1K posts $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads $q = new CGI; # Verify that player name contains no invalid characters. $playername = ''; $playername = $q->param('playername') if $q->param('playername'); $playername =~ s/[^A-Za-z_\-]//g; # No invalid chars $playername =~ s/^(.{1,64}).*$/$1/; # Max 64 chars, (really it's 16 or 32 in the server) # Default to not validated, until the password is checked. $valid = 0; # No error to report yet. $errormsg = ''; # We want to the time we ran to be consistent, even if it takes a couple seconds. $time = time(); # Validate password $password = $q->param('password'); if ($playername) { # Make sure that the user typed in a playername. if ((open PLAYERFILE, "$crossfire_home/$playername/$playername.pl") # Make sure the player's file exists or (open PLAYERFILE, "$crossfire_home/$playername/$playername.pl.dead")) { # Or use the dead file, if no player is alive foreach () { chomp; chomp; # Do actual checking of password. if ( /^password (.*)$/ ) { $cp = crypt($password,$1); if ($cp eq $1) { $valid = 1; } } } close PLAYERFILE; } } if (!$valid) { $errormsg = 'Invalid username or password' }; # If the player is validated, and we're limiting how often players can download their files, do so. if ($valid and $timelimit and $statefile) { open STATEFILE, "<$statefile"; @contents = ; close STATEFILE; # Don't allow more than 1024 players to download their files per $timelimit seconds. # This is to prevent STATEFILE from getting too large. if ($#contents > 1024) { $valid = 0; $errormsg = 'Too many players have tried to download their files recently. Please wait a bit before trying again.\n'; } # Check timestamp of last download for this player foreach (@contents) { chomp; chomp; if (/^DL $playername (.*)$/) { # $1 is the last time the file was DLed. if ($time > ($timelimit + $1)) { $valid = 0; $errormsg = 'You just downloaded your file. Wait a bit before trying again.'; } } } } if ($valid) { # Create and send file # Create a new archive # Sending binary data. # Add content-disposition, in this way, the browser (at least mozilla) # will use it as the default filename, instead of the cgi script name. print $q->header(-type=>"application/x-compressed-tar", "-content-disposition"=>"inline; filename=\"$playername.tar\""); # Change to player directory, so that long pathname is not included in # sent file. chdir("$crossfire_home"); # archive up the player system("$tar -cf - $playername"); # 'Delete' player's files, if applicable. (technically rename them, to hide from server.) if ($valid and $delete_player) { @files= glob("$crossfire_home/$playername/*"); # Rename all files except *.tar foreach (@files) { next if ( /\.tar$/i ); rename $_, "$_.downloaded"; } } # Set timestamp of last download for this player, if applicable. # Also, remove outdated player download timestamps, if applicable. if ($timelimit > 0 and $statefile) { if (open STATEFILE, "<$statefile") { @contents = ; close STATEFILE; } else { @contents = (); } if (open STATEFILE, ">$statefile") { foreach (@contents) { chomp; chomp; if (/^DL (.*) (.*)$/) { # All lines starting with DL are download time records. my ($playerdownloaded, $timedownloaded) = ($1, $2); # If this player just downloaded their file, don't copy them yet. We update their timestamp later. next if ($valid and ($playerdownloaded eq $playername)); # If this record has expired, don't copy it. next if (($timedownloaded + $timelimit) < $time); # Otherwise, copy the record to the new state file. print "$_\n"; } else { # Allow other lines in this file. print "$_\n"; } } # If this player downloaded their file, save it. if ($valid) { print STATEFILE "DL $playername $time\n"; } close STATEFILE; } else { die "Unable to save state to file $statefile.\n"; } } } # If no file was sent, send a form and any error messages. if (!$valid) { print $q->header('text/html'); # Print header print $q->start_html('Download your player file'); print "\n\n\n"; # print any error message that may have occured. if ($errormsg) { print $q->h3("ERROR: ". $errormsg), $q->br(), $q->br(); } # Print warnings if $delete_player is enabled. if ($delete_player) { print <<'(END)';
Downloading your file will remove it from the server.  If the
download fails, contact the system administrator, and they may
be able to retrieve the file.
(END) } print $q->h2("Download your player file:"); # Print generic form to allow player to download their file. print $q->start_form(), 'Character name: ', $q->textfield('playername'), $q->br(), 'Character password: ' , $q->password_field('password'), $q->br(), $q->submit('Download'), $q->reset('Clear Entries'), $q->end_form(); print $q->end_html(); }