
How does it look like?

Deliantra Client

State at 2008-12-19, new scorn.

A group of people meeting at the new central place in the redesigned main city Scorn.
State at 2008-04-18, mode indicators.

Resirs house in Scorn being looted.

The new go club with a quick 9x9 game (and mode indicators in the lower left).
State at 2007-08-23, chat tabs and experience bars.

The skill window, chat tabs and next-level bars in the lower right.
State at 2007-04-28, lots of ground faces have been changed.

Old Scorn as never seen before.

Euthville sure looks deserted.
State at 2007-04-13, beta version with 64x64 tileset.

Some experiment with smoothing on spell effects - foggy scorn.

The new 64x64 tileset monsters. Also with newly rendered Dreads.

Eastern part of Scorn with the new 64x64 tileset.

Western part of Scorn with the new 64x64 tileset.
State before beta.

The healthbars that were implemented on 2006-08-17.
State at 2006-07-24 (alpha version)

The NPC dialogs.

General overview of the client.

The login/server dialog.

The command completer.

The pickup dialog.

The skill list.

The spell list.

The stats window.

The inventory.
State before 2006-07-24

State of the client on 2006-06-15. The magic map has been implemented!

State of the client on 2006-06-15. The magic map has been implemented!

State of the client on 2006-06-15. The magic map has been implemented!

State of the client on 2006-06-12. A NPC-dialog system has been implemented in the client (uses the new perl extendable protocol commands).

State of the client on 2006-06-06. The new character creation dialog.

State of the client on 2006-06-06. The new character creation dialog.

State of the client on 2006-06-02. Pickup configuration is now in. And some other bugs in the widget system were fixed (window titles).

State of the client on 2006-05-30. Reworked bindings management and first version of the spell dialog.

State of the client on 2006-05-29. The first version of the action recorder was checked in.

State of the client on 2006-05-27. Mostly playable, only key-bindings are missing.

The new bank-script on the server. Also from 2006-05-27.

An old test from pippijn.

Old screenshot from 2006-04-23.

Clients from the original Crossfire Project

The gtk1 client client. (smoothing disabled)