Game Server

Gravestone, Dread and Hero

About the Game Server on

This Deliantra server is located in Amsterdam and has a fast connection :)

Its main purpose, besides being fun to play, is to demo the specific versions of the server, archetypes and maps used by Deliantra. All files can be freely downloaded via CVS on the the Deliantra project page.

It is especially suited for beginners who do not want to experience a very sharp and frustrating learning curve and party players who want to play together more easily.

Game Server (special) features

How to Get Started

The simplest way to get started is to download the client from the Play Now page. Next step would be starting it, reading the Client Tutorial, which can be found via the 'Help!' button, choosing a username and password, create a character by following the instructions in the message window and dialogs, solve the tutorial map and then explore the world starting in one of the main cities: Scorn.


You can browse all maps and archetypes on

Bugs? Problems? Suggestions?

See Contact about how to contact us.