/* * confparse.C: Parsing of the configuration file. * * Copyright © 2007 Pippijn van Steenhoven / The Ermyth Team * Rights to this code are as documented in COPYING. * * * Portions of this file were derived from sources bearing the following license: * Rights to this code are documented in doc/pod/license.pod. * Copyright © 2005-2007 Atheme Project (http://www.atheme.org) */ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: confparse.C,v 1.8 2007/09/16 18:54:44 pippijn Exp $"; #include "atheme.h" #include "confparse.h" static void config_entry_free (config_entry_t *ceptr) { config_entry_t *nptr; for (; ceptr; ceptr = nptr) { nptr = ceptr->ce_next; if (ceptr->ce_entries) config_entry_free (ceptr->ce_entries); if (ceptr->ce_varname) sfree (ceptr->ce_varname); if (ceptr->ce_vardata) sfree (ceptr->ce_vardata); delete ceptr; } } void config_free (config_file_t *cfptr) { config_file_t *nptr; for (; cfptr; cfptr = nptr) { nptr = cfptr->cf_next; if (cfptr->cf_entries) config_entry_free (cfptr->cf_entries); if (cfptr->cf_filename) sfree (cfptr->cf_filename); delete cfptr; } } static void config_error (char const * const format, ...) { va_list ap; char buffer[1024]; char *ptr; va_start (ap, format); vsnprintf (buffer, 1024, format, ap); va_end (ap); if ((ptr = strchr (buffer, '\n')) != NULL) *ptr = '\0'; slog (LG_ERROR, "config_parse(): %s", buffer); } static config_file_t * config_parse (char *filename, char *confdata) { char *ptr; char *start; int linenumber = 1; config_entry_t *curce; config_entry_t **lastce; config_entry_t *cursection; config_file_t *curcf; config_file_t *lastcf; lastcf = curcf = new config_file_t; curcf->cf_filename = sstrdup (filename); lastce = &(curcf->cf_entries); curce = NULL; cursection = NULL; for (ptr = confdata; *ptr; ptr++) { switch (*ptr) { case '#': while (*++ptr && (*ptr != '\n')) ; if (!*ptr) { /* make for(;;) exit from the loop */ ptr--; continue; } linenumber++; break; case ';': if (!curce) { config_error ("%s:%i Ignoring extra semicolon\n", filename, linenumber); break; } if (!strcmp (curce->ce_varname, "include")) { config_file_t *cfptr; if (!curce->ce_vardata) { config_error ("%s:%i Ignoring \"include\": No filename given\n", filename, linenumber); config_entry_free (curce); curce = NULL; continue; } if (strlen (curce->ce_vardata) > 255) curce->ce_vardata[255] = '\0'; cfptr = config_load (curce->ce_vardata); if (cfptr) { lastcf->cf_next = cfptr; lastcf = cfptr; } config_entry_free (curce); curce = NULL; continue; } *lastce = curce; lastce = &(curce->ce_next); curce->ce_fileposend = (ptr - confdata); curce = NULL; break; case '{': if (!curce) { config_error ("%s:%i: No name for section start\n", filename, linenumber); continue; } else if (curce->ce_entries) { config_error ("%s:%i: Ignoring extra section start\n", filename, linenumber); continue; } curce->ce_sectlinenum = linenumber; lastce = &(curce->ce_entries); cursection = curce; curce = NULL; break; case '}': if (curce) { config_error ("%s:%i: Missing semicolon before close brace\n", filename, linenumber); config_entry_free (curce); config_free (curcf); return NULL; } else if (!cursection) { config_error ("%s:%i: Ignoring extra close brace\n", filename, linenumber); continue; } curce = cursection; cursection->ce_fileposend = (ptr - confdata); cursection = cursection->ce_prevlevel; if (!cursection) lastce = &(curcf->cf_entries); else lastce = &(cursection->ce_entries); for (; *lastce; lastce = &((*lastce)->ce_next)) continue; break; case '/': if (*(ptr + 1) == '/') { ptr += 2; while (*ptr && (*ptr != '\n')) ptr++; if (!*ptr) break; ptr--; /* grab the \n on next loop thru */ continue; } else if (*(ptr + 1) == '*') { int commentstart = linenumber; for (ptr += 2; *ptr; ptr++) { if ((*ptr == '*') && (*(ptr + 1) == '/')) { ptr++; break; } else if (*ptr == '\n') linenumber++; } if (!*ptr) { config_error ("%s:%i Comment on this line does not end\n", filename, commentstart); config_entry_free (curce); config_free (curcf); return NULL; } } break; case '\"': start = ++ptr; for (; *ptr; ptr++) { if ((*ptr == '\\') && (*(ptr + 1) == '\"')) { char *tptr = ptr; while ((*tptr = *(tptr + 1))) tptr++; } else if ((*ptr == '\"') || (*ptr == '\n')) break; } if (!*ptr || (*ptr == '\n')) { config_error ("%s:%i: Unterminated quote found\n", filename, linenumber); config_entry_free (curce); config_free (curcf); return NULL; } if (curce) { if (curce->ce_vardata) config_error ("%s:%i: Ignoring extra data\n", filename, linenumber); else { char *eptr; curce->ce_vardata = salloc (ptr - start + 1); strlcpy (curce->ce_vardata, start, ptr - start + 1); curce->ce_vardatanum = strtol (curce->ce_vardata, &eptr, 0) & 0xffffffff; /* we only want 32bits and long is 64bit on 64bit compiles */ if (eptr != (curce->ce_vardata + (ptr - start))) curce->ce_vardatanum = 0; } } else { curce = new config_entry_t; curce->ce_varname = salloc (ptr - start + 1); strlcpy (curce->ce_varname, start, ptr - start + 1); curce->ce_varlinenum = linenumber; curce->ce_fileptr = curcf; curce->ce_prevlevel = cursection; curce->ce_fileposstart = (start - confdata); } break; case '\n': linenumber++; break; case '\t': case ' ': case '=': case '\r': break; default: if ((*ptr == '*') && (*(ptr + 1) == '/')) { config_error ("%s:%i Ignoring extra end comment\n", filename, linenumber); ptr++; break; } start = ptr; for (; *ptr; ptr++) { if ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t') || (*ptr == '\n') || (*ptr == ';')) break; } if (!*ptr) { if (curce) config_error ("%s: Unexpected EOF for variable starting at %i\n", filename, curce->ce_varlinenum); else if (cursection) config_error ("%s: Unexpected EOF for section starting at %i\n", filename, curce->ce_sectlinenum); else config_error ("%s: Unexpected EOF.\n", filename); config_entry_free (curce); config_free (curcf); return NULL; } if (curce) { if (curce->ce_vardata) { config_error ("%s:%i: Ignoring extra data\n", filename, linenumber); } else { char *eptr; curce->ce_vardata = salloc (ptr - start + 1); strlcpy (curce->ce_vardata, start, ptr - start + 1); curce->ce_vardatanum = strtol (curce->ce_vardata, &eptr, 0) & 0xffffffff; /* we only want 32bits and long is 64bit on 64bit compiles */ if (eptr != (curce->ce_vardata + (ptr - start))) { curce->ce_vardatanum = 0; } } } else { curce = new config_entry_t; curce->ce_varname = salloc (ptr - start + 1); strlcpy (curce->ce_varname, start, ptr - start + 1); curce->ce_varlinenum = linenumber; curce->ce_fileptr = curcf; curce->ce_prevlevel = cursection; curce->ce_fileposstart = (start - confdata); } if ((*ptr == ';') || (*ptr == '\n')) ptr--; break; } /* switch */ } /* for */ if (curce) { config_error ("%s: Unexpected EOF for variable starting on line %i\n", filename, curce->ce_varlinenum); config_entry_free (curce); config_free (curcf); return NULL; } else if (cursection) { config_error ("%s: Unexpected EOF for section starting on line %i\n", filename, cursection->ce_sectlinenum); config_free (curcf); return NULL; } return curcf; } config_file_t * config_load (char *filename) { struct stat sb; FILE *fd; int ret; char *buf = NULL; config_file_t *cfptr; fd = fopen (filename, "rb"); if (!fd) { config_error ("Couldn't open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); return NULL; } if (stat (filename, &sb) == -1) { config_error ("Couldn't fstat \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); fclose (fd); return NULL; } if (!sb.st_size) { fclose (fd); return NULL; } buf = salloc (sb.st_size + 1); if (buf == NULL) { config_error ("Out of memory trying to load \"%s\"\n", filename); fclose (fd); return NULL; } ret = fread (buf, 1, sb.st_size, fd); if (ret != sb.st_size) { config_error ("Error reading \"%s\": %s\n", filename, ret == -1 ? strerror (errno) : strerror (EFAULT)); sfree (buf); fclose (fd); return NULL; } buf[ret] = '\0'; fclose (fd); cfptr = config_parse (filename, buf); sfree (buf); return cfptr; } config_entry_t * config_find (config_entry_t *ceptr, char *name) { for (; ceptr; ceptr = ceptr->ce_next) if (!strcmp (ceptr->ce_varname, name)) break; return ceptr; } /* vim:cinoptions=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}0,^0,=s,ps,t0,c3,+s,(2s,us,)20,*30,gs,hs * vim:ts=8 * vim:sw=8 * vim:noexpandtab */