/* * flags.C: Functions to convert a flags table into a bitmask. * Rights to this code are documented in doc/pod/license.pod. * * Copyright © 2005-2007 Atheme Project (http://www.atheme.org) */ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: flags.C,v 1.4 2007/08/28 17:08:12 pippijn Exp $"; #include "atheme.h" #include #define FLAGS_ADD 0x1 #define FLAGS_DEL 0x2 unsigned int ca_all = CA_ALL_ALL; static char flags_buf[128]; struct flags_table chanacs_flags[] = { {'v', CA_VOICE}, {'V', CA_AUTOVOICE}, {'o', CA_OP}, {'O', CA_AUTOOP}, {'t', CA_TOPIC}, {'s', CA_SET}, {'r', CA_REMOVE}, {'i', CA_INVITE}, {'R', CA_RECOVER}, {'f', CA_FLAGS}, {'h', CA_HALFOP}, {'H', CA_AUTOHALFOP}, {'A', CA_ACLVIEW}, {'F', CA_FOUNDER}, {'b', CA_AKICK}, {0, 0} }; /* Construct bitmasks to be added and removed * Postcondition *addflags & *removeflags == 0 * -- jilles */ void flags_make_bitmasks (char const * const string, struct flags_table table[], unsigned int *addflags, unsigned int *removeflags) { int status = FLAGS_ADD; char const *s = string; short i = 0; *addflags = *removeflags = 0; while (*s) { switch (*s) { case '+': status = FLAGS_ADD; break; case '-': status = FLAGS_DEL; break; case '=': *addflags = 0; *removeflags = 0xFFFFFFFF; status = FLAGS_ADD; break; case '*': if (status == FLAGS_ADD) { *addflags = 0xFFFFFFFF; *removeflags = 0; /* If this is chanacs_flags[], remove the ban flag. */ if (table == chanacs_flags) { *addflags &= ~CA_FOUNDER; *removeflags |= CA_AKICK; } } else if (status == FLAGS_DEL) { *addflags = 0; *removeflags = 0xFFFFFFFF; } break; default: for (i = 0; table[i].flag; i++) if (table[i].flag == *s) { if (status == FLAGS_ADD) { *addflags |= table[i].value; *removeflags &= ~table[i].value; } else if (status == FLAGS_DEL) { *addflags &= ~table[i].value; *removeflags |= table[i].value; } } } (void) *s++; } return; } unsigned int flags_to_bitmask (char const * const string, struct flags_table table[], unsigned int flags) { int bitmask = (flags ? flags : 0x0); int status = FLAGS_ADD; char const *s = string; short i = 0; while (*s) { switch (*s) { case '+': status = FLAGS_ADD; break; case '-': status = FLAGS_DEL; break; case '=': bitmask = 0; status = FLAGS_ADD; break; case '*': if (status == FLAGS_ADD) { bitmask = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* If this is chanacs_flags[], do privs only */ if (table == chanacs_flags) bitmask &= CA_ALLPRIVS & ca_all & ~CA_FOUNDER; } else if (status == FLAGS_DEL) bitmask = 0; break; default: for (i = 0; table[i].flag; i++) if (table[i].flag == *s) { if (status == FLAGS_ADD) bitmask |= table[i].value; else if (status == FLAGS_DEL) bitmask &= ~table[i].value; } } (void) *s++; } return bitmask; } char * bitmask_to_flags (unsigned int flags, struct flags_table table[]) { char *bptr; short i = 0; bptr = flags_buf; *bptr++ = '+'; for (i = 0; table[i].flag; i++) if (table[i].value & flags) *bptr++ = table[i].flag; *bptr++ = '\0'; return flags_buf; } char * bitmask_to_flags2 (unsigned int addflags, unsigned int removeflags, struct flags_table table[]) { char *bptr; short i = 0; bptr = flags_buf; if (removeflags) { *bptr++ = '-'; for (i = 0; table[i].flag; i++) if (table[i].value & removeflags) *bptr++ = table[i].flag; } if (addflags) { *bptr++ = '+'; for (i = 0; table[i].flag; i++) if (table[i].value & addflags) *bptr++ = table[i].flag; } *bptr++ = '\0'; return flags_buf; } /* flags a non-founder with +f and these flags is allowed to set -- jilles */ unsigned int allow_flags (unsigned int flags) { flags &= ~CA_AKICK; if (flags & CA_REMOVE) flags |= CA_AKICK; if (flags & CA_OP) flags |= CA_AUTOOP; if (flags & CA_HALFOP) flags |= CA_AUTOHALFOP; if (flags & CA_VOICE) flags |= CA_AUTOVOICE; return flags; } void update_chanacs_flags (void) { ca_all = CA_ALL_ALL; if (!ircd->uses_halfops) ca_all &= ~(CA_HALFOP | CA_AUTOHALFOP); } /* vim:cinoptions=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}0,^0,=s,ps,t0,c3,+s,(2s,us,)20,*30,gs,hs * vim:ts=8 * vim:sw=8 * vim:noexpandtab */