/* * table.C: Table rendering class. * Rights to this code are documented in doc/pod/license.pod. * * NOTE: This is a work in progress and will probably change considerably * later on. * * Copyright © 2005-2007 Atheme Project (http://www.atheme.org) */ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: table.C,v 1.3 2007/07/21 13:23:22 pippijn Exp $"; #include "atheme.h" static void table_destroy (void *obj) { table_t *table = (table_t *) obj; node_t *n, *tn; return_if_fail (table != NULL); LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (n, tn, table->rows.head) { table_row_t *r = (table_row_t *) n->data; node_t *n2, *tn2; return_if_fail (r != NULL); LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (n2, tn2, r->cells.head) { table_cell_t *c = (table_cell_t *) n2->data; free (c->name); free (c->value); free (c); node_del (n2, &r->cells); node_free (n2); } free (r); node_del (n, &table->rows); node_free (n); } free (table); } /* * table_new(const char *fmt, ...) * * Table constructor. * * Inputs: * - printf-style string to name the table with. * * Outputs: * - a table object. * * Side Effects: * - none */ table_t * table_new (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list vl; char *buf; table_t *out; return_val_if_fail (fmt != NULL, NULL); va_start (vl, fmt); vasprintf (&buf, fmt, vl); va_end (vl); out = static_cast (scalloc (sizeof (table_t), 1)); object_init (&out->parent, buf, table_destroy); free (buf); return out; } /* * table_row_new * * Creates a table row. This isn't an object. * * Inputs: * - table to associate to. * * Outputs: * - a table row * * Side Effects: * - none */ table_row_t * table_row_new (table_t * t) { table_row_t *out; return_val_if_fail (t != NULL, NULL); out = static_cast (scalloc (sizeof (table_row_t), 1)); node_add (out, node_create (), &t->rows); return out; } /* * table_cell_associate * * Associates a cell with a row. * * Inputs: * - row to add cell to. * * Outputs: * - nothing * * Side Effects: * - none */ void table_cell_associate (table_row_t * r, const char *name, const char *value) { table_cell_t *c; return_if_fail (r != NULL); return_if_fail (name != NULL); return_if_fail (value != NULL); c = static_cast (scalloc (sizeof (table_cell_t), 1)); c->name = sstrdup (name); c->value = sstrdup (value); node_add (c, node_create (), &r->cells); } /* * table_render * * Renders a table. This is a two-pass operation, the first one to find out * the width of each cell, and then the second to render the data. * * Inputs: * - a table * - a callback function * - opaque data * * Outputs: * - none * * Side Effects: * - a callback function is called for each row of the table. */ void table_render (table_t * t, void (*callback) (const char *line, void *data), void *data) { node_t *n; table_row_t *f; size_t bufsz = 0; char *buf = NULL; char *p; int i; return_if_fail (t != NULL); return_if_fail (callback != NULL); f = (table_row_t *) t->rows.head->data; LIST_FOREACH (n, t->rows.head) { table_row_t *r = (table_row_t *) n->data; node_t *n2, *rn; /* we, uhh... we don't provide a macro for dealing with two lists at once ;) */ for (n2 = r->cells.head, rn = f->cells.head; n2 != NULL && rn != NULL; n2 = n2->next, rn = rn->next) { table_cell_t *c, *rc; size_t sz; c = (table_cell_t *) n2->data; rc = (table_cell_t *) rn->data; if ((sz = strlen (c->name)) > (size_t) rc->width) rc->width = sz; if ((sz = strlen (c->value)) > (size_t) rc->width) rc->width = sz; } } /* now total up the result. */ LIST_FOREACH (n, f->cells.head) { table_cell_t *c = (table_cell_t *) n->data; bufsz += c->width + 1; } buf = static_cast (smalloc (bufsz)); *buf = '\0'; /* start outputting the header. */ callback (asobject (t)->name, data); LIST_FOREACH (n, f->cells.head) { table_cell_t *c = (table_cell_t *) n->data; char fmtbuf[12]; char buf2[1024]; /* dynamically generate the format string based on width. */ snprintf (fmtbuf, 12, n->next != NULL ? "%%-%ds " : "%%s", c->width); snprintf (buf2, 1024, fmtbuf, c->name); strlcat (buf, buf2, bufsz); } callback (buf, data); *buf = '\0'; /* separator line */ p = buf; LIST_FOREACH (n, f->cells.head) { table_cell_t *c = (table_cell_t *) n->data; if (n->next != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < c->width; i++) *p++ = '-'; *p++ = ' '; } else for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen (c->name); i++) *p++ = '-'; } *p = '\0'; callback (buf, data); *buf = '\0'; LIST_FOREACH (n, t->rows.head) { table_row_t *r = (table_row_t *) n->data; node_t *n2, *rn; for (n2 = r->cells.head, rn = f->cells.head; n2 != NULL && rn != NULL; n2 = n2->next, rn = rn->next) { table_cell_t *c, *rc; char fmtbuf[12]; char buf2[1024]; c = (table_cell_t *) n2->data; rc = (table_cell_t *) rn->data; /* dynamically generate the format string based on width. */ snprintf (fmtbuf, 12, n2->next != NULL ? "%%-%ds " : "%%s", rc->width); snprintf (buf2, 1024, fmtbuf, c->value); strlcat (buf, buf2, bufsz); } callback (buf, data); *buf = '\0'; } /* separator line */ p = buf; LIST_FOREACH (n, f->cells.head) { table_cell_t *c = (table_cell_t *) n->data; if (n->next != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < c->width; i++) *p++ = '-'; *p++ = ' '; } else for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen (c->name); i++) *p++ = '-'; } *p = '\0'; callback (buf, data); *buf = '\0'; } /* vim:cinoptions=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}0,^0,=s,ps,t0,c3,+s,(2s,us,)20,*30,gs,hs * vim:ts=8 * vim:sw=8 * vim:noexpandtab */